 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 ratification 追認
2 contents of the Kyoto Protocol and its ratification by Japan 京都議定書の合意内容と日本の締結
3 Future Policies toward the Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol 京都議定書の締結に向けた今後の方針
4 instrument of ratification 批准書
5 ratification status 締結状況
6 ratification, acceptance or approval 批准、受諾又は承認
7 Requirements for the Kyoto Protocol to Enter into Force and Ratification Status 京都議定書の発効条件と締結状況
8 inverse stratification 逆列成層
9 stratification 成層
10 stratification 層化
11 stratification 層理
12 stratification of the surface waters 表層水の成層化
13 temperature stratification 温度成層
14 thermal stratification 温度成層化