 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 prevention 防止
2 prevention 予防
3 accident prevention 事故防止
4 Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Prevention of Pollution of the Environment in the Arctic 北極における環境汚染の防止協力に関する米ロ協定 米ロ北極環境協力協定
5 agreement on pollution prevention 公害防止協定
6 Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law 農用地の土壌の汚染防止等に関する法律
7 Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954, concerning Tank Arrangement and Limitation of Tank Size 1954年の油濁防止条約をタンカーのタンク構造及びサイズに関して改正する条約
8 basic disaster prevention plan 防災基本計画
9 bushfire prevention equipment 林野火災予防資機材
10 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDCP 疾病管理予防センター
11 Certificate of marine pollution prevention 海洋汚染防止証書
12 Communicable Diseases Prevention law 伝染病予防法
13 comprehensive measure for protection of wildlife and prevention of damage 野生鳥獣管理・被害総合対策
14 comprehensive wildlife damage prevention facility 総合鳥獣被害防止施設
15 Conference of Parties of Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Convention 海洋汚染防止条約締約国会議
16 conference on environmental conservation and pollution prevention 環境保全・公害防止研究発表会
17 Consultation Group on Measures for Prevention of Red Soil Erosion 赤土等流出防止対策協議会
18 Convention Concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational Hazards Caused by Carcinogenic Substances and Agents がん原性物質及びがん原性因子による職業性障害の防止及び管理に関する条約 ILO・発がん物質規制条約
19 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 廃棄物その他の物の投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約 ロンドン海洋投棄条約
20 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972 London Convention 1972年の廃棄物その他の物の投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約 ロンドン条約
21 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources Paris Convention 陸上起源の海洋汚染防止条約 パリ条約
22 corrosion prevention 防食
23 detailed agricultural land survey for the prevention of soil contamination 農用地土壌汚染防止対策細密調査
24 diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease 疾病の診断、予防、監視、治療、又は緩和
25 disaster prevention 防災
26 disaster prevention 災害防止
27 disaster prevention council 防災会議
28 disaster prevention crew 保安要員
29 disaster prevention drills 防災訓練
30 disaster prevention green zone 防災緑地
31 disaster prevention park 防災公園
32 disaster prevention personnel 保安要員
33 disaster prevention plan 防災計画
34 disaster prevention pond 防災調整池
35 Enforcement Ordinance of the Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster 海洋汚染等及び海上災害の防止に関する法律施行令
36 Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals, Including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Toxic and Dangerous Products (Agenda 21) 有害かつ危険な製品の不法な国際取引の防止を含む有害化学物質の環境上適正な管理(アジェンダ21)
37 erosion prevention dam 砂防ダム
38 eutrophication prevention measures 富栄養化防止対策
39 fire prevention 防火対策
40 fire prevention facility 防火施設
41 fire prevention tree 防火樹
42 fire-prevention forest 防火森林
43 flood prevention 水防
44 flood prevention 洪水防御
45 Fund for Mine Pollution Prevention Works 鉱害防止事業基金
46 General Plan of Measures for Shinkansen Railway Noise Abatement and Prevention of Vibration Hazards 新幹線鉄道騒音・振動対策処理要鋼[国鉄]
47 Global Warming Prevention Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会地球温暖化防止対策部会
48 global warming prevention evaluation model project 温暖化対策診断モデル事業
49 Global Warming Prevention Headquarters 地球温暖化対策推進本部
50 global warming prevention measures 地球温暖化対策
51 Global Warming Prevention Month 地球温暖化防止月間
52 guidebook concerning the Light Pollution Prevention System 光害防止制度に係るガイドブック
53 Guidelines for Hydrocarbon Levels in the Atmosphere for Prevention of Photochemical Oxidant Formation 光化学オキシダントの生成防止のための大気中の炭化水素濃度の指針について
54 Guiding Principles for the Prevention, Introduction and Mitigation of Impacts of Alien Species that Threaten Ecosystems, Habitats or Species 生態系、生息地及び種を脅かす外来種の影響の予防、導入、影響緩和のための指針原則 外来種対策指針原則
55 health damage prevention project 健康被害予防事業
56 illegal parking prevention ordinance 違法駐車防止条例
57 industrial accident prevention plan 労働災害防止計画
58 Innovative Global Warming Prevention Technology Working Group under the Research and Development Subcommittee of the Industrial Technology Sectional Committee of the Industrial Structure Council 産業構造審議会産業技術分科会研究開発小委員会革新的温暖化対策技術ワーキンググループ
59 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 MARPOL Convention 1973年の船舶による汚染の防止のための国際条約 MARPOL条約
60 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954 1954年の油による海水の汚濁の防止のための国際条約 海洋油濁防止条約
61 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil: 1954 油濁防止条約
62 joint pollution prevention facility 共同公害防止処理施設
63 Law concerning Compensation and Prevention of Pollution-related Health Damages LCPPHD 公害健康被害の補償等に関する法律 公健法
64 Law concerning Prevention of Mine Pollution 鉱害の防止に係る法律
65 Law Concerning Prevention, Etc. of Disturbance from Aircraft Noise in the Vicinity of Public Airport 公共用飛行場周辺における航空機騒音による障害の防止等に関する法律
66 Law concerning the Improvement of Pollution Prevention Systems in Specific Factories 特定工場における公害防止組織の整備に関する法律
67 Law concerning the Prevention of Damage Caused by Aircraft Noise in Areas around Public Airports 公共用飛行場周辺における航空機騒音による障害の防止等に関する法律
68 Law for Prevention of Damage from Radioactive Isotopes 放射性同位元素等による放射線障害の防止に関する法律
69 Law for the Prevention of Disasters at Oil Complexes, etc. 石油コンビナート等災害防止法
70 Law for the Prevention of Disease and Insect Pests in Forests 森林病害虫等防除法
71 Law on the Prevention of Disasters in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and Other Petroleum Facilities 石油コンビナート等災害防止法
72 Law on the Prevention of the Generation of Particulates from Studded Tires Studded Tires Regulation Law スパイクタイヤ粉じんの発生の防止に関する法律
73 Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster Prevention Law 海洋汚染及び海上災害の防止に関する法律 海防法
74 leak prevention 漏水防止
75 litter prevention campaign 投げ捨て防止のキャンペーン
76 litter prevention equipment 飛散防止設備
77 littering prevention equipment 飛散防止施設
78 Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Law 海洋汚染防止法
79 marine pollution prevention measure 海洋汚染防止対策
80 marine pollution prevention technique 海洋汚染防止技術
81 Marine Pollution Prevention Week 海洋環境保全推進週間
82 Maritime Disaster Prevention Center 海上災害防止センター
83 measure for prevention of littered cans 空き缶散乱防止対策
84 meeting of senior officials of the Global Warming Prevention Headquarters 地球温暖化対策推進本部幹事会
85 mine pollution prevention project 鉱害防止事業
86 Minister of the Environment's 2006 Commendation for Global Warming Prevention Activity 平成18年度地球温暖化防止活動環境大臣表彰
87 Ministerial Council concerned with Measures for the Prevention of Ground Subsidence 地盤沈下防止等対策関係閣僚会議
88 mobile unit for pollution prevention 機動防除隊
89 National Bushfire Prevention Movement 全国山火事予防運動
90 Notification providing for the Registration Withholding Standards of Agricultural Chemicals concerning Prevention of Damage to Aquatic Animals and Plants 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準を設定する告示
91 Odor-prevention Administrative Handbook 悪臭防止行政ハンドブック
92 Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 化学物質安全性・汚染防止局
93 ordinance for the prevention of can litter 空き缶の散乱防止条例
94 Ordinance on the Prevention of Eutrophication of Biwa-ko 琵琶湖の富栄養化の防止に関する条例
95 Ordinance on the Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards 電離放射線障害防止規則
96 Ordinance on the Prevention of Lead Poisoning 鉛中毒予防規則
97 Ordinance on the Prevention of Oxygen Deficiency, etc. 酸素欠乏症等防止規則
98 Ordinance on the Prevention of the Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances 特定化学物質等障害予防規則
99 people engaged in the Health Damage Prevention Project 健康被害予防事業従事者
100 pollution prevention industry 公害防止産業
101 Pollution Prevention Management System 公害防止管理制度
102 pollution prevention ordinance 公害防止条例
103 pollution prevention project 公害対策事業
104 pollution prevention project 公害防止事業
105 pollution prevention system 公害防止体制
106 pollution prevention technique 公害防止技術
107 Pollution-Related Health Damage Compensation and Prevention Association 公害健康被害補償予防協会
108 pollution-related health damage compensation and prevention scheme 公害健康被害補償予防制度
109 poster design for the prevention of neighborhood noise 近隣騒音防止ポスターデザイン
110 prevention of backflow 逆流防止
111 prevention of disasters in mountain regions 山地災害防止
112 prevention of epidemics 防疫
113 prevention of exposure 暴露回避
114 prevention of fishing 漁獲の防止
115 prevention of global warming 温暖化防止
116 prevention of global warming 地球温暖化防止
117 prevention of land slide 地すべり防止
118 prevention of landslides 崩落防止
119 prevention of landslip 地すべり防止
120 prevention of mining-induced pollution 鉱害防止
121 prevention of pollution 汚染の予防
122 prevention of pollution 公害防止
123 process & prevention technology プロセス・予防技術
124 Program for the Prevention of Forest Decline Caused by Acid Deposition, etc. 酸性雨等森林衰退対策事業
125 project for the prevention of air pollution-related health damages 大気汚染の影響による健康被害を予防するための事業 健康被害予防事業
126 project to establish public pollution prevention facilities 共同公害防止処理施設設置事業
127 project to evaluate global warming prevention measures 温暖化対策診断事業
128 promotion of global warming prevention activities by every social actor 国民各界各層による更なる地球温暖化防止活動の推進
129 Promotion of Measures against Hydrocarbons for the Prevention of Photochemical Air Pollution 光化学大気汚染防止のための炭化水素類対策の推進について
130 Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft 船舶及び航空機からの投棄による地中海の汚染を防止するための議定書 地中海投棄規制議定書
131 Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 Protocol of MARPOL73/78 1973年の船舶による汚染の防止のための国際条約に関する1978年の議定書 MARPOL73/78条約
132 Provisional Guidelines for Prevention of Water Pollution by Agricultural Chemicals Used at Golf Courses ゴルフ場で使用される農薬による水質汚濁の防止に係る暫定指導指針
133 public pollution prevention project 共同公害防止等事業
134 recurrence prevention 再発防止
135 Registration Withholding Standards of Agricultural Chemicals concerning Prevention of Water Pollution 水質汚濁に係る農薬登録保留基準
136 Regulations for Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships 大気汚染防止に関する規則
137 Regulations for Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (Annex VI) 船舶からの大気汚染防止に関する規則(附属書VI)
138 relief and prevention of health damage 健康被害の救済及び予防
139 reserve fund for the prevention of mine pollution 鉱害防止積立金
140 risk-prevention effect リスク回避効果
141 seminar on the prevention of marine pollution 海洋汚染防止講習会
142 settlement prevention work 沈下防止工
143 shipboard waste pollution prevention provisions 船舶発生廃棄物汚染防止規程
144 vibration prevention 振動防止
145 voluntary advisor for global warming prevention activity appointed by governor 都道府県の地球温暖化防止活動推進員
146 warning labels pertaining to environmental pollution prevention 環境汚染の防止に関する表示
147 waste prevention 廃棄物抑制
148 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972 Protocol to the London Convention 1972年の廃棄物その他の物の投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約の1996年の議定書 ロンドン条約96年の議定書