 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 injury 損傷
2 injury 傷害
3 injury 負傷
4 injury 障害
5 after traumatic injury 外傷を受けた後に
6 area of tree injury 樹体損傷面積
7 chemical injury 化学物質による障害
8 commuting injury 通勤災害
9 diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury 負傷の診断、監視、治療、緩和、又は補助
10 disease injury 病害
11 drought injury 干害
12 employment injury 業務災害
13 escape, injury or death of livestock 家畜の脱走、怪我、死亡
14 excess moisture injury 湿害
15 injury and disease compensation pension 傷病補償年金
16 injury and disease pension 傷病年金
17 insect injury 虫害
18 number of bears captured and cases of injury to humans クマ類の捕獲数及びクマによる人身被害数
19 pollution injury to trees 樹木被害
20 rate of injury amount to standard yield 損傷歩合
21 snows injury 雪害
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