1 |
nanometer |
nm |
ナノメートル |
2 |
A Community Model Project of a Virtuous Circle for Environment and Economy ("Heisei Mahoroba (Utopia)" Community Creation Project) |
環境と経済の好循環のまちモデル事業(「平成のまほろば」まちづくり事業) |
3 |
A Guide for Quality Assurance concerning Environmental Measurement of Dioxins (for Bioassays) |
ダイオキシン類の環境測定に係る精度管理の手引き(生物検定法) |
4 |
A Society with an Environmentally Sound Material Cycle--- A New Age of Less Disposal and More Utilization of Materials |
循環社会-捨てずに生かす新時代 |
5 |
abandonment |
遺棄 |
6 |
abandonment |
廃棄 |
7 |
Abridged and Illustrated for Easy Understanding Annual Report on the Environment in Japan |
図で見る環境白書 |
8 |
abundant human resources for environmental protection |
環境保全に携わる豊富な人材 |
9 |
achieve a balance between the environment and economy |
環境と経済の両立を達成する |
10 |
achievement rate of the Environmental Quality Standards |
環境基準達成率 |
11 |
achievement status of environmental quality standard |
環境基準達成状況 |
12 |
Acid Deposition and Oxidant Research Center of the Japan Environmental Sanitation Center |
(財)日本環境衛生センター・酸性雨研究センター |
13 |
Act concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Historic Natural Features and Improvement of the Life Environment in Asuka Village |
明日香村における歴史的風土の保存及び生活環境の整備等に関する特別措置法 |
14 |
Act of 15 June 2001 No. 79 relating to the protection of the environment in Svalbard |
スヴァールバル諸島の環境の保護に関する2001年6月15日付法律第79号 |
15 |
Action Plan for Global Environmental Problems |
地球環境問題に関する行動計画 |
16 |
Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Government Operations |
Action Plan |
政府がその事務及び事業に関し温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のため実行すべき措置について定める計画 |
政府の実行計画 |
17 |
Action Plan for Greening Government Operations |
国の事業者・消費者としての環境保全に向けた取組の率先実行のための行動計画 |
率先実行計画 |
18 |
Action Plan for the Human Environment |
環境国際行動計画 |
19 |
Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region |
Northwest Pacific Action Plan; NOWPAP |
北西太平洋地域海行動計画 |
20 |
Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region |
Northwest Pacific Action Plan, NOWPAP |
北西太平洋の海洋環境の保護、管理及び開発のための行動計画 |
北西太平洋地域海行動計画; NOWPAP |
21 |
Activities of Environmental NGOs |
環境NGOの活動 |
22 |
activity of environmental conservation |
環境保全行動 |
23 |
actual work (in the environment) |
実践 |
24 |
Ad Hoc Commission on Global Environment in the Twenty-first Century |
21世紀地球環境懇話会 |
25 |
Ad Hoc Group on Global Environmental Problems |
地球的規模の環境問題に関する懇談会 |
26 |
adaptation to environmental change |
環境の変動への適応 |
27 |
adapted to the environment |
環境対応型 |
28 |
additional environmental information |
環境付加情報 |
29 |
Additional Guidelines for Non-Governmental Organizations at the South Pole |
南極点を訪れる非政府系団体のための追加ガイドライン |
30 |
Advisor, Environmental Information Center |
(財)環境情報普及センター顧問 |
31 |
Aeon Group Environment Foundation |
イオングループ環境財団 |
32 |
afforested land by government sharing (forest) agreement |
官行造林地 |
33 |
African Ministerial Conference on Environment |
アフリカ環境大臣会議 |
34 |
agreeable environment |
快適な環境 |
35 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Australia for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds in Danger of Extinction, and Their Environment |
渡り鳥及び絶滅のおそれのある鳥類並びにその環境の保護に関する日本国政府とオーストラリア政府との間の協定 |
日豪渡り鳥協定 |
36 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Australia for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds in Danger of Extinction, and Their Environment (Convention No. 3 of 1981) |
渡り鳥及び絶滅のおそれのある鳥類並びにその環境の保護に関する日本国政府とオーストラリア政府との間の協定(昭56条約3) |
日豪渡り鳥協定 |
37 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection |
環境の保護の分野における協力に関する日本国政府とドイツ連邦共和国政府との間の協定 |
日独環境保護協力協定 |
38 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Their Environment |
JCMBA, Japan-China Migratory Bird Agreement |
渡り鳥及びその生息環境の保護に関する日本国政府と中華人民共和国政府との間の協定 |
日中渡り鳥協定、日中渡り鳥保護協定 |
39 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection |
環境の保護の分野における協力に関する日本国政府と中華人民共和国政府との間の協定 |
日中環境保護協力協定 |
40 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection |
環境の保護の分野における協力に関する日本国政府と大韓民国政府との間の協定 |
日韓環境保護協力協定 |
41 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection |
環境の保護の分野における協力に関する日本国政府とソヴィエト社会主義共和国連邦政府との間の協定 |
日ソ環境保護協力協定 |
42 |
Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection |
環境の保護の分野における協力に関する日本国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府との間の協定 |
日米環境協力協定 |
43 |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada on Air Quality |
大気質に関するアメリカ合衆国とカナダとの間の協定 |
米加大気質協定 |
44 |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Prevention of Pollution of the Environment in the Arctic |
北極における環境汚染の防止協力に関する米ロ協定 |
米ロ北極環境協力協定 |
45 |
agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental protection |
環境保護協力協定 |
46 |
Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection between the Government of the U.S.A. and the Government of the U.S.S.R. |
米ソ環境保護協定 |
47 |
Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
環境の保護の分野における協力に関するアメリカとソ連の間の協定 |
米ソ環境協力協定 |
48 |
agreement on environmental pollution control |
公害防止協定 |
49 |
agricultural environment |
営農環境 |
50 |
agricultural environmental indexes |
農業環境指標 |
51 |
agricultural price support by government |
農産物行政価格 |
52 |
Agricultural Village Reinvigoration Residential Environment Development Project |
農村活性化住環境整備事業 |
53 |
Aiming at a Virtuous Circle for Environment and Economy |
環境と経済の好循環を目指して |
54 |
Air Environment Division |
大気環境課 |
55 |
air environment monitoring |
大気環境モニタリング |
56 |
Airport Environment Improvement Foundation |
空港環境整備協会 |
57 |
Akwe:Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to take place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities |
原住民の社会及び地域社会が伝統的に占有または利用してきた神聖な場所、土地及び水域での実施が提案されている開発及び当該場所及び水域に影響を及ぼす可能性のある開発に関する文化的、環境的、社会的な影響評価に関するアグウェイ・グー自主ガイドライン |
58 |
alignment |
芯出し |
59 |
allocation of national taxes to local governments |
地方交付税措置 |
60 |
ambient environment |
一般環境 |
61 |
Amendment of Environmental Quality Standards for Aircraft Noise |
航空機騒音に係る環境基準の改正 |
62 |
An Environmentally Advanced Nation Shapes a New Era |
新時代を築く環境の国づくり |
63 |
Analytical Report - 3rd National survey on the Natural Environment, Analysis Edition |
第3回自然環境保全基礎調査 総合解析報告書解析編 |
64 |
Annual Report on the Environment for Children |
こども環境白書 |
65 |
Annual Report on the Environment in FY 2004 |
平成16年度環境状況 |
66 |
APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange |
APEC環境技術交流バーチャルセンター |
67 |
application for an environmental impact assessment licence |
環境影響評価に関する免許の申請 |
68 |
application for environmental easement |
環境地役権の申請 |
69 |
appointment of environmental inspectors |
環境検査官の任命 |
70 |
approval of the regional environmental pollution control programs |
公害防止計画についての同意 |
71 |
aquatic environment |
水環境 |
72 |
aquatic environment partnership |
水環境パートナーシップ |
73 |
Area Lighting Environmental Plan |
地域照明環境計画 |
74 |
area that has special environmental significance for native wildlife |
在来野生生物にとって環境上特に重要な地域 |
75 |
Aroma Environment Association of Japan |
(社)日本アロマ環境協会 |
76 |
ascertainment |
確知 |
77 |
ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers Meeting |
ASEAN + 3環境大臣会合 |
78 |
ASEAN Working Group on Environmentally Sustainable Cities |
アセアン環境的に持続可能な都市に関する作業部会 |
79 |
ASEM Environment Ministers Meeting |
ASEM環境大臣会合 |
80 |
Asia-Europe Environmental Technology Centre |
アジア欧州環境技術センター |
81 |
Asian efforts to address global environmental issues |
地球規模の環境問題へのアジアの取組 |
82 |
Asian Mayors’ Policy Dialogue for the Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) in Cities |
アジアの市長による環境的に持続可能な交通に関する国際会議 |
83 |
Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy |
アジア太平洋環境イノベーション戦略 |
84 |
Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) Project |
APEIS Project |
アジア太平洋環境イノベーション戦略プロジェクト |
85 |
Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy Project |
アジア太平洋地域環境イノベーション戦略 |
86 |
Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development |
アジア太平洋環境開発フォーラム |
87 |
Asia-Pacific International Conference on Environmental Education |
アジア太平洋環境教育国際会議 |
88 |
Asia-Pacific Symposium on Environmental Education |
アジア太平洋環境教育シンポジウム |
89 |
Assessing the Risk of Chemical Compounds in the Environment and Their Effects on the Next Generation and Studying Measures to Cope with the Risk |
環境中の複合化学物質による次世代影響リスクの評価とリスク対応支援に関する研究 |
90 |
assessment of the amount of funds needed for the implementation of the Convention for the sixth replenishment period of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund |
地球環境ファシリティ(GEF)信託基金の第6次増資期間における条約実施に必要な資金額の評価 |
91 |
assignment |
譲渡 |
92 |
assignment |
任務 |
93 |
assignment |
任用 |
94 |
Association of German Manufacturers of Environmentally Compatible Learning Aids |
環境に調和する学習支援教材のドイツ製造者協会 |
95 |
Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies |
(社)国際環境研究協会 |
96 |
at the level of local government |
地方自治体レベルで |
97 |
atmospheric environment |
大気環境 |
98 |
Atmospheric Environment Committee |
大気環境部会 |
99 |
atmospheric environment monitoring station |
大気環境測定局 |
100 |
Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (nickname Soramame-kun) |
大気汚染物質広域監視システム(愛称:そらまめ君) |
101 |
attainment |
到達 |
102 |
Attainment of the EQS for Transportation Noise |
交通騒音に関する環境基準の達成状況 |
103 |
attainment rate |
達成率 |
104 |
authorized local share provided by general obligation bonds issued by prefectural or municipal government |
起債充当率 |
105 |
Automobile Recycling Technical Committee under the Central Environment Council and the Automobile Recycling Subcommittee under the Industrial Structure Council |
中央環境審議会自動車リサイクル専門委員会及び産業構造審議会自動車リサイクル小委員会 |
106 |
Awards for Excellent Local Governments in Amenity-Full Urban Planning |
アメニティあふれるまちづくり優良地方公共団体表彰 |
107 |
Bangkok Declaration on Environment and Health |
環境と保健に関するバンコク宣言 |
108 |
Basel Declaration on Environmentally Sound Management |
環境上適切な管理のためのバーゼル宣言 |
109 |
basic curriculum of the Studies of Environmental Monitoring of Dioxins |
ダイオキシン類環境モニタリング研修 (基礎課程) |
110 |
Basic Environment Law |
環境基本法 |
111 |
Basic Environment Plan |
環境基本計画 |
112 |
Basic Environment Plan for Cultural City of Sapporo |
「環境文化都市さっぽろ」をめざして札幌市環境基本計画 |
113 |
Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control |
公害対策基本法 |
114 |
Basic Plan for Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea |
瀬戸内海環境保全基本計画 |
115 |
Basic Plan for the Environmental Research Technology |
環境研究技術基本計画 |
116 |
Basic Policy for Natural Environment Conservation |
自然環境保全基本方針 |
117 |
Basic Policy on Conservation of the Natural Environment |
自然環境保全基本方針 |
118 |
Basic Research for Environmental Health Measures |
環境保健施策基礎調査 |
119 |
basic research on the future environment creation |
未来環境創造型基礎研究 |
120 |
Basic River Environment Management Plan |
河川環境管理基本計画 |
121 |
beautification of local environment |
地域環境美化 |
122 |
behavior in the environment |
環境中挙動 |
123 |
Beijing Declaration on Furthering the Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities |
陸上活動からの海洋環境の保護に関する世界行動計画の実施促進に関する北京宣言 |
124 |
best environmental practices |
環境のための最良の慣行 |
125 |
better environment |
より良い環境 |
126 |
Biological Diversity Topic Working Group/G-7 Information Society-Environment Resources Management Project |
G7情報社会「環境・天然資源管理プロジェクト」生物多様性トピックWG |
127 |
biological environment |
生物環境 |
128 |
Biological Environment and Wildlife Inventory Survey in the Northern Coastal Area of Red Sea |
北部紅海沿岸生物環境・生物インベントリー調査 |
129 |
biological environment map |
生物環境図 |
130 |
Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resource |
ブラジル環境・再生可能天然資源院 |
131 |
breakdown of the environment or taxonomic grouping |
環境又は分類群の内訳 |
132 |
bring forth environment-oriented economic growth and invigorate local communities |
環境から拓く経済成長・地域活性化を実現 |
133 |
build social and environmental resilience |
社会的、環境的な回復力を築く |
134 |
building a socio-economic system fostering environmentally sound material cycle |
循環を基調とする経済社会の実現 |
135 |
Building for environmental and economic sustainability method |
環境及び経済面での持続性のための建造物法 |
136 |
built environment |
建築環境 |
137 |
business environmental counselor |
事業者部門環境カウンセラー |
138 |
California Environmental Protection Agency |
カリフォルニア州環境保護庁 |
139 |
Campaign against Abandonment of Pet Animals |
ペット・外来生物遺棄防止キャンペーン |
140 |
campaign for environmentally friendly shopping |
環境にやさしい買い物キャンペーン |
141 |
Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment |
カナダ野生生物局 |
142 |
case studies on establishment of environmental management system |
システム構築事例集 |
143 |
Center for Environmental Information Science |
環境情報科学センター |
144 |
Center for Global Environmental Research |
地球環境研究センター |
145 |
Center for International Environmental Law |
国際環境法センター |
146 |
Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control |
中央公害対策審議会 |
147 |
Central Environment Council |
中央環境審議会 |
148 |
Central Environment Council Joint Committee on Nature Conservation and Wildlife |
中央環境審議会自然環境・野生生物合同部会 |
149 |
Central Environment Council Planning and Policy Committee |
中央環境審議会企画政策部会 |
150 |
Central Environment Council's Special Committee on a Taxation System for Global Warming Measures |
中央環境審議会地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会 |
151 |
central government |
中央政府 |
152 |
Centre for Science and Environment |
インド科学環境センター |
153 |
Chairman, Airport Environment Improvement Foundation |
(財)空港環境整備協会会長 |
154 |
Chairman, Subcommittee on Global Environment for Environment and Safety Committee of Japan Federation of Economic Organization |
(社)経済団体連合会環境安全委員会地球環境部会長 |
155 |
chair's conclusions of G8 Environmental Ministers Meeting |
G8環境大臣会合議長総括文書 |
156 |
Changes in the Attainment of the EQS for Nitrogen Dioxide |
二酸化窒素の環境基準達成状況の推移 |
157 |
Changes in the Attainment of the EQS for Suspended Particulate Matter |
浮遊粒子状物質の環境基準達成状況の推移 |
158 |
characteristics of the natural environment |
自然環境の特性 |
159 |
Charter Approval Conference for the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies |
地球環境戦略研究機関設立憲章採択会議 |
160 |
Charter of the Regional Forum on Environment and Health |
環境と保健閣僚級地域フォーラム憲章 |
161 |
Chemicals in the Environment |
化学物質と環境 |
162 |
Chemicals in the Environment, Report on Environmental Survey and Monitoring of Chemicals, FYxx |
平成xx年度版「化学物質環境実態調査--化学物質と環境」 |
163 |
Chief Executive Officer of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) |
地球環境ファシリティ(GEF)最高執行官 |
164 |
children's environment health |
小児の環境保健 |
165 |
Chongqing Environment Model City Project |
環境モデル都市事業(重慶) |
166 |
cities regenerated by environmental awareness |
環境の心で生まれ変わる都会 |
167 |
Citizen’s Guide for Understanding Chemicals in the Environment |
化学物質環境実態調査を読み解くための市民ガイドブック |
168 |
Citizen's College for Global Environment |
地球環境市民大学校 |
169 |
Citizens' Conference to Think about the Global Environment and Daylight Saving Time |
地球環境と夏時間を考える国民会議 |
170 |
City of Forest Environment Plan |
杜の都環境プラン |
171 |
civil environmental counselor |
市民部門環境カウンセラー |
172 |
Clarification of the Environmental Concerns Expressed in Paragraph 2 of the General Policies Chapter of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises |
多国籍企業行動指針の一般政策の章パラグラフ2に示された環境上の事項の解釈 |
OECD・多国籍企業行動指針解釈 |
173 |
cleaning up of environmental pollution |
環境汚染浄化 |
174 |
clear assignment of responsibility |
責任の明確な割り当て |
175 |
clear management policies that reflect its management principles, industry, business, scope and business environment |
業種、業態、規模、経営環境に応じた明確な経営方針 |
176 |
CLIMAT Lead Center |
CLIMATリードセンター |
177 |
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies |
環境に責任を持つ経済のための連合 |
178 |
coalition government |
連立政府 |
179 |
Coalition of Local Government for Environmental Initiative |
環境自治体会議 |
180 |
Coastal Environmental Development Project |
海岸環境整備事業 |
181 |
Coastal Environmental Information Service |
沿岸海域環境保全情報サービス |
182 |
Coastal Zone Environmental Sensitivity Index Map |
沿岸海域環境脆弱性指標図 |
183 |
collecting and analyzing environmental monitoring data |
環境観測データの収集解析 |
184 |
collection of data on the natural environment (1000 monitoring sites, etc.) |
自然環境データの整備(モニタリングサイト1000等) |
185 |
comfortable environment |
快適な環境 |
186 |
comfortable environment (amenities) |
快適な環境〈アメニティ) |
187 |
Commendations for Contributions in Environmental Conservation |
環境保全功労者等表彰 |
188 |
Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment report by Lead Agencies |
環境影響評価に対する主務機関のコメント |
189 |
Commission for Environmental Cooperation |
環境協力委員会 |
190 |
Commission on Environment and Economic Activities |
環境と経済活動に関する懇談会 |
191 |
Commission on Environmental Economy and Social Policy |
環境経済社会政策委員会 |
192 |
Commission on Environmental Law |
環境委員会 |
193 |
Committee for Environmental Protection |
環境保護委員会 |
194 |
Committee for Reviewing Systems for the Protection of Soil Environment |
土壌環境保全対策の制度のあり方に関する検討会 |
195 |
Committee for the Revision of JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (provisional name) |
JICA環境社会配慮ガイドライン(仮称)に関する改定委員会 |
196 |
Committee Member, Environment and Safety Committee of Japan Federation of Economic Organization |
(社)経済団体連合会環境安全委員会委員 |
197 |
Committee of the Waste Management of the Living Environment Council |
生活環境審議会廃棄物処理部会 |
198 |
Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection |
航空環境保全委員会 |
199 |
Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Development |
環境・天然資源開発委員会 |
200 |
Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development |
環境と持続可能な開発委員会 |
201 |
Committee on Marine Environment Quality |
海洋環境の質委員会 |
202 |
Committee on Revision of Environmental Reporting Guidelines |
環境報告書ガイドライン改訂検討会 |
203 |
Committee on the Waste Management and Recycling of the Central Environment Council |
中央環境審議会家電等リサイクル専門委員会 |
204 |
Committee on Trade and Environment |
貿易と環境に関する委員会 |
205 |
common approach on environment |
共通環境アプローチ |
206 |
common approach on the environment and export credits |
環境と輸出信用に関する共通アプローチ |
207 |
community development centering on the environment |
環境を核としたまちづくり |
208 |
community-based environmental conservation efforts |
地域発の環境保全活動 |
209 |
community-based environmental study |
地域密着型環境研究 |
210 |
company issuing environmental report |
環境報告書作成企業 |
211 |
comparative assertion of environmental superiority or improvement |
環境面での優越又は改善を比較した主張 |
212 |
compensation for environmental easements |
環境地役権の補償 |
213 |
Compiled by the Ministry of the Environment based on data from the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
国連気候変動枠組条約事務局資料より環境省作成 |
214 |
components, materials and work environment conditions |
構成部品、材料及び作業環境条件 |
215 |
composition of PCBs in the environment |
PCBの環境中の組成 |
216 |
comprehensive accounting system for environment |
包括的環境勘定体系 |
217 |
Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency |
住宅等に関する総合的な環境性能評価手法 |
218 |
Comprehensive Basic Environment Plan |
環境総合基本計画 |
219 |
Comprehensive environment study zone model project |
総合環境学習ゾーン・モデル事業 |
220 |
comprehensive environmental assessment system |
総合環境アセスメント制度 |
221 |
comprehensive environmental conservation efforts |
総合環境保全活動 |
222 |
comprehensive environmental education |
総合環境教育 |
223 |
comprehensive environmental evaluation |
包括的環境影響評価書 |
224 |
comprehensive environmental indicator |
総合的環境指標 |
225 |
Comprehensive Environmental Indicator Review Board |
総合的環境指標検討会 |
226 |
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act |
総合的環境対策・補償及び責務に関する法律 |
227 |
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act |
包括的環境対処補償責任法 |
スーパーファンド法 |
228 |
Comprehensive Environmental Safety Survey of Chemical Substances |
化学物質環境安全性総点検調査 |
229 |
Comprehensive Local Environment Plan |
地域環境総合計画 |
230 |
Comprehensive Promotion of Research, Monitoring and Technology Development for Global Environmental Conservation |
地球環境保全に関する調査研究、観測・監視及び技術開発の総合的推進について |
231 |
comprehensive regional environment plan |
総合的な地域環境計画 |
232 |
Computer Recycling Review Committee of the Ministry of the Environment |
環境省パソコンリサイクル検討会 |
233 |
concern for the environment |
環境に対する配慮 |
234 |
concerned governmental agency |
関連行政機関 |
235 |
conductive environment for |
〜にふさわしい環境 |
236 |
Conference for Research on the Evolution of the Ubiquitous Networked Society and the Environment |
ユビキタスネット社会の進展と環境に関する調査研究会 |
237 |
conference for the directors of local environmental research institutions |
地方環境試験研究機関等所長会議 |
238 |
conference on environmental conservation and pollution prevention |
環境保全・公害防止研究発表会 |
239 |
conference on environmental pollution control |
公害対策会議 |
240 |
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe: Final Act (Co-operation in the Field of Economics, of Science and Technology and the Environment, 5. Environment) |
CSCE(欧州安全保障協力会議)・ヘルシンキ最終議定書 |
CSCEヘルシンキ最終議定書 |
241 |
conservation of historical environments |
歴史的環境の保全 |
242 |
conservation of stockbreeding environment |
畜産環境保全 |
243 |
conservation of the atmospheric environment (not including the global atmospheric environment) |
大気環境の保全(地球規模の大気環境を除く) |
244 |
conservation of the global atmospheric environment |
地球規模の大気環境の保全 |
245 |
Conservation of the Global Environment |
地球環境の保全 |
246 |
conservation of the natural environment and promoting contact with nature |
自然環境の保全と自然とのふれあいの推進 |
247 |
conservation of water environment |
水環境保全 |
248 |
Conservation of Water, Soil and Ground Environments |
水環境、土壌環境、地盤環境の保全 |
249 |
conserving internationally valuable environment |
国際的に価値の高い環境の保護 |
250 |
consignment audit |
委託販売品監査 |
251 |
consignment contract agreement |
委託契約 |
252 |
consignment on-hand report |
積送品在庫報告書 |
253 |
consignment standard |
委託基準 |
254 |
consignment unit |
委託販売品 |
255 |
Consultation Group for the Promotion of Environmental Education and Environmental Learning |
環境教育・環境学習推進に関する協議会 |
256 |
consumption and investment with environmental considerations |
グリーン消費・投資 |
257 |
containment |
封じ込め |
258 |
contractual research involving environmental measurement of dioxins |
ダイオキシン類の環境測定を伴う請負調査 |
259 |
Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
気候変動に関する政府間パネルIPCC 第4 次評価報告書に対する第2 作業部会からの提案 |
260 |
Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
気候変動に関する政府間パネルIPCC 第4 次評価報告書に対する第3 作業部会からの提案 |
261 |
Convention between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds in Danger of Extinction, and Their Environment |
渡り鳥及び絶滅のおそれのある鳥類並びにその生息環境の保護に関する日本国政府とソヴィエト社会主義共和国連邦政府との間の条約 |
日ソ渡り鳥条約 |
262 |
Convention between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds in Danger of Extinction, and Their Environment |
渡り鳥及び絶滅のおそれのある鳥類並びにその環境の保護に関する日本国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府との間の条約 |
日米渡り鳥条約 |
263 |
Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration |
空気汚染、騒音及び振動に起因する作業環境における職業性の危害からの労働者の保護に関する条約 |
ILO・空気汚染・騒音・振動規制条約 |
264 |
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration |
"作業環境における大気汚染,騒音,振動などの危険から労働者を保護する条約" |
265 |
Convention for the Establishment of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization |
国際海事機関(IMO)条約 |
IMO条約 |
266 |
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic |
OSPAR Convention |
北東大西洋の海洋環境保護に関する条約 |
オスロ・パリ条約;OSPAR条約 |
267 |
Convention of the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region |
南太平洋地域の天然資源と環境の保護のための条約 |
南太平洋環境保護条約 |
268 |
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context |
越境環境影響評価条約 |
エスポ条約 |
269 |
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environment Modification Techniques |
環境改変技術の軍事目的使用禁止条約 |
270 |
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques |
環境改変技術の軍事的使用その他の敵対的使用の禁止に関する条約 |
環境改変技術敵対的使用禁止条約 |
271 |
Convention on the Protection of the Environment between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden |
環境の保護に関するデンマーク、フィンランド、ノルウェー、及びスウェーデンの間の条約 |
北欧環境保護条約 |
272 |
Convention on the Protection of the Environment between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden |
北欧四ヵ国環境保護協定 |
273 |
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area |
バルト海海洋環境保護条約 |
274 |
Conventions, agreements and treaties on environment |
環境に関する条約及び協定 |
275 |
Cooperative Fund for the Promotion of Forest Environment Development |
森林環境整備推進協力金 |
276 |
co-ordination and alignment of plans, monitoring and research |
計画、モニタリング及び研究の調整及び整合化 |
277 |
co-ordination and-alignment of biodiversity plans |
生物多様性計画の調整及び整合化 |
278 |
Council Directive 97/11/EC of the March 1997 amending Directive 85/337/EEC on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects on the Environment |
一定の公的及び私的事業の環境影響評価に関する欧州共同体理事会指令 |
EC・環境影響評価指令 |
279 |
Council of Ministers for Global Environment Conservation |
地球環境保全に関する関係閣僚会議 |
280 |
Council of Ministries and Agencies Concerned on the Promotion of the Basic Environment Plan |
環境基本計画推進関係省庁会議 |
281 |
Council of the Cabinet Office and Ministries Concerned with the Promotion of the Basic Environment Plan |
環境基本計画推進関係府省会議 |
282 |
Council on Environmental Quality |
環境問題諮問委員会 |
283 |
Council on Environmental Quality |
大統領府環境改善委員会(米国) |
284 |
Course for Trace Analysis of Toxic Metal in Environment (Indonesia) |
インドネシア環境中微量有害金属分析 |
285 |
crackdown on environmental offense |
環境犯罪の取締り |
286 |
Creating a System to Support an Environment Nation |
環境立国を支える仕組みづくり |
287 |
Creating an "Environment Nation, Japan" and Dispatching the Idea |
「環境立国・日本」の創造・発信 |
288 |
creation of a society with an environmentally-sound material cycle |
循環型社会形成 |
289 |
creation of an "environmentally advanced nation" (creation of a sustainable society) |
環境の国づくり(持続可能な社会の構築) |
290 |
creation of environmentally conscious community |
環境保全型の地域づくり |
291 |
creation of living environments with safe water and air |
安心して暮らすことのできる水・空気等の生活環境の創出 |
292 |
crime relating to environmental pollution |
公害罪 |
293 |
CSD/Intergovernmental Panel on Forests |
CSD/森林に関する政府間パネル |
294 |
cumulative environmental effect |
累積的な環境影響 |
295 |
Current Environmental Issues and Environmental Conservation Measures by the Government |
環境問題の現状及び政府が環境の保全に関して講じた施策 |
296 |
curriculum concerning the environmental monitoring of dioxins |
ダイオキシン類環境モニタリング研修カリキュラム |
297 |
cutting-edge environmental and energy technologies |
世界最先端の環境・エネルギー技術 |
298 |
cutting-edge environmental products |
最先端環境商品 |
299 |
Dalian Environment Model City Project |
環境モデル都市事業(大連) |
300 |
Dam Water Environment Improvement Project |
ダム水環境改善事業 |
301 |
data on the atmospheric environment |
大気環境データ |