1 |
vision |
視覚 |
2 |
Africa Water Vision |
アフリカ水ビジョン |
3 |
EARTH VISION Committee |
アース・ビジョン組織委員会 |
4 |
establish the clear mid- and long-term vision |
明確な中・長期的なビジョンを定める |
5 |
obstruction to vision |
視程障害 |
6 |
Secretary General, EARTH VISION Committee |
アース・ビジョン組織委員会事務局長 |
7 |
vision blurred |
霧視 |
8 |
Vision for a Virtuous Circle for Environment and Economy in Japan - Toward a Healthy, Rich, and Beautiful Environmentally-Advanced Country - |
環境と経済の好循環ビジョン−健やかで美しく豊かな環境先進国へ向けて− |
9 |
Vision for Construction Industry Environmental Activity |
建設産業環境行動ビジョン |
10 |
Vision for Environmental Leadership Initiatives for Asian Sustainability in Higher Education |
持続可能なアジアに向けた大学における環境人材育成ビジョン |
11 |
Vision for Water, Life and Environment |
水・生命・環境ビジョン |
12 |
access and movement provisions |
出入りおよび移動に関する規定 |
13 |
accounting division |
経理課 |
14 |
Act on Special Provisions |
特例に関する法律 |
15 |
Act on Special Provisions of the Commercial Code concerning Audits of business corporation |
株式会社の監査等に関する商法の特例に関する法律 |
16 |
Air Environment Division |
大気環境課 |
17 |
artery industry (business sector involved in creation and provision of the resources needed by economic activities to support human life) |
動脈産業 |
18 |
asset division |
資産分割 |
19 |
automatic supervision |
自動監視 |
20 |
auxiliary provision |
補則 |
21 |
Biovision Tasmania 2007-2015: Tasmania's Biotechnology Strategy |
2007-2015年タスマニア州バイオビジョン:タスマニア州バイオテクノロジー戦略 |
22 |
black-and-white television |
白黒テレビ |
23 |
borehole television |
ボアホールテレビ |
24 |
Budget and Accounts Division |
会計課 |
25 |
Climate Change Policy Division |
地球温暖化対策課 |
26 |
Committee for the Revision of JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (provisional name) |
JICA環境社会配慮ガイドライン(仮称)に関する改定委員会 |
27 |
Committee on Revision of Environmental Reporting Guidelines |
環境報告書ガイドライン改訂検討会 |
28 |
Committee on Revision of the National Biodiversity Strategy of Japan |
生物多様性国家戦略の見直しに関する懇談会 |
29 |
consumer feedback division |
消費者相談窓口 |
30 |
consumer feedback division |
消費者相談部門(消費者相談を扱う部門) |
31 |
contravention of provisions on arrangements for control and enforcement |
管理及び執行のための取決めに関する規定の違反 |
32 |
contravention of provisions on control and enforcement |
管理及び執行に関する規定の違反 |
33 |
contravention of provisions on the conduct of harvesting operations and order on harvesting grounds |
採取作業の実施及び採取場における秩序に関する規定の違反 |
34 |
contravention of regulatory provisions |
規制措置違反 |
35 |
cooperative procedures and institutional mechanisms to promote compliance with the provisions of this Protocol and to address cases of non-compliance |
この議定書の規定を遵守することを促進し及び不遵守の事案に対処するための協力についての手続及びそのための制度的な仕組み |
36 |
cross-divisional activity |
組織横断的活動 |
37 |
CRT widescreen television |
ブラウン管のワイドテレビ |
38 |
default provision |
任意規定 |
39 |
Deming Application Prize for Division |
デミング賞実施賞事業部賞 |
40 |
Department (Australia) |
省(オーストラリア) |
内部組織は各省庁により様々。、部(Division)課(Branch 又はUnit)、部長(Director)、課長(Manager)等。(一般化は困難) |
41 |
Developing Visions for a Low-Carbon Society through Sustainable Development |
低炭素社会の実現に向けた脱温暖化2050プロジェクト |
42 |
direct application of punishment provisions |
直罰 |
43 |
Director of the Compliance and Narcotics Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare |
厚生労働省医薬食品局監視指導・麻薬対策課長 |
44 |
Division |
目 |
45 |
division |
分割 |
46 |
division |
分裂[生物の] |
47 |
Division for Sustainable Development |
持続可能な開発部 |
48 |
division of duties |
分掌 |
49 |
division of forest |
林班 |
50 |
division of forest holding |
割地 |
51 |
division of national forest by utilization |
国有林野の区分 |
52 |
division responsible for supervising sth |
統括部門 |
53 |
Environmental Bell Mark (provisional name) program |
環境ベルマーク(仮称)制度 |
54 |
Environmental Economics Division |
環境経済課 |
55 |
environmental guidance division |
環境指導部 |
56 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division |
環境安全課 |
57 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Division |
環境影響評価課 |
58 |
Environmental Quality Standards and Provisional Targets of Environmental Quality Standards for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Tokyo Bay, Ise Bay, and Osaka Bay |
東京湾、伊勢湾及び大阪湾の全窒素及び全燐にかかわる環境基準および環境基準の暫定目標 |
59 |
Environmental Strategy Division |
環境計画課 |
60 |
Environmental Transport Policy Division |
自動車環境対策課 |
61 |
Expert Working Group on Improving Governments' Role in Promoting Environmental Management Accounting of the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development |
国連持続可能開発部環境管理会計専門家会合 |
62 |
fundamental revision |
抜本的改正[法の] |
63 |
general affairs division |
総務部 |
64 |
general provision |
総則 |
65 |
general provisions |
一般規定 |
66 |
general provisions |
総則 |
67 |
general provisions regarding other removal of wildlife and salmonids and freshwater fish |
野生生物並びにサケ科魚類及び淡水魚類のその他の除去に関する一般規定 |
68 |
Global Environmental Issues Division |
環境保全対策課 |
69 |
Global Environmental Subcommittee under the Environment Division of the Industrial Structure Council |
産業構造審議会環境部会地球環境小委員会 |
70 |
governing law provision |
準拠法規定 |
71 |
Grant Program Division, Department of Japan Fund for Global Environment |
地球環境基金部助成課 |
72 |
gratuitous provision for non-commercial purposes |
非商業目的の場合の無償供与 |
73 |
Guidelines for Environmental Representations (Ministry of the Environment, 2nd Revision: 2009) |
環境表示ガイドライン(環境省 改訂二版:2009) |
74 |
Guidelines for the Provision of Waste Information |
廃棄物情報の提供に関するガイドライン |
75 |
high-definition television |
ハイビジョンテレビ |
76 |
Industrial Waste Management Division |
産業廃棄物課 |
77 |
Industry and Environment Subcommittee under the Environment Division of the Industrial Structure Council |
産業構造審議会環境部会産業と環境小委員会 |
78 |
International Christian University, Division of International Studies, College of Liberal Arts |
国際基督教大学教養学部国際関係学科 |
79 |
introductory provision |
冒頭規定 |
80 |
JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (provisional name) |
JICA環境社会配慮ガイドライン(仮称) |
81 |
Law concerning Provisional Measures for Promotion of Administrative Work on Certification of Minamata Disease |
水俣病の認定業務の促進に関する臨時措置法 |
82 |
Law of Provisional Measures for Projects and Activities to Rationalize Use of Energy, etc., and Utilization of Recycled Resources |
エネルギー等の使用の合理化及び再生資源の利用に関する臨時措置法 |
83 |
Law of Provisional Measures for Promotion of the Construction of Designated Facilities through the Participation of Private Enterprises |
民間事業者の能力の活用による特定設備の促進に関する臨時措置法 |
民活法 |
84 |
liquid crystal television |
液晶テレビ |
85 |
medical equipment provision project |
医療機器整備事業 |
86 |
meiosis stage; reductional division stage |
減数分裂期 |
87 |
Minister of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China |
中国国家質量監督検験検疫総局局長 |
88 |
miscellaneous provision |
雑則 |
89 |
miscellaneous provisions on penal measures |
懲罰措置に関する雑則 |
90 |
Model Municipality Plan Formulation and Revision Aid Survey |
モデル市町村計画策定・改定支援調査 |
91 |
monitoring television |
監視用テレビ |
92 |
Multi-year programme of work on the implementation of Article 8(j) and related provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity |
生物多様性条約第8条(j)項及びその関連規定を実施するための多年度作業計画 |
93 |
National Measurement Standards Provision System |
計量標準供給制度 |
94 |
National Park Division |
国立公園課 |
95 |
Nature Planning Division |
自然環境計画課 |
96 |
necessary legislation and/or other regulatory provision |
必要な法令その他の規制措置 |
97 |
NIES Regional Environment Division |
NIES地域環境研究グループ |
98 |
notwithstanding the provision of |
の規定にかかわらず |
99 |
partial revision |
一部改正 |
100 |
penal provision |
罰則 |
101 |
permit of provisional detention |
仮拘禁許可状 |
102 |
Personnel Division |
秘書課 |
103 |
plant construction division |
工場建設部 |
104 |
plant management division |
工場管理部 |
105 |
plasma television |
プラズマテレビ |
106 |
Policy and Coordination Division |
総務課 |
107 |
Policy Coordination/Evaluation and Public Relations Division |
政策評価広報課 |
108 |
Policy Planning Division |
企画課 |
109 |
prior to the revision by this Act |
この法律による改正前の |
110 |
production and service provision |
製造及びサービス提供 |
111 |
provision |
規定 |
112 |
provision |
支給 |
113 |
provision |
条項 |
114 |
provision and dissemination of information and awareness raising |
知識の提供・普及啓発 |
115 |
provision of basic education |
基礎教育の提供 |
116 |
provision of certification information |
認証情報の提供 |
117 |
provision of equipment |
機材供与 |
118 |
provision of information |
情報提供 |
119 |
provision of information |
情報の提供 |
120 |
provision of resources |
資源の提供 |
121 |
provisional administration order |
保全管理命令 |
122 |
provisional administrator representative |
保全管理人代理 |
123 |
provisional attachment |
仮差押え |
124 |
provisional budget |
暫定予算 |
125 |
provisional calculation |
試算 |
126 |
provisional cancellation |
仮解除 |
127 |
provisional contract |
仮契約 |
128 |
provisional data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions |
温室効果ガス排出量速報値 |
129 |
provisional designation |
仮指定 |
130 |
provisional director |
仮理事 |
131 |
provisional disposition |
仮処分 |
132 |
provisional effluent standard |
暫定排水基準 |
133 |
provisional execution |
仮執行 |
134 |
provisional garnishment |
仮差押え |
135 |
Provisional Guidelines for Prevention of Water Pollution by Agricultural Chemicals Used at Golf Courses |
ゴルフ場で使用される農薬による水質汚濁の防止に係る暫定指導指針 |
136 |
Provisional Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Caused by Organic Chlorine Compounds, etc. |
有機塩素系化合物等に係る土壌・地下水汚染調査・対策暫定指針 |
137 |
provisional landing |
仮上陸 |
138 |
Provisional National Targets and Actions |
各国の暫定目標と行動 |
139 |
provisional payment |
仮納付 |
140 |
provisional release |
仮放免 |
141 |
provisional release (from misdemeanor detention or detention in workhouse in lieu of payment of fine) |
仮出場 |
142 |
provisional removal standard |
暫定除去基準 |
143 |
provisional seizure |
仮差押え |
144 |
provisional services |
暫定的な供用 |
145 |
provisional target |
暫定目標 |
146 |
provisioning service |
供給サービス |
147 |
provisions … to … inclusive |
…から…までの規定 |
148 |
provisions of Paragraph 6, Article 14 o the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law of Japan. |
薬事法第14条第6項の規定 |
149 |
provisions of the National Environment Action Plan |
国家環境行動計画に関する規定 |
150 |
pursuant to the provision of |
の規定により |
151 |
pursuant to the provision of |
に定めるところにより |
152 |
pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph |
前項の規定により |
153 |
revision |
改正 |
154 |
revision |
改定 |
155 |
revision |
修正 |
156 |
revision |
補正 |
157 |
revision of taxation system |
税制改正 |
158 |
revision or abolition |
改廃 |
159 |
shipboard waste pollution prevention provisions |
船舶発生廃棄物汚染防止規程 |
160 |
Soil Environment Division |
土壌環境課 |
161 |
special provision |
特則 |
162 |
special provision |
特約 |
163 |
special provision |
特例規定 |
164 |
special provision for depreciation |
減価償却の特例 |
165 |
subject to the provisions of this Article |
この条の規定に従って |
166 |
supervision |
監督 |
167 |
supplementary provision of the Dioxins Law |
ダイオキシン法附則 |
168 |
supplementary provisions |
附則 |
169 |
Supplementary Provisions 2 |
附則第2項 |
170 |
systematic environmental provision |
制度的環境整備 |
171 |
television interference |
テレビ障害 |
172 |
television reception fee |
テレビ受信料 |
173 |
the provision of … , as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to … |
…において準用する…の規定 |
174 |
the provision of … shall also apply to … |
…の規定は、…についても適用する |
175 |
the provisions then in force shall remain applicable |
については、なお従前の例による |
176 |
Toxic Chemicals Management Section, Environmental Improvement Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government |
東京都環境局環境改善部有害化学物質対策課 |
177 |
transitional provisions |
暫定規定 |
178 |
transitory provisions |
経過規定 |
179 |
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization |
国連休戦監視機構 |
180 |
violation of provisions prohibiting discharge of hazardous liquid substances from ships |
船舶からの有害液体物質排出禁止規定違反 |
181 |
violation of provisions prohibiting discharge of waste from ships |
船舶からの廃棄物排出禁止規定違反 |
182 |
violation of provisions prohibiting the disposal of waste and provisions ordering mounting equipment to prevent falling of cargos |
廃物投棄禁止、貨物の脱落防止設備規定違反等 |
183 |
visitor management provisions |
訪問者管理規定 |
184 |
Waste Management Division |
廃棄物対策課 |
185 |
Water Environment Division |
水環境課 |
186 |
Wildlife Division |
野生生物課 |
187 |
Wildlife Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment |
環境省自然保護局野生生物課 |
188 |
Workshop on "Developing Visions for a Low-Carbon Society (LCS) through Sustainable Development" |
国際ワークショップ「持続可能な発展につながる低炭素社会ビジョンの構築」 |