 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 vibration 振動
2 air vibration 空気振動
3 allowable limit of vibration 振動の許容基準
4 amplitude of vibration 振動振幅
5 analysis of vibration 振動分析
6 background vibration 暗振動
7 Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration 空気汚染、騒音及び振動に起因する作業環境における職業性の危害からの労働者の保護に関する条約 ILO・空気汚染・騒音・振動規制条約
8 Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration "作業環境における大気汚染,騒音,振動などの危険から労働者を保護する条約"
9 damped vibration 減衰振動
10 factory vibration 工場振動
11 FY xxxx Survey of the Implementation of Vibration Regulation Law 平成xx年度振動規制法施行状況調査
12 General Plan of Measures for Shinkansen Railway Noise Abatement and Prevention of Vibration Hazards 新幹線鉄道騒音・振動対策処理要鋼[国鉄]
13 guideline value set for vibration measures 振動対策指針値
14 health hazard due to vibration 振動障害
15 impulsive vibration 衝撃振動
16 low frequency air vibration 低周波空気振動
17 low-frequency vibration of air 低周波空気振動
18 low-vibration construction machine 低振動型建設機械
19 Measures for Environmental Preservation to Deal with the Urgent Problem of Shinkansen Railway Vibration 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策
20 measures for noise and vibration caused by operations in factories, business establishments, and construction works 工場・事業場及び建設作業騒音・振動対策
21 Measures for Vibration Caused by Shinkansen Trains Urgently Required to Preserve the Environment 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策について
22 Noise and Vibration Committee 騒音振動部会
23 Office of Odor, Noise and Vibration 大気生活環境室
24 propagation of vibration 振動伝播
25 proper vibration 固有振動
26 Raynaud's disease vibration syndrome 白ろう病
27 Regulatory Standards for Vibration from Specified Factories, etc. 特定工場等において発生する振動の規制に関する基準
28 road traffic vibration 道路交通振動
29 seismic vibration 地震動
30 sensation of vibration 振動感覚
31 Shinkansen noise and vibration 新幹線鉄道騒音・振動
32 source of vibration 振動源
33 threshold of vibration sensation 振動感覚閾値
34 vibration acceleration 振動加速度
35 vibration acceleration level 加速度レベル
36 vibration control equipment 振動防止装置
37 vibration damping 振動減衰
38 vibration damping equipment 振動減衰装置
39 vibration deadener 振動デッドナー
40 vibration deadening 制振
41 vibration disease 振動病
42 vibration frequency analyzer 振動周波数分析器
43 vibration isolating material 防振材料
44 vibration isolation 振動絶縁
45 vibration level gauge 振動レベル計
46 vibration level meter 振動レベル計
47 vibration measure 振動対策
48 vibration meter 振動計
49 vibration pollution 振動公害
50 vibration prevention 振動防止
51 vibration proof foundation 防振基礎
52 vibration proof rubber 防振ゴム
53 Vibration Regulation Law 振動規制法
54 vibration separator 振動式選別機
55 vibration-proof material 防振材料
56 vibration-proofing works 防振工事
57 weighing of vibration sensation 振動感覚補正
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