1 |
live |
生息する |
2 |
live bait |
生き餌 |
3 |
live birth |
出生 |
4 |
live birth |
出産 |
5 |
live birth index |
出生率 |
6 |
live born |
出生児 |
7 |
live fetus |
生存胎児 |
8 |
live fish |
活魚 |
9 |
live load |
移動荷重 |
10 |
live load |
活荷重 |
11 |
live load |
積載荷重 |
12 |
live steam |
生蒸気 |
13 |
live weight |
生体重 |
14 |
live-trap |
生捕り罠 |
15 |
maximum allowable collection (% of live source specimen) |
最大許容採集率(生きているソース標本に占める割合(%)) |
16 |
right to live |
生存権 |
17 |
actual delivery |
現実の引渡し |
18 |
adult livestock |
成畜 |
19 |
birth; parturition; delivery |
分べん |
20 |
catches harvested or delivered in contravention of this Act |
本法に違反して捕獲又は配送された漁獲物 |
21 |
catches taken or delivered in contravention of this Act |
本法に違反して捕獲又は配送された漁獲物 |
22 |
certified patients alive |
現存被認定者 |
23 |
CitiesAlive World Green Roof Infrastructure Congress |
生き生きとした街、世界屋上緑化インフラ会議 |
24 |
combined collection and delivery |
共同集配 |
25 |
consolidated collection and delivery |
共同輸配送 |
26 |
decrease in the number of domestic livestock |
家畜飼養頭数 |
27 |
deliver |
給付する |
28 |
deliver |
交付する |
29 |
deliver |
配達する |
30 |
delivered cow |
経産牛 |
31 |
delivered cow not milking at present |
乾乳牛 |
32 |
delivering food ingredients |
食材配送 |
33 |
delivery |
給付 |
34 |
delivery |
交付 |
35 |
delivery |
配達 |
36 |
delivery |
引渡し |
37 |
delivery |
弁済 |
38 |
delivery |
分娩 |
39 |
delivery |
出産 |
40 |
delivery |
吐出 |
41 |
delivery assistance sleeve |
挿入補助スリーブ |
42 |
delivery conduit |
送出管 |
43 |
delivery head |
吐出揚程 |
44 |
delivery in returnable containers |
通い箱納品 |
45 |
delivery index |
出産率 |
46 |
delivery inspections |
動作確認テスト |
47 |
delivery main |
送出本管 |
48 |
delivery of raw material |
原材料の配送 |
49 |
delivery of water |
送水 |
50 |
delivery or implementation of the product |
製品の引渡し又は提供 |
51 |
delivery pipe |
吐出管 |
52 |
delivery pressure |
吐出圧 |
53 |
delivery record |
配送記録 |
54 |
delivery stroke |
吐出工程 |
55 |
delivery valve |
吐出弁 |
56 |
delivery volume |
出し容積 |
57 |
delivery-on-arrival price |
工場着価格 |
58 |
depreciation of livestock |
家畜の減価償却費 |
59 |
direct delivery from the farm |
産地直送 |
産直 |
60 |
door-to door delivery |
宅配 |
61 |
drug delivery |
薬物送達 |
62 |
early delivery |
早産 |
63 |
early delivery rice districts |
早場地帯 |
64 |
enteric fermentation in livestock |
家畜の腸内発酵 |
65 |
environmental conservation in livestock operation |
畜産経営環境保全 |
66 |
escape, injury or death of livestock |
家畜の脱走、怪我、死亡 |
67 |
establishment of systems for managing quality, quantity, delivery, costs, safety, environment, etc. |
品質・量・納期・原価・安全・環境などの管理システムの整備 |
68 |
excreta of livestock |
家畜排泄物 |
69 |
fatty liver |
脂肪肝 |
70 |
feeder livestock cost |
もと畜費 |
71 |
fertilizer from livestock manure |
畜産由来肥料 |
72 |
fuel delivery |
燃料供給 |
73 |
home delivery service |
宅配便 |
74 |
light oil delivery tax |
軽油取引税 |
75 |
livelihood |
生活 |
76 |
livelihood |
生活の糧 |
77 |
liver |
肝臓 |
78 |
liver function test |
肝機能検査 |
79 |
liver physiology |
肝生理学 |
80 |
liverworts |
ゼニゴケ |
81 |
livestock |
家畜 |
82 |
livestock |
獣畜 |
83 |
livestock |
畜産 |
84 |
livestock business |
畜産 |
85 |
livestock carcass |
家畜の死体 |
86 |
livestock corpses |
動物の死体 |
87 |
livestock derived fertilizer |
畜産由来肥料 |
88 |
livestock excreta |
家畜ふん尿 |
89 |
livestock farming |
畜産農業 |
90 |
livestock farming effluent |
畜産排水 |
91 |
livestock feed |
家畜のえさ |
92 |
livestock feed |
飼料 |
93 |
livestock feed |
家畜肥料 |
94 |
livestock for meat |
肉畜 |
95 |
livestock industry |
畜産 |
96 |
livestock industry |
畜産業 |
97 |
livestock manure |
家畜の排泄物 |
98 |
livestock market |
家畜市場 |
99 |
livestock operation |
畜産経営 |
100 |
livestock or domesticated reindeer |
家畜又は飼育しているトナカイ |
101 |
livestock products |
畜産物生産量 |
102 |
livestock raging |
畜産 |
103 |
livestock raising |
家畜の飼養 |
104 |
livestock raising |
養畜 |
105 |
Livestock Revolution |
家畜の革命 |
106 |
Livestock Transaction Law |
家畜取引法 |
107 |
livestock veterinary drug |
家畜用医薬品 |
108 |
livestock wastewater |
畜産排水 |
109 |
long-lived GHGs |
長寿命の温室効果ガス |
110 |
marketing of livestock |
畜産物の流通 |
111 |
Measures for the Examination and Approval of Entry and Exit and the Foreign Cooperative Research on the Application of Genetic Resources of Livestock and Poultry |
家畜及び家禽の遺伝資源の出入りの審査及び承認並びに同遺伝資源の応用に関する外国との共同研究に関する措置 |
112 |
monthly average numbers of raising livestock in a year |
年間月平均飼養頭羽数 |
113 |
National Commission for the Genetic Resources of Livestock and Poultry |
国家家畜・家禽遺伝資源委員会 |
114 |
national livestock breeding center |
家畜改良センター |
115 |
number of dealt livestock |
取引成立頭数 |
116 |
Oliver filter |
オリバーフィルタ |
117 |
Oliver vacuum filter |
オリバー真空濾過機 |
118 |
parcel delivery |
宅配便 |
119 |
pollution by livestock effluent |
畜産公害 |
120 |
product release and service delivery |
製品の出荷及びサービス提供 |
121 |
production cost of agricultural products, livestock and cocoon |
農畜産物・繭の生産費 |
122 |
Project for Lively living Things |
いきものにぎわいプロジェクト |
123 |
Project for Promoting the Creation of Lively Fishing Villages |
漁村活性化推進事業 |
124 |
quality, cost, delivery |
125 |
quality, cost, delivery, and safety |
126 |
redeliver |
再交付する |
127 |
redelivery |
再交付 |
128 |
Research on establishment of genetically engineered cells expressing human liver enzymes for novel mutagenic assay |
人工ヒト化細胞による環境変異原物質検出技術の開発に関する研究 |
129 |
sawing log and delivering the sawlumber for a fixed charge at the sawmill requested by a log owner |
賃びき |
130 |
Short-Lived Climate Forcers |
短寿命気候強制成分 |
131 |
stabilization system of livestock prices |
畜産物(食肉)価格安定制度 |
132 |
subsistence livelihood |
生存 |
133 |
subsistence livelihood |
基本的な生活 |
134 |
Survey on Lives in Paddy Fields and Surrounding Environment: 2006 |
田んぼの生きもの調査2006 |
135 |
Time-of-Delivery |
買電する時間帯 |
136 |
undelivered cow |
未経産牛 |
137 |
water delivery |
配水量 |
138 |
weight rate of dressed carcass to livestock |
枝肉歩留り |
139 |
when livestock and domesticated reindeer are killed or injured by predators |
家畜及び飼育しているトナカイが捕食者によって殺傷された場合 |
140 |
whether alive or dead |
生死の別を問わず |