 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 rhenium Re レニウム
2 access legislation (re: CBD) アクセス法(CBD関連)
3 appended table … (Re: Art. … ) 別表第…(第…条関係)
4 exhaust gas re-circulation 排ガス再循環
5 Haneda Airport Re-Expansion Project 東京国際空港再拡張事業
6 high growth re-assortment 高増殖リアソートメント
7 in dubil pro re 疑わしきは被告人の利益に
8 public reporting on the state of re-employment of former Ministry officials 再就職状況の公表(退職した職員に係る)
9 re-allocation of capital and labour across economic sectors 経済セクター全体にわたる資本と労働力の再配分
10 re-appeal from an appeal from a ruling 再抗告
11 re-chargeable battery 充電式電池
12 re-enter 再入国する
13 re-entry 再入国
14 re-establish 再定着
15 re-examination 再審査
16 re-examine 見直し
17 re-forestation and afforestation of hill tops, hill slopes and mountainous areas 丘陵の頂上と斜面及び山岳地帯の再植林と新規植林
18 re-marriage 再婚
19 re-meandered 再び蛇行させる
20 re-opened 再活動した
21 re-procurement value 再調達価額
22 re-root canal treatment 再根管治療
23 re-sprouting plant 再発芽植物
24 Re-style Re-style
25 steriliser re-qualification 滅菌器再適格性評価
26 summary basis of re-examination SBR 新医薬品再審査概要 再審査概要
27 3-year Regulatory Reform Promotion Plan (re-amended) 規制改革推進3ヶ年計画(再改正)