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the sock-hop ennui   the softness of a carpet   the solution depends on doing   the son-of-a-bitching baker   the sooner the better   the sorrow that clings to life   the sort of family life   the sort of home sb should live in   the sort of nice surroundings that one have enjoyed with sb   the sort of place where new light or fresh air rarely enters   the sort of rubbishy overstatement   the sort of set attitudes that nearly kills sb   the sort of words used on TV shows   the sound bangs off the walls   the sound of a carpet sweeper being drawn back and forth over a rug   the sound of sandals slapped against the tiles of the hallway   the sound of the fans out back spinning around   the sound of the wind reminded me of breaking waves   the sound of waves is soothing and pleasant   the sound seems to come from everywhere at once   the sound that emerges was no intelligible human speech   the soundest fact   the sounds from the street   the source of sth   the spare room   the speaker who strikes in is sb   the spin-off from that glitch   the spires are reaching up to the clouds   the spit of flame and the soft thunk of the silencer   the sports roundup   the sportswear people   the spring flowers die away   the stab of an icepick   the stacks in a neat pile   the stage of practical application   the staircase is as still as Death   the stakes become high enough   the stalled feelings   the stance work like magic   the star performer in some circus troupe   the star student   the startled sb   the state of humanity   the station in the summer heat   the station wagon with Minnesota plates   the steady concussion of fastballs coming in 160-odd mph   the steaming volcanic crevices   the steel towers in left field   the stench of death   the stifling provincial towns of your childhood   the stirring strains   the stone faces showed as if they were in torment   the stop-and-go light   the stores have all stabilized   the storm can be seen reigning in supreme dominion   the story is total bullshit   the story is worse   the straight tip   the strain is showing   the strain of prolonged hardship is beginning to tell on sb   the strangest and most unique things   the strangest thing is happening   the stream is shallow   the streams   the street is deserted   the street is rutted and potholed   the street lamps burn cavernously bright   the street remains empty   the streets are badly lit   the strikeout is the only thing   the studio is filled with the rich odour of roses   the stuff of existence   the stupid sods   the subject   the subject can not be brought up   the subject on the table   the suburban sprawl of Kindle County   the suburbs   the sudden staccato sounds like beans popping   the sulkies sweep around the turn   the sultry grass   the summer evenings are still long   the sun breaks above the mountains   the sun breaks free of the clouds   the sun comes out from behind the tattering clouds   the sun has come out strong and golden   the sun is baking hot   the sun is blazing hot   the sun is breaking through   the sun is low and heavy   the sun is out   the sun is really very bright indeed   the sun set with dispatch   the sun shutters in and out of the clouds   the sun sink toward the horizon   the sun was hot   the sun was nearly set   the surer one become   the surgery has been a success   the surprising thing   the surrounding atmosphere brightens immeasurably   the sustain pedal   the sweat came back again   the sweater is old and motheaten   the sweet sickly smell of stale beer   the sweetest of all imaginable looks   the swimming hole   the swirling snow   the table covered with leather   the tactical unit   the talk and laughter of sb   the tall lamp post   the tall rocks loom   the tang of the sea   the taxi taking sb west   the tea ceremony   the teachers in charge   the tears and confusion just under the carefully maintained surface   the tears are running anywhere   the tears come at random and seemingly without reason   the tears of joy wash anxiety away   the teeth come in crooked   the teeth come together emptily with a sharp click   the teeth make a big grin   the telephone alone nearly drive sb mad   the telephone begin to ring   the telephone man   the temple of the spirit   the temptation is irresistible   the tendrils of dry warmth   the tension that grows in inverse proportion to sth   the tent meetings   the terrible knowledge is always before sb   the terrifying whip of the arm coming through   the tests are barely under way and already there is a name   the texture of it   the thickening snow   the thing is   the thing to do   the things in the room   the things one have done that day   the things that sb does not know   the thins is   the third bad year in a row   the third degree   the third-world union people   the thirties   the thought come to sb   the thought died at birth   the thought flickers through sb   the thought is more than one can bear   the thought of sb doing gives sb considerable anxiety   the thought of sth leaves one feeling worse   the thought of the call nags at sb   the thought scares the hell out of sb   the thought sends sb into a panic   the thought sours the close air and sb is sickened   the thrashing screws of the convoy   the thump of something falling   the ticket barrier   the tide have flowed a good deal farther   the tide of anger   the tide of war have begun to turn against us   the time clock before and after work   the time is running out   the time span of a wink   the times are all so weird   the tingle   the tiniest bit   the tiny number of mourners   the tipped plank   the tired body takes over completely   the tools are on the pegboard   the top of the staircase is gained   the top relief pitcher   the torpedoed ship   the toughest fighter   the town truck   the traffic have got lighter   the traffic was heavy   the train is clattering along the tracks   the transformed sb   the traveller fares slowly on his way   the tree have grown strong with age   the tree is a mass of yellow   the trees spring into leaf   the tremendous seas   the trick is to contrive the right moment   the trigonometric closing of lines   the tropical night is quickly descending   the trouble comes to full boil   the trouble gets worse   the trouble is   the trouble was   the true story begins to take shape for sb   the truth   the truth is   the truth is revealed and all is out in the open   the truth is too plain to deny   the truth of the matter   the truth of what happened   the truth would come out just the same   the truth?   the turmoil so common in the families of the successful   the turn of the twentieth century witnesses the rise of socialism   the twilight of sunrise   the twisted thought   the twisted thought has not come to sb of doing   the two halves moving apart   the two of them go at it again pretty good   the two stitches one have received have left a thin hairless line   the tying is inexpert   the tying is inexpert but thoroughly effective   the type who makes devoted wives   the type with the oversized fingerpads   the typical psychology of a given nation   the ultimate wish of a man in his last years   the unborn child invariably takes second place to the circumstances of the parents   the underemployment   the underprivileged   the uninitiated   the unintentionally mocking postscript   the universe is the mind of the Buddha   the unknowing   the unreliable nature of adult knowledge   the unusual experience of saying farewell   the unwary   the upper ranks of White House   the upshot of their whole exchange   the usual dissipated people in a cafe   the usual false faces   the usual form for written explanations   the usual insomniac mess   the usual street immunity   the usual thing   the vaguest sound of whispering   the various editors who give me the opportunity to grow as a writer   the vast bubblelike water container   the very boy whose sexual ambiguity so discomfort sb   the very figures of reason   the very forepeak of the ship   the very idea appals me   the very idea is ridiculous   the very image of sb   the very latest model   the very next instant   the very sight of the island   the very soul and essence of method   the vibrations of feet in contact with the ground forerun   the vice presidential office   the vicious dispositions of serpents   the vicious hypocrisy of the times   the view of sb   the views of sb are sought before wedding plans proceed   the vigil at telephones   the voice is close   the voice is sweetly familiar   the voice of pride   the voice of sb supplies helpfully   the voice of that man maddens me   the voice says   the voice zips up into a much higher pitch   the volumes themselves   the vortex   the vulgar way one speaks annoys sb   the wait seemed endless   the walk-ins sb get   the war only just beginning   the war turns sb inside out   the wardroom   the warm air seems laden with spices   the warmth of the flagstones is an invitation to swim   the water creaming high at her bows   the water splashes   the waves begin to be waves   the waves break with a soft swish on the rocks   the waves come steep and nasty   the way I like to do   the way is clear   the way it is   the way it is meant to be   the way it works   the way kids do   the way one always did   the way one did before   the way one feel   the way one look at sb   the way one remember   the way one used to   the way people behaved   the way sb do sth   the way sb drive   the way sb feel   the way sb live   the way sb say   the way sth look   the way the night have turned out   the way things are being run at Ottawa   the way things have worked out   the way things work   the way to eternal glory   the way you do when you are frustrated   the weakest poltroon that lives   the wealthier suburbs   the wealthiest person in town   the weather breaks down   the weather clears up   the weather mellows   the weather turned fierce   the wedding date is set   the wedding was as quiet as could be done   the weekly float   the weeping cherry   the weight have gone   the weight of a damask curtain   the weirdest goddamned thing   the well behind the house   the well-known adventuress   the wheel turns   the wheels go around   the whining hum that tears the mind to pieces   the whole appeal of this venture   the whole area has changed in appearance   the whole awesome distance   the whole bunch of sb   the whole bunch of them   the whole case has left a bad taste in my mouth   the whole construction topples   the whole crowd of spectators   the whole damned world   the whole episode   the whole exercise is becoming rather melodramatic   the whole family   the whole family comes together   the whole family is assembled   the whole fucking idea   the whole furtive business   the whole goddam stupid bunch of them   the whole lot   the whole matter is depressing sb no end   the whole neighborhood   the whole notion of a challenge   the whole of London is burning   the whole of that area have been burned down   the whole place is a blaze of light   the whole poor world   the whole question of sth   the whole ruin   the whole school   the whole sodding world is asking questions   the whole spectrum   the whole story   the whole stretch of land in this vicinity   the whole system   the whole thing   the whole thing is getting to be too much for sb   the whole thing is interesting   the whole thing is staged   the whole thing is up to me   the whole thing looks pretty simple   the whole thing planned and carried out with quite ruthless efficiency   the whole three of them   the whole time   the whole way   the whole world   the whole world about sb   the wickedest men that God ever allowed upon the sea   the wide expanse of grass seems to stretch on forever   the wide sky stretches blue and bright   the wild pig   the wild talk of delirium   the will to act   the wind blows strongly and it has a keen edge   the wind climbs the scale   the wind dies away   the wind flaps sth briskly to and fro   the wind gusts round the corners   the wind is a little brisk   the wind is blowing like stink   the wind is not cold   the wind occasionally gusts past with a piecing groan   the wind picked up   the wind soughed in the distance   the wind soughing through bamboo forests   the wind tear past sb   the winding down of summer   the window all over   the window all over out side   the window of the front room   the window that faced onto the street   the windows are tall and narrow   the windows blank out   the windshield wiper quits   the wine is poured in liberal doses   the winning card   the wire services   the woman behind the counter   the woman in charge   the woman running the shop   the women always come first   the wonder and gifts of God   the woods behind Johnson Creek   the word come down from on high   the word comes out in a croak so dusty   the word gets around   the word holds a new meaning   the word sth strike me as very fine.   the word taisho usually suggests something non-human   the words are cryptic   the words are right there   the words do not quite register   the words haunt sb still   the words one have just uttered so thoughtlessly   the words trail away in a mournful sigh   the work in progress   the work of time   the world about sb is all incomparably new   the world gets to be too much for me   the world go to hell   the world hold sb in awe   the world is burning the equivalent of 10 billion metric tons of coal per year   the world is going to hell in a handbasket   the world is unknown to sb   the world of shadows   the world one live in   the world seems like a fine place   the worm is allowed to get into the timbers   the worse it get   the worst   the worst by far   the worst kind of pariah   the worst kind of simpleminded Daddy-drivel   the worst part of all   the worst possible situation   the worst thing   the worthy woman bustles off   the wounds are coming on in rare shape   the writing goes on   the wrong kind of   the yearly tax is bitterly high   the years of hard distance   the yelling to keep sb awake   the young buds burst into leaf   the young couple   the young crowd   the young man   the young men   the young scamps   the young twins   the young woman   the younger ballplayers   the younger fellas in my office   theater   theatergoer   theatergoing   theatre   theatre of war   theatric   theatrical   theatrically   thee   theft   their   their Lordships   their bodies gracefully draped one upon the other   their bushings lose contact   their conference is very short   their differences   their eyes   their eyes were on a level   their forms under the sheets   their joint tribute to violent death   their marriage   their respective strong point   their shelving   theirs   them   theme   themselves   then   then all at once   then and ever afterwards   then and there   then be distracted by some other thing   then looks up   then lose interest   then one night   then or since   then sb just lay there in silence for a few minutes   then slowly hesitatingly come back into the hall   then some of the hearthmen jump up with shouts and tumult   then that will simplify matters   then the cramp passes   then the next time   then would come the story   thence   theologian   theological   theologist   theology   theoretical   theoretical argument   theoretically   theorist   theorize   theory   therapeutic   therapeutics   therapist   therapy   there   there and then   there are a few isolated white patches leave   there are a few things   there are a hundred and more cars   there are a lot of stories about sb   there are a surprising number of people about   there are all kinds of ways to do   there are already many strollers   there are also suggestions of potential problems   there are around a hundred thousand words   there are bigger guns   there are definite correlations between AA and BB   there are doctors and nurses around   there are doors all around the hall   there are few job options   there are few signs of people   there are gardens and such   there are ghostly eyes intently fixed upon sb   there are girls who do   there are hard punishments yet to come   there are jokes in plenty at the expense of sb   there are just too many of the little alcoves   there are lone figures in white   there are lots and lots of things   there are many options open   there are many sorts of German   there are many sth than one could possibly do   there are mementoes enough to mark the passage of time   there are more dishes for dinner than usual   there are more than 137 cases on file   there are more than one or two occasions   there are more tracks than sb can brush away in five days   there are nights when sb lie awake until dawn stains the east   there are no alternatives   there are no children anywhere to be seen   there are no conclusions   there are no end of friends to play with   there are no obvious signs of discomfort among people   there are no odds to beat   there are no real answers   there are no simple answers to questions   there are no words   there are not only carriage and horses to be seen   there are often good reasons for doing   there are only XX residents   there are only endless arguments and speculations   there are only open fields   there are only so many ways to skin the cat   there are other responsibilities as well   there are plenty of sth   there are plenty of that type around   there are problems to solve at every juncture   there are quests and roads that lead ever onward   there are seams over which to fit the fingers   there are shouts of laughter   there are small clicks and clacks and ratchets   there are so many angles sb can work   there are so many other curious things to think about   there are some pretty little problems among them   there are some unsavoury rumours circulating about sb   there are stranger things in heaven and earth than some of us dream of   there are such people   there are the church-bells   there are times when one will do   there are too many sth around   there are trees all around sth   there are two sides to this thing   there are worse things than doing   there be a real sense of loss   there be all kinds of leftover stuff   there be consistent sth   there be no problem with sth   there be order   there be this electrical arc   there came a great roar of sound   there can be little real satisfaction in the taking of life   there can be no possible doubt   there can be no turning back   there can not be much doubt   there could be detected in sb a certain detachment   there could be no doubt that sb have a very turn-up nose   there could be no question of merely ~ing   there flashed the ready smile   there had been endless questions afterward   there had been no loophole of error   there has always been some back-street talk   there has been a flood of sth   there has been a trauma   there has been no word form sb   there has been vomiting   there has not been the slightest indication   there have been a madness of murder in the air   there have been a pause while one stare at sb   there have been actual rumors of insanity   there have never been any way out to start   there have never been much love lost between sb and sb   there have still been no improvement   there have to be   there is a big gap between one and sb   there is a blank silence   there is a blizzard watch on the news   there is a burst of laughter   there is a certain rueful pride   there is a certain rugged fidelity about one   there is a chilly bareness in the place   there is a click   there is a clicking computer of a mind   there is a cold bite to the night air   there is a consequential good taste in the plainness of her clothes   there is a considerable amount of shouting   there is a considerable difference in age between sb and sb   there is a cruel streak developing in sb   there is a curiously young look about sb   there is a deep burning inside sb   there is a difference here   there is a distinct element of danger   there is a faint glow   there is a fecklessness about sb   there is a fine sprinkling of salt   there is a flash of light   there is a flood of light   there is a flutter in the air   there is a good enough reason to do   there is a grave lack of communication   there is a growing continuity and a growing consensus   there is a hard road ahead   there is a hollow bang   there is a huge and unmusical crash   there is a kind of aloofness to sb   there is a lethargy to the way one do   there is a light directly above sb   there is a long pause   there is a lot more merchandise   there is a lot of truth in what sb say   there is a lull in the conversation   there is a note of genuine feeling   there is a palpable menace in the way sb say   there is a pause in the fight just then   there is a pile of account books   there is a pronged fork sticking up   there is a racing tempo in one hands   there is a rectangle of carpeting less faded than the rest   there is a remarkable change   there is a ridge of ploughed land   there is a screwing and complaining sound down below   there is a sense in which we need to go home   there is a shocked silence   there is a single automobile present   there is a single stern bark   there is a slight film of dust   there is a smell of something old and wretched in the air   there is a steaming mist in all the hollows   there is a sudden influx of customers   there is a terrible spirit living inside sb   there is a whiff of something rotten in the air   there is a wonderful sympathy and freemasonry among horsy men   there is absolute silence   there is absolutely no reason to do   there is absolutely no way   there is absolutely nothing to be done for sb   there is all this stuff around   there is almost a festive air to the funeral   there is almost nothing left of the morning   there is also about one an air of indifference   there is an actual smile   there is an air of high tradition   there is an air of incredulity   there is an air of unease about the place   there is an earthy savour in the air   there is an eclipse going on   there is an edge to the conversations   there is an element of doubt about it   there is an immediate dispersal for these restoratives   there is an item for every taste   there is another current of impression that never ceased to run   there is another thing   there is bad blood   there is big hell-raising   there is constant emphasis on appearance   there is danger in what comes next   there is deep hatred building   there is definitely something strange and not right about sb   there is distinction here   there is ever a flaw in the best laid of human plans   there is every reason   there is friendly gossip   there is general agreement on that point   there is great enthusiasm over the new theories of sth   there is hardly anybody   there is hope and strength in sb   there is in the touch a strange flicker of something   there is insufficient grounds to do   there is just minimum exchange of words   there is larceny to doing   there is little chance of doing   there is little choice   there is little doubt of the substance   there is little doubt that things are considerably less cheery than that   there is little point in doing   there is little time to lose   there is little to bespeak sth   there is little to eliminate   there is more   there is more art done with sth than with anything else   there is more murmuring among sbs   there is more than met the eye   there is more than that to life   there is more to come   there is more to it than that   there is much in what sb say   there is music mixed with murder   there is never much brotherly love between sb and sb   there is no activity at all one can see   there is no answer   there is no attempt at mystification   there is no awkwardness between sb   there is no call for this new surprise   there is no challenge   there is no chance for sth   there is no difficulty in doing   there is no disorder   there is no doing   there is no doubt   there is no doubt about it   there is no doubt of it   there is no doubt what is going to happen to sb   there is no easy way to do   there is no essential difference   there is no further use for sb   there is no getting around it   there is no good doing   there is no harm in sth   there is no hint of compromise   there is no hope for sb   there is no hope of doing   there is no hurry   there is no improvement of any kind   there is no light   there is no looking back   there is no lying to sb   there is no mention of any previous employment   there is no message   there is no mistaking sb   there is no mistaking the location whence it issues   there is no more discussion   there is no more need for sb to do   there is no movement from sb   there is no need to do   there is no need to leave the house in search of refreshment   there is no need to rush   there is no need to waste words   there is no need to worry   there is no noticeable sign of illness   there is no object in ~ing   there is no one around   there is no one to do   there is no pain   there is no particular pain   there is no percentage in doing   there is no phone calls between sb   there is no point in doing   there is no point in saying so   there is no point in struggling   there is no point in ~ing   there is no problem   there is no putting off the thought   there is no question of anything else   there is no question of right or wrong   there is no question what had to be done   there is no quickening of the flow   there is no reason for sb to do   there is no reason that the future should be so full of shame   there is no reason to do   there is no reason to explain or apologize   there is no reason to think sb would notice   there is no room for a unique answer   there is no safety in that   there is no sense alerting sb to anything   there is no sense anywhere   there is no sense in doing   there is no sense in such a person as myself doing   there is no sense talking   there is no sign of him   there is no sign of life   there is no sign of sb   there is no sound   there is no sound at the other end of the line   there is no sth at all   there is no sth like it   there is no such thing as sth in the world   there is no telling   there is no telling what havoc sb may wreak   there is no telling what sb may do   there is no thread running through them   there is no time for any kind of reaction   there is no time to be lost   there is no time to do anything   there is no time to dwell on it   there is no time to waste   there is no trace of amusement in the eyes   there is no use in saying anything   there is no use in ~ing   there is no way   there is no way around it   there is no way around sth   there is no way for sb to do sth easily   there is no way of expressing sth in English   there is no way of guessing   there is no way of obtaining such a proof   there is no way of shutting sb up   there is no way one can even try to cool sb out   there is no way one will win this argument   there is no way sb can go   there is no way to be absolutely certain of the facts   there is no way to do   there is no way to say no   there is no way to talk to sb   there is no way to tell   there is nobody else around   there is nobody left in the world who actually loves me   there is nobody to touch sb on wildlife   there is none of this   there is not a lot left to be said   there is not a moment to be lost   there is not a shadow of originality in sb   there is not an instant to be lost   there is not another word out of sb   there is not any sense trying to do   there is not enough rain   there is not enough room   there is not much to say   there is not one sound   there is not sth in the entire store   there is not the slightest movement   there is nothing about sb that seems hardened or weary   there is nothing elusive about sb   there is nothing for it but to do   there is nothing fundamentally wrong with sb   there is nothing in her of the whore or the profligate   there is nothing in particular to say   there is nothing left for sb to do but do   there is nothing like that   there is nothing mercenary about sb   there is nothing new to look at   there is nothing on the page   there is nothing one can do about it   there is nothing sb can do   there is nothing sb can do about it   there is nothing sb want to do more   there is nothing showy or inappropriate   there is nothing so very remarkable in that   there is nothing to be afraid of here   there is nothing to be gained by doing   there is nothing to beat it   there is nothing to inspire pity   there is nothing to keep sb long   there is nothing to look at   there is nothing to prevent sb from doing   there is nothing unusual about doing   there is nothing unusual about the back turned toward sb   there is one incident it pains sb to recall   there is one other thing   there is only a single customer in the store   there is only ache   there is only an empty Utah night   there is only way out   there is plenty of light flak   there is practically no models to follow   there is practically nothing   there is really not much to tell   there is really nothing to return to   there is room for a new role here   there is scarcely a breath of wind   there is scarcely more detail to go on in sth   there is shouting   there is silence   there is so keen a sympathy between us   there is some arrangement whereby   there is some benign twittering and much nodding of heads   there is some news of sb   there is some sort of conspiracy at work against sb   there is something about this experience that deepens sb   there is something behind this party tonight   there is something dislocating in the geographical upheavals   there is something else we need to consider urgently   there is something funny about it   there is something kind of rough at work   there is something missing   there is something missing in my heart   there is something of a fishy nature going on   there is something sb have utterly failed to do   there is something that rubs sb the wrong way   there is something to be said for being   there is something unavoidably touching about sth   there is something very attractive about sth   there is something worrying sb   there is sth   there is sth in the refrigerator   there is sth in the window   there is still a way to do   there is still anger in sb   there is still light in the world   there is still sth   there is still time   there is such a thing as manners   there is talk of legal proceedings   there is talk of some disagreement about a picture   there is the near trance-state sb have been   there is the necessary information   there is the smell of fish everywhere   there is the sound of rapid footsteps   there is the usual flurry of nocturnal misadventure   there is time for hesitation and languor   there is too much emphasis on their interactive gestures   there is unanimous retching   there is very little to tell   there is war in the air   there is within sb an irresistible desire to do   there it goes   there it is   there it was in a nutshell   there must be a special destiny in store for sb   there must be some betrayal   there must be some mistake   there never is sth in this world   there really is a problem   there really is no other word to describe sb   there really is no reason why sb should insist on doing   there really is no way to do   there sb is with a corpse   there seems a pressure of eyes   there seems no end to it   there seems only two possibilities   there seems to be a few things wrong with that guess   there seems to be no use in waiting by the little door   there seems to be no way of stopping sb   there seems to be something weird going on here   there should be allowances made   there sure as hell   there the matter stands to this day   there they go again   there was a big pushing and shoving match   there was a dead silence   there was a loud and authoritative tap   there was a pause   there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers   there was a succession of jobs   there was a time when one would do   there was a very strange misunderstanding   there was always a thick ground mist   there was an entire league   there was an eruption   there was another surprise in store for sb   there was hardly a damn thing to eat   there was no denying it   there was no place to look   there was no point with sb   there was no sign of sb   there was nothing that did not happen   there was only so much I could bluff   there was so much to learn   there was some debate about the wisdom of that move   there was something visceral about it   there was yet another delay.   there we go   there were a few lapses in the years that followed   there were about a million girls doing   there were no hard feeling   there were real needs here   there will be fireworks before this week is over   there will be no chance   there will be no hard feelings   there would be no chance of doing   there would be no harm   there would be no hope of recovery   there would be no second chance   there would have been some sense of closure   there yawns a great cave   there you are   there you go   there you have it   there-but-for-the-grace   thereafter   thereby   therefore   therein   thereon   thereunder   thermal  

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