 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 keep 備え置く
2 keep tire air pressure at a proper level タイヤ空気圧を適正に管理する
3 keep under review the implementation of this Convention この条約の実施状況を常時検討する
4 research of technology to keep river basins in harmony with the nature and technology for urban revitalization 自然共生型流域圏・都市再生技術研究
5 Zaidanhojin KEEP Kyokai (財)キープ協会
6 book-keeping survey 記帳調査
7 energy saving household bookkeeping 省エネ家計簿
8 environmental household bookkeeping campaign 環境家計簿運動
9 environmental household bookkeeping system 環境家計簿
10 forest keeper 山守・山番
11 instant dispatch for freshness keeping 活〆
12 maintenance;upkeeping 維持管理
13 Peace Keeping Forces PKF 国連平和維持軍
14 Peace Keeping Operation PKO 国連平和維持活動
15 peace-keeping operation 平和維持活動
16 Peace-Keeping Organization PKO 平和維持活動
17 record keeping 帳簿の記載
18 record-keeping 記録の保管
19 serial gatekeeping procedure 直列型gatekeeping法
20 single entry book-keeping/double entry book-keeping 単式簿記・複式簿記
21 standard for the breeding, feeding, and keeping of dogs and cats 犬及びねこの飼養及び保管に関する基準
22 standard for the breeding, feeding, and keeping of household animals 家庭動物等の飼養及び保管に関する基準
23 United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus UNFICYP 国連キプロス平和維持軍
24 5-S house keeping campaign 5S運動