 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 quantity
2 analogous quantity アナログ量
3 cabinet and ministerial ordinances and notifications concerning the method of calculating the quantity of recycling for specified business 特定事業者の再商品化義務量算定方式等に係る政省令・告示等
4 catch quantity 漁獲量
5 catch quantity by recreational boat fishing 遊漁採捕量
6 collected quantity 回収量
7 cost charged by quantity 従量制
8 damaged quantity 被害量
9 designed leachate treatment quantity 計画処理水量
10 digital quantity デジタル量
11 establishment of systems for managing quality, quantity, delivery, costs, safety, environment, etc. 品質・量・納期・原価・安全・環境などの管理システムの整備
12 express container train developed with the aim of realizing high-speed transport of small-quantity products combination freight 小口組み合わせ貨物の高速輸送
13 heat quantity 熱流量
14 holder to collect quantity 採集許可の所持者
15 landed quantity 水揚量
16 landed quantity listed in market 市場上場水揚量
17 landed quantity not listed in market 市場非上場水揚量
18 large quantity meat retail store 食肉量販店
19 loss in quantity 減量
20 maximum production quantity 最大生産数量
21 maximum quantity of available water 最大利用水量
22 milk quantity of 3.5% fat equivalent 乳脂率3.5%換算乳量
23 minimum production quantity 最低生産数量
24 production quantity 生産量
25 production quantity 生産数量
26 quantity for raw milk processing 生乳処理量
27 quantity in excess of the Code limit 規約に定める制限量を超える採集
28 quantity of contaminant 汚染量
29 quantity of feeding 投餌量
30 quantity of fishery products deposited (to the cold storage) as of the end of every month 水産物月末在庫量
31 quantity of fishery products deposited per month 水産物月間入庫量
32 quantity of fishery products released per month 水産物月間出庫量
33 quantity of harmful ultraviolet ray 有害紫外線量 UV-B量
34 quantity of natural evaporation 自然蒸発量
35 quantity of sold seedlings 種苗販売量
36 quantity of the resources that has been agreed can be removed from the area その地域から採取(除去)できることで合意した資源量
37 quantity of the sample taken 採取した試料の数量
38 quantity of water intake 取水量
39 quantity of water supply 給水量
40 radiation source quantity 線源数量
41 right quantity 正しい数量
42 secondary landing quantity 搬入量
43 shipping quantity of hen eggs 鶏卵出荷量
44 threshold planning quantity 計画基準量
45 toxic chemical threshold quantity 有毒化学物質基準量
46 toxicity equivalency quantity TEQ 毒性等量
47 wholesale quantity of fishery products 卸売数量