balance at the beginning of the period restated
balance at the beginning of the year
balance at the end of previous period
balance at the end of the current period
balance at the end of the fiscal year
balance at the end of the period
balance available for common stock
balance between compliance and usefulness
balance between domestic and foreign business
balance between sources and uses of funds
balance between supply and demand
balance between the public and private sectors
balance between two extremes
balance billing
balance book
balance brought forward
balance brought forward from the previous term
balance by interest rate
balance carried forward
balance carried forward to the next term
balance certificate
balance conditions
balance date of paying off
balance due
balance form
balance fund
balance in hand
balance in the allowance for bad debts account
balance of Japan Securities Finance Company
balance of accounts
balance of accounts payable from inventory purchases
balance of call money
balance of capital account
balance of clearing
balance of current account
balance of financial expenses
balance of financing comes through US Eximbank and Japan Eximbank loans
balance of international account
balance of international indebtedness
balance of international payments
balance of invisible trade
balance of loan trust
balance of loans
balance of long-term capital account
balance of margin transaction
balance of monetary movements
balance of national economy
balance of non-monetary transactions
balance of official reserve transactions
balance of payment
balance of payment constraint
balance of payment deficits
balance of payment disequilibrium
balance of payment problems
balance of payment risk
balance of payments
balance of payments accounting
balance of payments accounts
balance of payments constraint
balance of payments crises
balance of payments equilibrium
balance of payments gets better
balance of payments statement
balance of payments statistics
balance of payments surplus
balance of payments theory
balance of payments trends
balance of prepaid lease charges
balance of receipts & payments of treasury funds
balance of revenue account
balance of savings and investment
balance of securities investment trust at the traditional trust banks in aggregate
balance of short-term capital account
balance of stock loans
balance of technological trade in major countries
balance of the amount charged to special account
balance of the deferred tax debits
balance of the unused credit
balance of tourist expenditures
balance of trade
balance of trade in pulp
balance of transfer account
balance of travel trade
balance of unamortized bond discount
balance of upside and downside risks
balance on current account
balance on invisible trade
balance on ledger
balance on liquidity basis
balance on nonmonetary transactions
balance on official transactions basis
balance on the investment property revaluation reserve
balance on yen basis
balance order
balance per bank
balance principle
balance reconciling type
balance renewal
balance sheet
balance sheet account
balance sheet amounts of the capitalised leased asset
balance sheet amounts of the capitalized leased asset
balance sheet analysis
balance sheet approach
balance sheet asset value
balance sheet asset values
balance sheet at year-end
balance sheet audit
balance sheet classification
balance sheet composition
balance sheet credit exposure
balance sheet date
balance sheet equation
balance sheet exposure
balance sheet form
balance sheet formula
balance sheet growth
balance sheet item
balance sheet items
balance sheet liability method
balance sheet management
balance sheet measurement
balance sheet method
balance sheet presentation
balance sheet presentation of a defined benefit plan
balance sheet principles
balance sheet ratio
balance sheet repair
balance sheet restructuring
balance sheet statistics
balance sheet strength
balance sheet total
balance sheet treatment
balance sheet valuation
balance sheet values
balance transfer option
balance-of-payment accounts
balance-of-payments adjustment
balance-of-payments difficulties
balance-of-payments statistics on patent royalties
balance-of-term yield
balance-sheet account
balance-sheet formula
balance-sheet management
balance-sheet value
balanced 19XX budget
balanced budget
balanced budget amendment
balanced budget multiplier
balanced budget principle
balanced budget theorem
balanced cash inflows and outflows
balanced finance
balanced form
balanced fund
balanced fund portfolio
balanced grasp
balanced growth
balanced growth path
balanced incomplete blocks design
balanced manager
balanced mutual fund
balanced perspective
balanced public finance
balanced score card
balanced scorecard
balanced tax and transfer system
balanced-budget amendment
balanced-portfolio approach
balances announced by Japan Securities Finance Company
balances arising from unsettled normal trading transactions between the associated companies and the investing group
balances by major classes
balances maintained on account with the central bank
balances of restructured loans
balances on revaluation reserve
balancing a portfolio
balancing adjustment
balancing charge
balancing figure
balancing item
balancing margin
balancing of interests
balancing on
baling charges
balloon discount
balloon interest
balloon maturity
balloon mortgage
balloon pass-throughs
balloon payment
balloon payment loan
balloon payment mortgage
balloon portion
balloon product
ballooning liquidity
ballooning of commercial paper or other short-term debt vehicles
ballot box
ban call
ban on holding companies
ban on imports
ban on making layoffs
ban on rice imports
banal hope
banana import quotas
band and crawl
band grading
band wagon effect
bandwagon effect
bang for the buck
bank BIS capital ratios
bank HLT loans are secured and senior
bank acceptance
bank acceptance guarantee
bank account
bank accounting
bank act
bank activities
bank affiliate regulations
bank affiliated securities firm
bank agreement
bank annuities
bank annuity product
bank arrangement
bank asset ranking
bank assets
bank automatic teller machine
bank balance
bank balances and cash
bank basis
bank bill
bank bills flat
bank bond
bank book
bank bookkeeping
bank bookkeeping machine
bank borrowing
bank borrowing from the Fed discount window
bank branch
bank capital
bank capital regulatory requirements
bank capital requirements
bank capital standards
bank capital standards put forward by the Bank for International Settlements
bank card
bank card of regional banks
bank card quick relay service
bank cash service
bank cashier's check
bank caution
bank charge
bank charges
bank charter
bank check
bank checks
bank clearing of bill
bank clearings
bank clerk
bank closings
bank closures
bank color
bank confirmation
bank credit
bank credit agreement
bank credit arrangement
bank credit card
bank credit committees
bank credit departments
bank credit facility
bank credit growth
bank credit line
bank credit managers
bank credit to enterprises and households
bank credit to the private sector
bank creditor
bank creditors
bank criminal insurance
bank crisis
bank dealer
bank dealing
bank debenture
bank debentures increase or decrease
bank debentures with coupon
bank debit card
bank debits
bank debt
bank deposit
bank deposit and insurance markets
bank deposit balance
bank deposit note
bank deposit slip
bank depositors
bank deposits and collections
bank deposits on net basis
bank deposits were even appropriated by the government
bank discount
bank discount basis
bank discount method
bank discount rate
bank dividend capacity
bank draft
bank error
bank examination
bank examiner
bank executives
bank failure
bank finance
bank financing
bank for cooperative
bank for cooperatives
bank full dealing
bank fund position
bank giro
bank guarantee
bank guarantee check
bank guarantee cost
bank holding company
bank holding company disclosure
bank holding issue
bank holiday
bank identification number
bank in insurance
bank income statement
bank insurance fund
bank insurance powers
bank interest
bank intervention
bank investment contract
bank investor
bank issuing banknotes
bank lenders
bank lending
bank lending for securities purchases
bank lending has begun to pick up at last
bank letter
bank letter of credit
bank letter-of-credit opinions
bank letter-of-credit ratings
bank liabilities
bank licence
bank license
bank line
bank liquidity
bank loan
bank loan growth
bank loan insurance
bank loan payable
bank loan secured by mortgage
bank loan-deposit ratio
bank loans and other debt
bank loans and overdrafts and other loans repayable within XX years
bank loans and overdrafts repayable within XX months from the date of the advance
bank loans to businesses
bank mail
bank management
bank mandate
bank mergers
bank money
bank money order
bank multiplier
bank name
bank name at a long maturity
bank nationalization
bank note
bank note issue system
bank notes
bank of banks
bank of issue
bank of the government
bank offering the LOC
bank officer
bank opinion
bank or thrift failure
bank overdraft
bank overlending
bank paper
bank parents
bank placement
bank point-of-sales
bank portion of the financial system
bank president
bank quality
bank rate
bank rate operation
bank rate policy
bank recapitalization
bank recapitalization scheme
bank reconciliation
bank reconciliation schedule
bank reconciliation statement
bank reference
bank refinancing
bank reform
bank reform bill
bank regulation
bank regulatory framework
bank regulatory policy
bank relationships
bank remittance
bank remittance bill
bank report
bank rescue operations
bank rescues
bank reserve
bank reserve requirement ratio
bank reserves
bank reserves in surplus
bank run
bank savings account
bank savings accounts and deposits
bank secrecy
bank secrecy laws
bank self-assessment of risk
bank senior obligation
bank sponsored investment contract
bank statement
bank statement of cash flows
bank stress test results
bank supervision
bank supervision by the Bank of Japan
bank system consolidation
bank system privatisation
bank system privatization
bank that granted the loan and provided the money for its purchase by the CCPC
bank transfer
bank transfer schedule
bank treasurers
bank trusted retirement plan
bank underwriting insurance
bank usance
bank viability
bank which stands up to its better rivals in the West
bank willingness to lend
bank wire
bank's automatic accounts transfer system
bank's standby letter of credit
bank-POS card
bank-account-style pension
bank-affiliated securities subsidiary
bank-capital requirements
bank-card company
bank-centered groups
bank-centred groups
bank-customer relationship
bank-guaranteed paper
bank-guaranteed transaction
bank-rate policy
bank-sponsored ABCP program
bank-sponsored multiseller ABCP program
bank-to-bank loan
bank-trained investors
bank-wide restructuring plan
bankable bill
bankcard credit losses
bankcard expense levels
banker's acceptance bill
banker's bank
banker's bill
banker's blanket bond
banker's credit
bankers and borrowers
bankers association
bankers syndicate
banking account
banking accounts of all banks
banking accounts of city banks
banking accounts of long-term credit banks
banking accounts of regional banks
banking accounts of regional banks II
banking accounts of trust banks
banking activities
banking activity
banking agencies
banking and finance
banking and securities regulation
banking and trading activities
banking asset
banking association
banking authorities
banking bailout
banking book
banking business
banking business expenses
banking business revenue
banking capital
banking capital is at a premium
banking cards
banking circular
banking collapse
banking community
banking consortium
banking corporation or financial institution
banking crisis
banking day
banking department
banking doctrine
banking environment
banking facilities
banking failure
banking franchise
banking has remained a protected and over-regulated industry
banking index
banking industry
banking insolvencies
banking institutions
banking operation
banking principle
banking product
banking reform
banking regulation
banking regulations
banking regulators
banking risk
banking safety nets
banking scandal
banking school
banking sector reform
banking segment
banking service
banking services
banking structures
banking supervisor
banking supervisory
banking syndicate
banking system
banking system deregulation
banking systems
banking transaction contract
banking world
banking-book assets and liabilities
banknote custody system
banknote examination machines
banknote manufacturing expenses
banknote supply
banknotes factor affecting current account balances
bankrupt company
bankrupt entity
bankrupt estate
bankrupt or quasi-bankrupt assets
bankrupt retailers
bankruptcy administration
bankruptcy administration cost
bankruptcy administrator
bankruptcy and composition
bankruptcy cost
bankruptcy court
bankruptcy courts
bankruptcy debtor
bankruptcy estate
bankruptcy estate equity
bankruptcy filing
bankruptcy law
bankruptcy legislation
bankruptcy notice
bankruptcy of enterprise
bankruptcy of the receivable originator
bankruptcy of the retailer
bankruptcy offence
bankruptcy order
bankruptcy petition
bankruptcy prediction
bankruptcy proceeding
bankruptcy rates
bankruptcy remote
bankruptcy remote issuer
bankruptcy rules
bankruptcy trustee
bankruptcy workouts
bankruptcy-related legal work
bankruptcy-remote issuers
bankruptcy-remote trust
bankruptcy-remoteness of the issuer
bankrupts' estate
banks able or prepared to take on 18-year assets is limited
banks and corporates with lira exposure
banks and other financial institutions
banks and other financial intermediaries
banks appear to have joined the syndicate for relationship reasons only
banks applying international standards
banks are limiting their asset growth
banks are now being very selective towards new assets
banks avoid real estate loans
banks charge a premium to smaller firms
banks chartered by the federal government
banks dealing in foreign exchange
banks decide to realise losses
banks decide to realize losses
banks engaged in trust management
banks failed
banks futures
banks have to give notice to terminate at the end of year X
banks hold reserves only because they are required to
banks offer more than security
banks perceived to be improving credits
banks providing SBLCs
banks set much higher standards for return on capital
banks syndicate most credit facilities
banks to buy notes at a pre-set price after a specified period
banks were being approached by the arranger
banks were subject to periodic external inspections
banks with operations in Europe
banks' deposits in other banks
banner profit
bantam store
bar association
bar chart
bar code
bar code reader
bar code scanning
bar graph
bar-code scanner data from checkout counters
bar-code scanners
barbell of 2-year paper and bonds
barbell portfolio
barbell portfolio management
barbell strategy
bare boat
bare boat charter hire purchase agreement
bare body
bare contract
bare majority
bare trust
bare trustee
bare-boat charter
bareboat charter
bareboat charter hire purchase
bareknuckle marketing
bargain buying
bargain buying pushed the bonds right back up again
bargain counter
bargain for exchange
bargain hunter and long-term investor
bargain hunting
bargain money
bargain price
bargain price option
bargain purchase
bargain purchase option
bargain rate
bargain renewal option
bargain sale
bargain stock
bargain stock fund
bargain unit
bargain valuation level
bargain-basement prices
bargained amount
bargaining authority to compromise
bargaining chip
bargaining game
bargaining leverage
bargaining method
bargaining position of unions
bargaining position with lending institutions
bargaining position with the banks
bargaining power
bargaining relationship
bargaining surplus
bargaining theory of wage
bargaining theory of wages
bargaining unit
barge line
barometer stock
barometric firm
barometric forecasting
barometric function of prices
barrier of incredulity
barrier option
barrier put options
barrier to competition
barrier to diversification
barrier to social and economic progress
barrier to trade
barriers to entry
barriers to exit
barriers to free trade
barriers to trade
barriers were erected against Japanese exports
barter arrangement
barter change
barter economy
barter theory
barter trade
barter trading involving advertising agencies
barter transaction
barter transactions
base EPS
base amount
base case
base case scenario
base closing
base compensation
base cost estimate
base currency
base date
base date for assessment
base date for clearing margin calculation
base date for the index
base earnings
base earnings per share
base for a significant bounce in activity
base for political power
base for restructuring
base for worldwide product sourcing
base free
base identification number
base item
base lending rate
base load
base load plant
base market value
base money
base month
base of continuity
base of relative sales value
base of silk prices
base of taxation
base pay
base period
base premium
base price
base rate
base rate cut
base rate increase
base rates
base rates have troughed
base rates will edge higher
base rating level
base reference index
base reference index date
base salary
base sales point
base standard cost
base station
base stock
base stock inventory valuation
base stock method
base value of shares
base wages
base year
base year inventory
base-case expectation
base-load plants
base-period price
base-rate cut
base-stock method
base-year cost
based on extrapolations
based on round lots
based on the maximum loss expected
baseline and credit
baseline budget
baseline credit
baseline interest expense
bases for improved national competitiveness
bases of accounting
bases of accounting for associated companies
bases of valuation
basic activity
basic administration policy
basic agenda of a growth economy
basic allowance
basic amount
basic and enhanced telecommunications services
basic areas of knowledge
basic assumption
basic automobile policy
basic balance
basic balance of account book
basic balance of payments
basic benefit
basic benefits package
basic breakthroughs
basic building blocks
basic business philosophy
basic businesses
basic capital
basic capital requirement
basic changes in the context of international relations
basic chemical production capabilities
basic competitive equilibrium model
basic competitive model
basic concept
basic concept behind a product or service
basic concepts
basic concepts and accounting principles underlying financial statements of business enterprises
basic connecting node
basic consumer goods
basic consumption
basic contract
basic convention
basic core education
basic cost
basic deduction
basic deduction for bequest
basic definitions and assumptions
basic determinant of growth
basic discount rate
basic dynamics
basic earnings
basic earnings per share
basic economic choices facing the household
basic economic forces
basic economic question
basic economic strengths
basic economy
basic element
basic elements
basic employment plan
basic example
basic exchange rate
basic exemption
basic fact of accounting
basic feasible solution
basic financial statements
basic foodstuffs
basic formula for the multiplier
basic framework
basic framework of internal control
basic fundamental health
basic goods
basic government strategy of opening up the economy
basic guideline
basic guideline for a XXth supplementary budget
basic human needs
basic impetus to invest
basic industries
basic industries sector
basic industry
basic infrastructure
basic input materials
basic inputs
basic intent
basic interest rate
basic iterative feedback
basic lesson of economics
basic loan rate
basic local services
basic logic
basic lot
basic maintenance amount
basic management tenets
basic material
basic material companies
basic material industry
basic materials
basic means of production
basic method of income recognition
basic model
basic money supply
basic monthly charges
basic necessities like food and housing
basic necessities of life
basic necessity for life
basic needs
basic objective
basic organizational layout
basic pattern
basic pay
basic pay deals
basic pension
basic pension component
basic pension scheme
basic pension system
basic period
basic period of SDR
basic period research expenses
basic personality style
basic petrochemical manufacturer
basic petrochemical products
basic petrochemicals
basic policies
basic policy
basic precept
basic precepts
basic premise
basic price
basic principle
basic principle of accounting
basic principle of consumer choice
basic principle underlying the separate classification
basic principles
basic principles for the changeover to the euro
basic principles of Western economics
basic principles of the transition
basic product issue
basic properties
basic property
basic public pensions
basic purpose
basic question
basic rate
basic rate hike
basic rate of exchange
basic rate of foreign exchange
basic rate of premium
basic rate of the Ministry of Finance
basic rate on the corporate income tax
basic regulations
basic remuneration
basic research
basic research is a public good
basic research payments
basic research will help lay the foundation for future innovation
basic reserve
basic retirement funds
basic salary
basic securities
basic service
basic solution
basic solutions
basic standard cost
basic standard cost accounting
basic standard cost system
basic standard costing
basic statistics
basic steps
basic steps of rational choice
basic stockholder
basic structure
basic survey of business activity abroad
basic task
basic tax rate
basic taxable year
basic tenet
basic term
basic terms and conditions
basic theme
basic theorems of welfare economics
basic thinking
basic tool
basic tools for assessing the extra costs
basic trade identity
basic trade statistics
basic types of expense behavior information
basic units
basic value
basic view of the world held widely in Japan
basic view on economic and monetary conditions
basic vote
basic wage
basic wage patterns established in the shunto
basic wage rate
basic work prerequisites
basic year
basing consideration
basing point price
basing point price system
basing point pricing
basing-point pricing system
basis adjustment
basis for adverse opinion
basis for calculation
basis for conclusions
basis for consolidation
basis for fair value
basis for modern industrial development
basis for most law
basis for presentation
basis for presentation of consolidated financial statements and principles of consolidation
basis for qualified opinion
basis for recording sales
basis for setting the annuity rates