deposit received account
deposit received for guarantee
deposit received from employee
deposit received on sale
deposit refund system
deposit requirement
deposit requiring advance notice for withdrawal
deposit reserve ratio
deposit run
deposit share
deposit slip
deposit system
deposit taking business
deposit through deduction from monthly pay
deposit ticket
deposit to be relent to a third party
deposit transfer
deposit under a fictitious name
deposit war
deposit window
deposit with cash prize
deposit with depository
deposit with fixed maturity date
deposit with landlord
deposit with other bank
deposit with the Bank of Japan
deposit with the central bank
deposit withdrawal
deposit-bearing super account
deposit-gathering company
deposit-interest deregulation
deposit-taking business
deposit-taking institutions
deposit-to-loan ratio
depositary agreement
depositary assets
depositary bank
depositary correspondent bank
depositary organization
depositary receipt
depositary receipts
depositary security
depositary shares
depositary shares having a liquidation preference of $XX per depositary share
depositary trust company
deposited article
deposited money
deposited securities
deposited stock certificate
depositor confidence
depositor protection
depository agreement
depository and book-entry transfer system for stocks
depository bank
depository correspondent
depository correspondent bank
depository institution
depository instruments with commodity-linked components
depository organization
depository period
depository receipt
depository shares
depository shares having a liquidation preference of $XX per depository share
deposits and guarantees
deposits and savings
deposits as a percentage of financial assets
deposits at credit co-operatives
deposits at interest with banks
deposits at notice
deposits at post offices
deposits by banking business
deposits exceeding the statutory maximum of 10 million Yen will no longer be protected
deposits for liquidity
deposits for tax payment
deposits for tax payments
deposits from customers
deposits from deposit money banks
deposits from other banks
deposits held for regulatory or monetary control purposes
deposits in BOJ accounts
deposits in Bank of Japan current accounts
deposits in the banking system
deposits of Yen XX or less
deposits of funds of national annuities
deposits of more than Yen XX
deposits of welfare insurance special accounts
deposits of which amount is equivalent to the import guarantee money deposited with the Bank of Japan
deposits or progress payments paid or received
deposits paid on construction work
deposits paid to trade creditors
deposits received
deposits received for guarantee
deposits received from employees
deposits that you can withdraw upon demand
deposits with Trust Fund Bureau
deposits with Zenshinren
deposits with affiliated organizations
deposits with agencies
deposits with agents
deposits with financial institutions increase or decrease
deposits with no fixed maturity
deposits with public utility corporations
deposits with short maturities
deposits with the Bank of Japan
deposits with the Japan Earthquake Reinsurance Company
depreciable amount
depreciable amount of a depreciable asset
depreciable amount of the land
depreciable and amortizable assets
depreciable asset
depreciable asset base
depreciable assets
depreciable cost
depreciable leased assets
depreciable life
depreciable property
depreciable property for non-business
depreciable property used in business
depreciable value
depreciated cost
depreciated original cost
depreciated replacement cost
depreciated replacement cost method of calculation
depreciated value
depreciating RMB
depreciating asset
depreciating collateral value
depreciating yen
depreciation account
depreciation accounting
depreciation adequacy
depreciation adjustment
depreciation allocation methods
depreciation allowance
depreciation allowance under a hire purchase contract
depreciation allowances
depreciation allowances available in tax computations
depreciation amounts
depreciation and amortization
depreciation and amortization charges
depreciation and amortization expense
depreciation and amortization of premises and equipment
depreciation and special tools amortization
depreciation assets
depreciation base
depreciation burden
depreciation by depreciation rate
depreciation calculation
depreciation capital recovery
depreciation charge
depreciation charges in financial statements
depreciation charges will be high
depreciation cost
depreciation deducted for tax purposes in excess of depreciation recorded on the books
depreciation deduction
depreciation expense
depreciation expenses are allowed in the rate base
depreciation fund
depreciation if accelerated method used
depreciation if straightline method used
depreciation in excess of the limit
depreciation in sterling
depreciation in the market values of the shares
depreciation in the yen
depreciation insurance
depreciation is not provided for until after the entire construction work is completed
depreciation is provided on groups of property using the accelerated method
depreciation method
depreciation method change
depreciation method selected
depreciation methods used
depreciation of a currency
depreciation of a leased-back asset
depreciation of assets held under finance leases
depreciation of building
depreciation of currency
depreciation of currency value
depreciation of deposit by inflation
depreciation of dollar
depreciation of fixed assets
depreciation of fixed capital
depreciation of owned and leased assets
depreciation of owned assets
depreciation of property and equipment
depreciation of ship costs
depreciation of sterling
depreciation of the Canadian dollar against European currencies
depreciation of the Deutschemark versus the U.S. dollar
depreciation of the RMB against the US dollar
depreciation of the currency
depreciation of the dollar
depreciation of the real exchange rate
depreciation of the yen
depreciation of time value
depreciation of yen
depreciation on a bond issue
depreciation on assets
depreciation on obsolete assets
depreciation on property
depreciation period
depreciation policy
depreciation policy used in the financial statements of a company
depreciation profile
depreciation rate
depreciation rates for current and future accounting periods
depreciation ratio
depreciation recovery for the year
depreciation reserve
depreciation reserve ratio
depreciation reserves
depreciation rule
depreciation standards
depreciation tax deduction schedule
depreciation transfer
depreciation unit
depreciation-inflation spiral
depreciation/fixed assets relationship
depressed activity in user industries
depressed city
depressed commercial real estate markets
depressed commodity prices
depressed consumer confidence
depressed demand
depressed earnings
depressed economic environments
depressed economy
depressed industries
depressed labor market conditions
depressed labour market conditions
depressed level of a year ago
depressed markets
depressed oil prices
depressed price
depressed prices
depressed profit margins
depressed property markets
depressed real-estate market
depressed sales and earnings growth
depressed stock price
depressing effect on the economy
depressing ruins
depression cartel
depression economics
depression in the 1930s
depression of business
depressionary interwar period
deprival value
depth and breadth of major currency interbank lines
depth and duration of the US recession
depth interview
depth of market
depth of presence around the world
depth of products mix
depth of recession
depth of the market
depth of the secondary market for servicing
depth psychology
deputization theory
deputy budget director AA
deputy comptroller
deputy governors
deputy manager
derail the recovery
derecognition and disposal
derecognition approach
derecognition criteria
derecognition issues
deregulated interest rate
deregulated interest rate product
deregulated markets
deregulating financial market
deregulating policy decisions
deregulation / globalization
deregulation and resulting competition
deregulation has not yet fully run its course
deregulation in the wireless telephone market
deregulation in transport industry
deregulation induced competition
deregulation is taking its toll
deregulation measures
deregulation of brokerage commissions
deregulation of finance
deregulation of financial and capital market
deregulation of financial markets
deregulation of interest rates
deregulation of oil prices
deregulation of rate-making
deregulation of the financial market
deregulation program
deregulation promotion plan
deregulation proposals
deregulatory winds in the financial sectors
derivation of revenue
derivative action
derivative and foreign exchange contracts
derivative and foreign exchange products
derivative assets
derivative contracts
derivative demand
derivative deposit
derivative evidence
derivative exposures
derivative feature
derivative financial instrument
derivative financial instruments with settlement options
derivative financial products
derivative fund managers
derivative income
derivative instrument
derivative instruments not qualifying as end-user positions
derivative lawsuit
derivative liabilities
derivative market
derivative money
derivative mortgage product
derivative of n-th order
derivative operation
derivative pass-through securities market
derivative portfolio
derivative positions
derivative product
derivative product company
derivative product markets
derivative products subsidiary
derivative securities
derivative specialist
derivative suit
derivative trading positions
derivative transaction
derivative transactions are made
derivative type contract
derivative work
derivative-based loan with a zero coupon
derivative-based structure
derivatives activities
derivatives activity
derivatives arm
derivatives book
derivatives claimants
derivatives expertise
derivatives industry
derivatives market
derivatives obligations
derivatives of securities related to trading transactions
derivatives of trading securities
derivatives of trading securities assets
derivatives on the FTSE indices
derivatives operations
derivatives origination and structuring group
derivatives other than for trading-assets
derivatives other than for trading-liabilities
derivatives portfolio
derivatives product companies
derivatives subsidiary
derivatives that depended on the value of the Japanese stock market
derive from the asset
derived by direct observation
derived cost
derived demand
derived demand advertising
derived demand coming from overseas orders for products
derived from
derived function
derived income
derived measurement
deriving demand curves
desalination plants
descendants of the feudal barons
descending curve
descending line
descending order
descending tops
descending triangle
descending triangle pattern
descent of spreads
describable meaning
description of business
description of principal activities
description of repos
descriptive analyses
descriptive business science
descriptive data
descriptive decision theory
descriptive economics
descriptive financial statements
descriptive function
descriptive information
descriptive labeling
descriptive model
descriptive part
descriptive part of new trade theory
descriptive science
descriptive statistics
deseasonalized data
design and administration
design and operation of internal control
design and regular production
design and technology fee
design basis
design changes
design development
design fee
design improvements
design innovation
design law
design logic
design management
design matrix
design of a questionnaire
design of an entity
design of controls
design of experiments
design of innovative structured assets
design of internal control
design of swaps
design patent
design phase
design policy
design review
design right
design right account
design standard
design team
designated account
designated account with tax withholding
designated bid
designated bidding
designated bidding system
designated brokers
designated city
designated clearing participant
designated contract
designated countries
designated currency
designated deposit
designated deposits in foreign currency
designated direct participant
designated disputes settlement organization
designated domestic deposits
designated event
designated exchange
designated financial institution
designated form
designated fund
designated futures contracts
designated goals
designated hedged item
designated independent unit
designated industrial zone
designated large holder
designated large purchaser
designated limited liability partner
designated market-maker scheme
designated money in trust
designated nominee
designated non-money trust fund
designated partner
designated securities
designated settlement time of 13:00
designated settlement time of 15:00
designated settlement time of 17:00
designated settlement time of 9:00
designated statistics
designated stock
designated subsidiaries
designated successor
designated tax havens
designated time net settlement
designated trading
designated vegetable production area
designated-time settlement
designation as hedging instrument
designation for transfer
designation of a dealer
designation of accounting period
designation of business year
designation of hedges
designation of previously recognized financial instruments
designation of security
designation of the place for tax payment
designer stock
designing and building heavy industrial and process plants
designing government redistribution programs appropriately
designing of strategy
designing of the policy
desirability of a project
desirability of limited exposure
desirable outcome
desire for political freedom
desire for profits
desire to actually be involved in difficult international issues
desire to appease Wall Street
desire to attain pleasure
desire to move
desired accounting outcome
desired behavior
desired cash balance
desired characteristics
desired distribution of income
desired goods
desired investment
desired level
desired level of output
desired objectives
desired profit
desired reserves
desk check
desk-top analysis
desktop support system
desktop-based dialogue
despatch money
despatch note
desperate turnaround crisis
destabilising capital flows
destabilising political environment
destabilizing capital flows
destabilizing exchange rate speculation
destabilizing political environment
destabilizing speculation
destiny of the Chinese islands
destiny of the world economy
destocking of inventories
destruction by explosives
destruction by explosives caused by gross negligence
destruction by explosives caused by negligence
destruction by explosives caused by negligence in the conduct of business
destruction of a boundary
destruction of a private document
destruction of a private electromagnetic record
destruction of a public document
destruction of a public electromagnetic record
destruction of a seal
destruction of a structure resulting in death/bodily injury
destruction of a thing
destruction of a vessel resulting in death/bodily injury
destruction of asset
destruction of environment
destruction of human capital through unemployment
destructive disposition
destructive inspection
desulfurization of gas oil
detachable stock warrant
detachable warrant
detached employees
detail account
detail checking
detail design
detail file
detailed account form
detailed analysis
detailed audit
detailed audit report
detailed breakdown of the charges
detailed budget
detailed check
detailed classification
detailed decisions
detailed enforcement regulations
detailed granular knowledge
detailed information
detailed interview
detailed knowledge
detailed negotiations
detailed product-line breakdowns
detailed quota reference numbers
detailed requirement
detailed rules
detailed simulation
detailed site analysis
detailed specifications
detailed statement
details around the company
details of account
details of agency agreement
details of any investment
details of distribution
details of investment projects
details of its November refunding
details of movements
details of the accounting treatment adopted
details of the assets held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts
details of the beneficiary
details of the general terms and conditions of business
details of the issue will be circulated to shareholders
details of which basis apply
detection of fraud
detection of virus and protection
detection risk
deter the act
deteriorated assets
deteriorated credit standing
deteriorated house
deteriorating asset quality
deteriorating export markets
deteriorating financial conditions
deteriorating inflow
deteriorating loan books
deteriorating macro economic outlook
deteriorating polyester markets
deteriorating quality of orders won
deteriorating relative performance
deteriorating risk
deteriorating term of trade
deterioration and decay
deterioration in asset quality
deterioration in balance sheets
deterioration in credit quality
deterioration in credit quality necessary to trigger the wind down
deterioration in credit worthiness
deterioration in domestic asset quality
deterioration in domestic risk
deterioration in earnings
deterioration in inflation expectations
deterioration in loan demand
deterioration in operating results
deterioration in quality
deterioration in the business climate index
deterioration in the operating results and in the financial position
deterioration in the quality of earnings
deterioration in the quality of schools
deterioration in the terms of trade
deterioration in the terms of trade due to the fall in the value of the yen
deterioration in the trade balance
deterioration in the trade deficit
deterioration in trade
deterioration of balance sheet ratios
deterioration of capacity
deterioration of credit quality
deterioration of employment growth
deterioration of financial conditions
deterioration of proceeds collection
deterioration of profits
deterioration of the economic health of financially leveraged companies
deterioration of the net debt to equity ratio
deterioration that would have otherwise occurred following the previous appreciation of the year
deteriorations in financial health
determinable amount
determinable approach
determinable cash flow
determinable from the aggregated data
determinable terms
determinant of consumption
determinant of control
determinant of growth
determinant of profitability
determinants of long-run economic growth
determinants of net exports
determinate outcome
determinate sentence
determination and daring
determination by estimate
determination date
determination date convention
determination of a capitalisation rate
determination of a capitalisation rate for a group of companies
determination of a capitalisation rate in the context of consolidated financial statements
determination of a capitalization rate
determination of a capitalization rate for a group of companies
determination of a capitalization rate in the context of consolidated financial statements
determination of acquisition cost
determination of commencement of bankruptcy procedure
determination of composition
determination of contract revenue and expenses
determination of cost behavior patterns
determination of dividend
determination of growth
determination of income by area of operations or class of products
determination of income by class of products
determination of materiality
determination of net income
determination of net realisable value
determination of net realizable value
determination of profit before taxation
determination of taxable year
determination of the depreciable amount of the buildings
determination of the necessary adjustments
determination of the reportable segment
determination of which segments are reportable
determination source
determine auction results
determined drive against tax evasion
determining factor
determining factor of success or failure
determining fair value
determining gross margin provides a way to distinguish between variable and fixed costs
determining materiality for capitalization of interest cost
determining profit or loss
determining profit or loss for the year
determining the accounting periods
determining the amounts at which material items should be stated in the balance sheet
determining the impact on profits
determining the necessary adjustments
determining the order in which to include dilutive instruments
determining the substance of transactions
determining whether an arrangement contains a lease
determining whether an asset has been abandoned
deterministic model
deterministic simulation model
deterrent effect
deterrent effect in discouraging violations of the Anti-Monopoly Act
detrimental for
detrimental new tariffs
detrimental to society
detrimental to the global economy
devaluation is considered out of the question
devaluation of government bonds
devaluation of sterling
devaluation of the Mexican peso
devaluation of the currency
devaluation of the dollar
devaluation of the franc
devaluation of the official rate
devaluation of the peseta
devaluation of the pound
devaluation risk
devaluation scare
devaluation worry
devalued currencies
devalued dollar
devastated area
devastating effect
devastating fall in earnings multiples
devastating impacts
devastating slap
devastation of war
develop an audit plan
develop and import scheme
develop probabilities
develop scenarios
develop-and-import scheme
developed countries
developed country
developed democracies
developed economies
developed economy
developed economy markets
developed industrial countries
developed market
developed modern economy
developed world
developers from Hong Kong
developing and transition countries
developing areas
developing capital market infrastructure
developing corporate senility
developing countries
developing countries with debt servicing problems
developing country
developing country with high rates of return on domestic investment
developing debtor
developing economy
developing environments
developing nation
developing regions
developing world
development activities
development agent
development aid
development and enforcement of policies and procedures
development and introduction cycles for major technologies
development and marketing of new products
development area
development assistance
development banking arm of the World Bank
development capital
development charges
development control
development cost
development cost of residential site
development cycle
development economics
development economists
development expenditure
development expense
development expense account
development expenses
development finance
development fund
development gap
development land tax
development landbank
development lending
development model
development of Siberian raw materials
development of Tier II capital
development of a European capital market
development of a business strategy
development of a capability
development of a close partnership with agent
development of a conceptual framework
development of a domestic market
development of a new market
development of a profitable structure of assets and liabilities
development of better fertilizers
development of business opportunities
development of capital-intensive industries
development of distribution
development of distribution channel
development of faculty
development of high management potential people
development of independent rating agencies
development of individuals inside the firm
development of knowledge
development of power resources
development of resources
development of smaller industrial nations
development of technology
development of the US framework
development of the average debt level
development of the cable-TV market
development of the laser
development of the market
development of the new organization and the progress which it is making
development of the organization
development of the product
development of trade
development of values
development of venture business
development path
development period
development phase
development philosophy
development plan
development policies
development policy
development process
development profits
development program
development programs
development projects
development prospects
development regulation
development research
development risks
development schedule
development staff
development stage
development stage enterprise
development strategy
development theorist
development time
development well
development-and-import formula
development-stage enterprise
developmental economist
developmental stage
developments in employment and unemployment
developments in final demand
developments in the financial and capital markets
developments in the labor market
developments in the labour market
developments so far
deviate from
deviation IQ
deviation from specifications
deviation from the mean
deviation rate
deviation score
deviations of output from trend
device to gain financial market recognition
device to generate economic efficiency
devolution of responsibility
devoting resources to education
devout man of wealth
diagnosis of the European problem
diagnosis-related group
diagnostic assessment tool
diagnostic business
diagnostic phase
diagnostic tool
diagonal diversification
diagonal dominance
diagonal element
diagonal matrix
diagonal method
diagonal model
diagonal spread
diagonalization of quadratic form
diagram system
diagrammatic analysis
dialectic between the business enterprise and the state
dialectic of nature
dialectical precision
dialogue CM
dialogue and engagement
dialogue process
diametrically opposed viewpoints
diamond formation
diamond in the rough
diary method
diary on securities market
dichotomous choice
dichotomous variable
dicing saw
dictatorial rule
dictatorship of the proletariats
die expense
diesel engine
diesel engine plant
diet majority party
diet members
diet problem
dietary supplements
diff swap
diff swap market
difference account
difference among issues
difference amount
difference arising from the disposal of treasury shares
difference attributed to conversions of cash and cash equivalents
difference between A and B
difference between allowed treatments