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ことさら (translations)→ deliberate deliberately determined elaborately extra positively remarkably stubbornly studied studious very

ことのほか (translations)→ deceptively especially extremely great inordinately peculiar singularly surprisingly unusually

さして (translations)→ about across equally much overly particular so to

さほど (translations)→ all even half not probably right

それほど (translations)→ any enough less really such

たいそう (translations)→ big desperate exceptionally fairly how well

つまり (translations)→ because briefly but essentially exactly i.e. just mean perhaps that

とくに (translations)→ most obvious outdo unduly

とっておきの (translations)→ best delightful enjoy favorite special

とびきり (translations)→ real super

とりわけ (translations)→ chiefly main notably primarily specially

なお (translations)→ again certainly further long more still

なんの (translations)→ complete what

ひどく (translations)→ acutely almost as atrociously awful bad completely curiously deeply definitely disproportionately distastefully enormously exceedingly excruciatingly extraordinarily extreme genuinely grossly hard heavily heavy highly incredibly indeed infinitely intense magnificent monumentally nicely painfully palpably passionately profoundly rather royally serious severe severely sincerely somehow startlingly sufficiently terribly throughly thundering utterly wildly wonderfully worse

べつに (translations)→ despite no nothing

ほんとうに (translations)→ absolutely actually adventure boring honestly perfectly pretty quite seriously sheer totally yes

まったく (translations)→ altogether apparent cold considerably distinctly entirely exact fully genuine gevalt God goddamn gosh hell man merely naturally never outstanding practically precisely simply some squeaky strongly supremely surely truly vastly virtually

よほど (translations)→ appalling comfortable damned far gravely progressively

異常に (translations)→ atypically crazily strangely

一途 (translations)→ earnest passionate

格別 (translations)→ conspicuous discernible marked

決して (translations)→ decidedly triumphantly

大いなる (translations)→ high immense large mighty

第一 (translations)→ anyway besides finally first primacy though

特に (translations)→ noticeably

特別 (translations)→ administrative below-the-line exception exceptional fancy particularity raging something

非常に (translations)→ considerable excess peculiarly thoroughly thrice

別段 (translations)→ largely
