 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 starch 洗濯のり
2 starch でんぷん
3 condition of starch accumulation in grain observed from a viewpoint of their external characters (length, width, thickness, etc.) 粒肥大の良否
4 condition of starch accumulation in grains observed from a viewpoint of their internal characters (density and quality of starch accumulation, etc.) 粒充実の良否
5 dried slices of elephant-foot and starch of elephant foot 荒粉・精粉
6 soluble starch 溶性でんぷん
7 starch industry wastewater でんぷん工業排水
8 starch iodine reaction よう素でん粉反応
9 starch wastewater でんぷん廃液