 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 labor 労働
2 agricultural labor days invested 農業投下労働日数規模別分類
3 agricultural labor force 農業従事者
4 belowground labor 坑内労働
5 Central Labor Relations Commission 中央労働委員会
6 classification by size of input agricultural labor 農業投下労働規模別分類
7 classification of farm household by agricultural labor force owned 農業労働力保有状態別分類
8 Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child labour Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention 最悪の形態の児童労働の禁止及び撤廃のための即時の行動に関する条約 最悪の形態の児童労働条約
9 direct labor cost 直接労務費
10 For the attention of Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare 厚生労働大臣殿
11 ILO Core Labor Standards ILOの中核的労働基準
12 International Labor Organization ILO 国際労働機関 ILO
13 labor accident 労働災害
14 labor affairs section 労務課
15 labor contract 労働契約
16 labor cost 労働費
17 labor cost 労務費
18 labor cost 労働コスト
19 labor cost of family members 家族労働費
20 labor dispute 労働争議
21 labor force 労働力
22 labor hygiene 労働衛生
23 labor insurance 労働保険
24 Labor Insurance Appeal Committee 労働保険審査会
25 labor management relation 労使関係
26 labor productivity 労働生産性
27 labor relations commission for mariners 船員労働委員会
28 labor relations committee 労働委員会
29 labor relationship 労働関係
30 labor requirement 所要労働力
31 labor rights declaration 労働者の権利宣言
32 labor standard 労働基準
33 Labor Standards Law 労働基準法
34 labor standards office 労働基準監督署
35 labor union 労働組合
36 labor welfare services 労働福祉事業
37 labor which increase value of fixes asset 固定資産造成労働
38 labor-saving 省力化
39 labor-saving machinery 省力機械
40 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 厚生労働省
41 production management labor 生産管理労働
42 productivity of labor 労働生産性
43 surplus, income, family labor remuneration (income) 利潤、所得、家族労働報酬