 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 prevent 防止する
2 prevent 予防する
3 Center for Promoting Activities to Prevent Global Warming 地球温暖化防止活動推進センター
4 construction project to prevent mine pollution when mines are shut down or abandoned 休廃止鉱山に係る鉱害防止事業
5 facility to prevent water pollution 水質汚濁防止施設
6 Five-year Plan of Project to Prevent Landslides at Steep Slopes 急斜面地崩壊対策事業5箇年計画
7 Five-year Plan of Project to Prevent Landslides at Steep Slopes 急傾斜地崩壊対策事業5か年計画
8 Grant for Works to Prevent Mine Pollution at Closed or Inactive Mining Sites 休廃止鉱山鉱害防止等工事費補助金
9 Guideline for Measures to Prevent Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進大綱[旧訳し方]
10 Law concerning Special Measures for Water Quality Conservation at Water Resources Area in Order to Prevent the Specified Difficulties in Water Utilization 特定水道利水障害の防止のための水道源水域の水質の保全に関する特別措置法
11 Manual of Measures to Prevent Asbestos from Entering the Environment during Building Dismantling 建築物の解体等に係る石綿飛散防止対策マニュアル
12 measure to prevent the leakage 漏洩防止対策
13 measure to prevent water from leaking into the tunnel construction area トンネル工部の湧水防止対策
14 Never too Late to Prevent Global Warming! まだ間に合う!地球温暖化防止
15 Prefectural National Center for Promoting Activities to Prevent Global Warming 都道府県全国地球温暖化防止活動推進センター
16 prevent illegal waste dumping 不法投棄防止
17 Program for Promoting Greening Activities to Prevent Global Warming with Citizen Participation 地球温暖化防止のための緑の国民参加活動推進事業
18 special works for improving soil quality to prevent public hazards 公害防除特別土地改良事業
19 stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system 気候系に対して危険な人為的干渉を及ぼすこととならない水準において大気中の温室効果ガスの濃度を安定化させること
20 technology to prevent the absorption of cadmium カドミウム吸収抑制技術
21 Ten-year Forest Sink Measures to Prevent Global Warming 地球温暖化防止森林吸収源10カ年対策
22 violation of provisions prohibiting the disposal of waste and provisions ordering mounting equipment to prevent falling of cargos 廃物投棄禁止、貨物の脱落防止設備規定違反等