1 |
thulium |
Tm |
ツリウム |
2 |
Ecofacturing TM |
エコファクチュリングTM |
3 |
abutment |
接合点 |
4 |
abutment |
橋台 |
5 |
abutment construction |
支台築造 |
6 |
abutment tooth |
支台歯 |
7 |
acid extraction treatment |
酸抽出処理 |
8 |
acid treatment |
酸処理 |
9 |
acoustic treatment |
吸音処理 |
10 |
Action Plan for PCB Waste Treatment Programs |
PCB廃棄物処理事業実施計画 |
11 |
activated carbon treatment |
活性炭処理 |
12 |
activated sludge treatment using oxygen |
酸素活性汚泥法 |
13 |
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under Kyoto Protocol |
京都議定書の下での附属書I国の更なる約束に関するアドホック・ワーキング・グループ |
条約AWG |
14 |
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol |
京都議定書の下での先進国(附属書Ⅰ国)の更なる約束に関するアドホック・ワーキング・グループ |
15 |
adjustment |
適応 |
16 |
adjustment |
調整 |
17 |
adjustment cost |
調整費用 |
18 |
Adjustment of Fines Act |
罰金調整法 |
19 |
adjustments for covariates |
共変量による調整 |
20 |
adjustments in land use |
土地利用の調整 |
21 |
adsorption treatment of odor |
悪臭成分の吸着除去 |
22 |
advanced sewage treatment |
高度下水処理 |
23 |
Advanced TMI |
エーティーエムアイ |
24 |
advanced treatment |
高度処理 |
25 |
advanced treatment |
高級処理 |
26 |
advanced waste treatment |
高次排水処理 |
27 |
advanced wastewater treatment |
排水の高度処理 |
28 |
advanced wastewater treatment |
高度排水処理 |
29 |
advanced wastewater treatment |
高度処理 |
30 |
aerobic digestion treatment |
好気性消化方式 |
31 |
aerobic treatment |
好気性処理 |
32 |
aerobic treatment |
好気的処理法 |
33 |
aerobic treatment method |
好気性処理法 |
34 |
Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures |
貿易に関連する投資措置に関する協定 |
TRIM協定 |
35 |
Agricultural Adjustment Act |
米国農業調整法 |
36 |
agricultural community effluent treatment facility |
農業集落排水施設 |
37 |
agricultural community effluent treatment program |
農業集落排水事業 |
38 |
Air Traffic Management |
航空交通管理 |
39 |
allotment garden |
市民農園 |
40 |
allotment garden |
"">"アロットメント・ガーデン<貸農園,市民農園,小園地菜園,分区園>" |
41 |
amalgamated treatment |
共同処理 |
42 |
amalgamated treatment |
広域処理 |
43 |
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act |
米国再生・再投資法 |
44 |
American Society for Testing and Materials |
米国材料検査協会 |
45 |
ammonia treatment |
アンモニア処理 |
46 |
anaerobic digestion treatment |
嫌気性消化処理 |
47 |
anaerobic treatment |
嫌気性処理 |
48 |
animal excrement treatment facility |
家畜排せつ物処理施設 |
49 |
anticorrosion treatment |
耐錆処理 |
50 |
anticorrosion treatment |
防食処理 |
51 |
anti-stain treatment |
汚染防止処理 |
52 |
apartment area |
集合住宅地 |
53 |
apartments |
集合住宅 |
54 |
appointment |
選定 |
55 |
appointment |
選任 |
56 |
appointment |
任命 |
57 |
appointment |
任用 |
58 |
appointment and dismissal |
任免 |
59 |
appointment of environmental inspectors |
環境検査官の任命 |
60 |
appointment procedure |
任命手続 |
61 |
ash treatment facility |
灰処理設備 |
62 |
ASTM life cycle cost (LCC) approach |
ASTMライフサイクルコストアプローチ |
ASTMLCCアプローチ |
63 |
atmometer |
蒸発計 |
64 |
atmosphere |
気圏 |
65 |
atmosphere |
大気圏 |
66 |
atmosphere |
雰囲気 |
67 |
atmosphere and ocean background pollution monitoring program |
大気及び海洋バックグランド汚染観測業務 |
68 |
atmosphere composition |
大気組成 |
69 |
atmosphere purification |
大気浄化 |
70 |
atmosphere-forest interaction |
大気・森林相互作用 |
71 |
atmosphere-ocean circulation pattern |
大気−海洋循環パターン |
72 |
atmospheric air |
大気 |
73 |
atmospheric analysis |
大気分析 |
74 |
atmospheric baseline station |
大気ベースライン観測所 |
75 |
atmospheric carbon dioxide |
大気中二酸化炭素 |
76 |
atmospheric composition |
大気組成 |
77 |
atmospheric concentration |
大気中濃度 |
78 |
atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide |
二酸化炭素の大気中濃度 |
79 |
atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gas |
大気中の温室効果ガスの濃度 |
80 |
atmospheric concentrations of ozone depleting substances |
オゾン層破壊物質等の大気中濃度 |
81 |
atmospheric constituent |
大気組成物質 |
82 |
atmospheric contaminant |
大気中汚染物質 |
83 |
atmospheric diffusion wind tunnel |
大気拡散風洞 |
84 |
atmospheric dispersion |
大気拡散 |
85 |
atmospheric dispersion |
大気中の希釈拡散 |
86 |
atmospheric eddy motion |
大気乱流 |
87 |
atmospheric electricity |
大気電気 |
88 |
atmospheric environment |
大気環境 |
89 |
Atmospheric Environment Committee |
大気環境部会 |
90 |
atmospheric environment monitoring station |
大気環境測定局 |
91 |
Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (nickname Soramame-kun) |
大気汚染物質広域監視システム(愛称:そらまめ君) |
92 |
atmospheric heat balance |
大気熱収支 |
93 |
atmospheric ion |
大気イオン |
94 |
atmospheric monitoring |
大気環境監視 |
95 |
atmospheric monitoring |
大気監視 |
96 |
atmospheric particulate |
大気粉じん |
97 |
atmospheric phenomenon |
大気現象 |
98 |
atmospheric pollutant |
大気汚染物質 |
99 |
atmospheric pressure |
気圧 |
100 |
atmospheric pressure |
常圧 |
101 |
atmospheric pressure |
大気圧 |
102 |
atmospheric process |
大気過程 |
103 |
atmospheric processes |
大気中での作用 |
104 |
atmospheric radiation |
大気放射 |
105 |
atmospheric reactions |
大気中での反応 |
106 |
atmospheric regional station |
大気地域観測所 |
107 |
Atmospheric Research Observatory |
大気観測研究センター |
108 |
atmospheric scavenging |
大気浄化 |
109 |
atmospheric scavenging processes |
大気浄化過程(作用) |
110 |
atmospheric scientist |
大気科学者 |
111 |
atmospheric stability |
大気安定度 |
112 |
atmospheric stagnation |
大気の停滞(滞留) |
113 |
atmospheric static pressure |
静圧 |
114 |
atmospheric temperature |
大気温度 |
115 |
atmospheric temperature and pressure |
気温気圧 |
116 |
atmospheric trace gas concentration |
大気中の微量気体濃度 |
117 |
atmospheric turbidity |
大気混濁度 |
118 |
atmospheric turbulence |
大気乱流 |
119 |
automatic monitor for atmospheric particulate matter |
浮遊粒子状物質自動測定器 |
120 |
background atmosphere of the planet |
地球のバックグラウンド大気 |
121 |
bacterial treatment |
細菌学的処理 |
122 |
bacteriological treatment |
細菌学的処理 |
123 |
Basic Guidelines for the Comprehensive and Systematic Promotion of Waste Reduction Measures and Other Appropriate Treatments |
廃棄物の減量その他その適正な処理に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るための基本的な方針 |
124 |
Basic Plan for PCB Waste Treatment |
ポリ塩化ビフェニル廃棄物処理基本計画 |
125 |
Basic Plan of Advanced Treatment for Specified Water Area |
特定水域高度処理基本計画 |
126 |
Basic Public Investment Plan |
公共投資基本計画 |
127 |
be reversible with cessation of treatment |
投与を中止すれば回復する |
128 |
bentonite treatment |
ベントナイト処理 |
129 |
biochemical treatment equipment |
生物化学的処理装置 |
130 |
biological and physicochemical treatment |
物理化学的及び生物的処理 |
131 |
biological sewage treatment |
生物学的下水処理 |
132 |
biological treatment |
生物学的処理 |
133 |
biological treatment |
生物処理法 |
134 |
biological treatment |
生物処理 |
135 |
biological treatment by rotating contactor |
回転円板接触式生物処理 |
136 |
bulky waste treatment facility |
粗大ごみ処理施設 |
137 |
business investmet |
投融資 |
138 |
capacity of treatment |
処理能力 |
139 |
carbon content of the atmosphere |
大気中の炭素量 |
140 |
case of improper waste treatment |
不適正処理事案[廃棄物処理の] |
141 |
catalytic odor treatment |
悪臭の接触酸化触媒法 |
142 |
certain figure ("treatment coefficient") |
一定の処理係数 |
143 |
cessation of treatment |
投与中止 |
144 |
chemical treatment |
化学(的)処理 |
145 |
chemical treatment |
薬品処理 |
146 |
chemical treatment |
薬剤処理 |
147 |
chemical treatment process |
化学(的)処理方式 |
148 |
chemicals for water treatment |
水処理剤 |
149 |
chemicals for water treatment |
水処理用化学薬品 |
150 |
Chief Minister's Department |
州首相府 |
151 |
chloramine treatment |
クロラミン処理 |
152 |
chromate treatment |
クロメート処理 |
153 |
chromic acid waste treatment |
クロム排水処理 |
154 |
circulation and utilization of sewer treatment water |
下水処理水循環利用 |
155 |
clay treatment |
白土処理 |
156 |
CO2 treatment |
CO2処理 |
157 |
CO2-enriched atmosphere |
CO2濃度の高い大気 |
158 |
coating treatment equipment |
被覆処理装置 |
159 |
co-disposal treatment of plant sludge |
下水汚泥混合処理 |
160 |
Collaborative Project on Development of Municipal Wastewater Treatment |
汚水処理施設連携整備事業 |
161 |
combined effluent treatment facility |
共同排水処理施設 |
162 |
combined household wastewater treatment facility |
合併処理浄化槽 |
163 |
combined household wastewater treatment facility (combined type Johkaso) |
合併処理浄化槽 |
164 |
Combined Household Wastewater Treatment Facility Establishment Preparation Project |
合併処理浄化槽設置整備事業 |
165 |
combined joint waste water treatment |
共同排水処理(共同廃水処理) |
166 |
combined treatment |
混合処理 |
167 |
combined type private sewage treatment system |
合併処理浄化槽 |
168 |
combined waste water treatment |
共同排水処理(共同廃水処理) |
169 |
comments on each department |
各部門の講評 |
170 |
commitment |
約束 |
171 |
commitment |
公約 |
172 |
commitment |
誓約 |
173 |
commitment |
決意 |
174 |
commitment |
コミットメント |
175 |
commitment |
収監 |
176 |
commitment of Parties to meet the obligations |
締約国の義務を果たす意志 |
177 |
commitment period |
約束期間 |
178 |
commitment period |
目標期間 |
179 |
commitment period reserve |
約束期間リザーブ |
180 |
commitment to near-total deglaciation |
ほぼ全面的な退氷必至 |
181 |
commitment to stabilize GHGs emission at 1990 level by the year 2000 |
2000年までにGHGの排出量を1990年レベルで安定化するという努力目標 |
182 |
commitment to the Earth |
地球との約束 |
183 |
commitment to the future |
未来との約束 |
184 |
commitment to the international community |
国際社会との約束 |
185 |
Committee of Waste Treatment |
廃棄物処理部会 |
186 |
Committee of Waste Treatment and Resource Regeneration |
廃棄物処理・再資源化部会 |
187 |
community plant (local night soil treatment facility) |
コミュニティ・プラント(地域し尿処理施設) |
188 |
Community Reinvestment Act |
地域再投資法 |
189 |
compartment |
区画 |
190 |
compartment |
区分 |
191 |
compartment |
構造区画 |
192 |
complete treatment |
高級処理 |
193 |
compliance with waste treatment standard |
廃棄物処理基準の遵守 |
194 |
composition of the global atmosphere |
地球の大気の組成 |
195 |
concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gas |
温室効果ガス濃度 |
196 |
conditions of appointment |
任命の条件 |
197 |
Conservation of the Atmosphere |
大気環境の保全 |
198 |
conservation of the atmospheric environment (not including the global atmospheric environment) |
大気環境の保全(地球規模の大気環境を除く) |
199 |
conservation of the global atmospheric environment |
地球規模の大気環境の保全 |
200 |
constituent of the atmosphere |
大気の成分 |
201 |
construction guideline of refuse treatment facility |
ごみ処理施設構造指針 |
202 |
construction of waste treatment facility |
廃棄物処理施設整備 |
203 |
consumption and investment with environmental considerations |
グリーン消費・投資 |
204 |
controlled atmosphere storage |
CA貯蔵 |
205 |
Countermeasure Manual for Atmosphere Pollution by Source Type |
汚染源別発生源対策マニュアル |
206 |
coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (global climate model) |
全球大気海洋結合モデル |
207 |
cross-jurisdictional waste treatment center |
広域的廃棄物処理センター |
208 |
cross-jurisdictional waste treatment contractors |
産業廃棄物広域認定業者 |
209 |
Cross-jurisdictional Waste Treatment Plan |
ごみ処理の広域化計画 |
210 |
cyanide effluents treatment method |
シアン排水の処理方法 |
211 |
Dalian Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Project |
大連都市上下水道整備事業 |
212 |
data on the atmospheric environment |
大気環境データ |
213 |
Day of Combined Household Wastewater Treatment Facility |
浄化槽の日 |
214 |
deferrous treatment |
除鉄処理 |
215 |
degree of treatment |
処理度 |
216 |
Department (Australia) |
省(オーストラリア) |
内部組織は各省庁により様々。、部(Division)課(Branch 又はUnit)、部長(Director)、課長(Manager)等。(一般化は困難) |
217 |
department collection |
局収 |
218 |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills |
ビジネス・イノベーション・技能省(英国) |
219 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
Defra |
英国環境・食糧・農村地域省 |
220 |
Department Head |
次官 |
221 |
Department of Agriculture |
DA |
農業省 |
222 |
Department of Agriculture |
農務省(米国) |
223 |
Department of Economic and Social Affairs |
経済社会局 |
224 |
Department of Energy (US) |
米国エネルギー省 |
225 |
Department of Environment |
環境省(英国) |
226 |
Department of Environment and Heritage (Australia) |
環境・遺産省(オーストラリア) |
227 |
Department of Environment and Natural Resources |
環境天然資源省 |
228 |
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism(South Africa) |
環境・観光省(南ア) |
229 |
Department of Foreign Affairs |
外務省 |
230 |
Department of Health |
厚生省 |
231 |
Department of Health and Human Services (US) |
保健社会福祉省(米国) |
232 |
Department of Health, Education and Welfare |
保健教育福祉省(米国) |
233 |
Department of Housing and Urban Development (US) |
住宅・都市開発省(米) |
234 |
Department of Industry, Science and Resources (Cth) |
産業・科学・資源省(連邦) |
235 |
Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Queensland) |
天然資源鉱山省(クイーンズランド州) |
236 |
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (Queensland) |
第一次産業漁業省(クイーンズランド) |
237 |
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials Research |
補綴・生体材料研究学科 |
238 |
Department of Science and Technology |
科学技術省 |
239 |
Department of State Development and Innovation |
州開発・イノベーション省 |
240 |
Department of Transportation (US) |
運輸省(米) |
241 |
Department of Urban Engineering |
都市工学科 |
242 |
department store |
百貨店 |
243 |
departments or sections (offices) dedicated to pollution control |
公害等専門部局課(室) |
244 |
department-wide |
部門別 |
245 |
designed leachate treatment quantity |
計画処理水量 |
246 |
designed treatment water quality |
計画処理水質 |
247 |
development of fishing community effluent treatment facility |
漁業集落排水施設整備 |
248 |
diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury |
負傷の診断、監視、治療、緩和、又は補助 |
249 |
diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease |
疾病の診断、予防、監視、治療、又は緩和 |
250 |
digestive treatment |
消化処理 |
251 |
dilution aerating treatment |
希釈曝気処理 |
252 |
direct atmospheric CO2 enrichment |
大気中CO2の直接的増加 |
253 |
direct investment |
直接投資 |
254 |
discriminatory treatment |
差別的取扱い |
255 |
dissemination status of wastewater treatment facilities |
汚水処理人口普及状況 |
256 |
domestic effluent treatment facility |
生活排水処理施設 |
257 |
domestic waste treatment |
生活廃棄物処理 |
258 |
drinking water treatment plant |
浄水場 |
259 |
drinking water treatment plant |
浄水処理施設 |
260 |
dual commitment |
二重のコミットメント |
261 |
Durban Commitment |
ダーバンコミットメント |
262 |
dustman |
ごみ掃除人夫 |
263 |
economic maladjustment |
経済のひずみ |
264 |
Ehime Prefecture Waste Treatment Center |
(財)愛媛県廃棄物処理センター |
265 |
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department |
機電工程署(電気機械サービス部門) |
266 |
Electricity and Gas Industry Department |
電力・ガス事業部[資源エネルギー庁] |
267 |
electro treatment of odor |
悪臭の電界除去法 |
268 |
electrolytic treatment |
電解処理法 |
269 |
enactment |
制定 |
270 |
enactment |
立法措置 |
271 |
encystment |
シスト形成 |
272 |
endodontic treatment |
歯内療法 |
273 |
endodontic treatment |
歯内治療 |
274 |
end-of-pipe treatment |
末端処理 |
275 |
end-of-pipe treatment |
排出端処理 |
276 |
energy efficiency commitment |
エネルギー効率コミットメント |
277 |
engineer for the United States Department of Agriculture |
農務省技師 |
278 |
engineering department |
技術部 |
279 |
Engineering Management Section of the Quality Assurance Department |
品質保障部技術管理課 |
280 |
entrustment |
委嘱 |
281 |
entrustment |
委託 |
282 |
environmental adjustment function |
環境調整機能 |
283 |
environmental compartmentalization |
環境分布 |
284 |
environmental departments of local governments |
地方公共団体環境部局 |
285 |
Environmental Health Department |
環境保健部 |
286 |
environmental investment |
環境投資 |
287 |
Environmental Training Department of the National Institute of Environmental Research in Korea |
韓国国立環境研究院環境研修部 |
288 |
equipment investment |
設備投資 |
289 |
European Investment Bank |
ヨーロッパ投資銀行 |
290 |
Examination of the outcome-oriented goals and targets and associated indicators and consideration of their possible adjustment for the period beyond 2010 |
成果指向型の最終目標、目標、関連指標の検討と2010年以降に向けた調整事項の検討 |
291 |
excess sludge from on-site waste water treatment system |
浄化槽汚泥 |
292 |
excess treatment |
過剰処理 |
293 |
exclusive treatment |
専用処理 |
294 |
exhaust gas after-treatment device |
排出ガス後処理装置 |
295 |
exhaust gas treatment facility |
排ガス処理設備 |
296 |
expenditure on capital investment |
設備投資への支出 |
297 |
Export Credit Guarantee Department |
輸出信用保証庁 |
298 |
eyelash treatment |
睫毛剤 |
299 |
FAO Forestry Department |
国連食糧農業機関森林局 |
300 |
feed water treatment |
給水処理 |
301 |
ferrite treatment |
フェライト法 |