 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 known 周知の
2 collection site known to be, or suspected of being contaminated 汚染されていることが分かっている又は疑われる採集場所
3 extent known by the holder and/or their agent 許可所持者又はその代理人が知っている範囲
4 Hague Conference on Private International Law (known as HCH) ハーグ国際私法会議(通称HCH)
5 known burial site 既知の埋葬地
6 known contaminated site 判明している汚染地区
7 known ice-flow line 既知の氷の流線
8 known northernmost limit 既知北限
9 known pharmacology of the drug 薬剤の既知の薬理
10 known scarred or engraved tree 既知の印や彫り込みのある木
11 known value 既知の値
12 only known habitat 唯一知られている生息地
13 Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 8371, otherwise known as the "Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997" 共和国法律第8371号(1997年先住民権利法)施行規則
14 species listed as least concern (formally known as common) 軽度懸念種(旧分類では普通種)
15 species that are known only to servive in captivity or in cultivation 飼育・栽培下でのみ存続している種
16 ex situ collection of unknown origin 出所が不明な生息域外コレクション
17 other (areas bare of vegetation - category unknown) 不明区分
18 unknown illegal dumping offender 投棄者不明