 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 industry 産業
2 agricultural chemical industry 農薬工業
3 aircraft industry 航空機産業
4 aluminum-alloy manufacturing industry アルミニウム合金製造業
5 amount by industry 業種別排出量
6 artery industry (business sector involved in creation and provision of the resources needed by economic activities to support human life) 動脈産業
7 automobile repair industry 自動車整備業
8 automotive industry 自動車産業
9 Award of Director-General of Regional Bureau of International Trade and Industry for the Excellent Factory in Implementation of Industrial Standardization 工業標準化実施優良工場通産省産業局長表彰
10 Award of Minister of International Trade and Industry for the Excellent Factory in Implementation of Industrial Standardization 工業標準化実施優良工場通産産業大臣表彰
11 basic industry 基礎産業
12 basic industry 基幹産業
13 basic resource consuming industry 基幹資源型産業
14 basic structure of industry 産業基盤
15 beverages, tobacco and feedstuff manufacturing industry 飲料・たばこ・飼料製造業
16 Biotechnology Industry Organization BIO バイオテクノロジー産業機構
17 brewing industry 醸造業
18 brewing industry 発酵醸造産業
19 by industry 業種別
20 cement and ceramic industry 窯業・土石製品製造業
21 cement industry セメント工業
22 ceramic industry 窯業
23 chamber of commerce and industry 商工会議所
24 chemical industry 化学工業
25 chemical industry 化学産業
26 chlor-alkali industry 電解ソーダ工業
27 clear management policies that reflect its management principles, industry, business, scope and business environment 業種、業態、規模、経営環境に応じた明確な経営方針
28 clothing and other textile product manufacturing industry 衣服・その他の繊維製品製造業
29 commerce and industry association 商工会法法人
30 common cross-industry measures designed to improve the efficiency of energy use and conversion 業種横断的なエネルギー利用・転換の効率化対策
31 construction industry 建設業
32 construction industry 建設業界
33 crop protection industry 農薬産業
34 crude oil and natural gas mining industry 原油・天然ガス鉱業
35 Department of Industry, Science and Resources (Cth) DISR 産業・科学・資源省(連邦)
36 distribution industry 流通業
37 downstream industry 下流産業
38 efforts by the electric power industry 電力事業における取組
39 electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry 電気機械器具製造業
40 Electricity and Gas Industry Department 電力・ガス事業部[資源エネルギー庁]
41 electricity industry 電力業界
42 energy industry エネルギー産業
43 Environmental Industry Roundtable 環境産業円卓会議
44 environmental preservation industry 公害防止産業
45 environment-related equipment industry 環境関連装置産業
46 European Photovoltaic Industry Association EPIA 欧州太陽光発電工業会
47 Experimental Emissions Trading Scheme, Guidelines on Emissions Verification by the Third-party Verification Bodies, Ver. 1.0 (Cabinet Secretariat, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of the Environment:2009) 試行排出量取引スキーム 第三者検証機関による排出量検証のためのガイドラインVer.1.0(内閣官房、経済産業省、環境省:2009)
48 Experimental Emissions Trading Scheme, Monitoring, Calculation and Reporting Guidelines for Non-participants of Voluntary Action Plans, Ver.1.0 (Cabinet Secretariat, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of the Environment:2009) 試行排出量取引スキーム 自主行動計画非参加企業向けモニタリング・算定・報告ガイドライン Ver.1.0(内閣官房、経済産業省、環境省:2009)
49 extractive industry 採取産業
50 fermentation industry 発酵工業
51 fermentation industry 発酵醸造産業
52 financial industry 金融業
53 Finnish Forest Industry Federation フィンランド森林産業連盟
54 food industry 食品産業
55 food industry 食品工業
56 food manufacturing industry 食料品製造業
57 food manufacturing industry 食品製造業
58 food service industry 外食産業
59 foodstuff industry 食品工業
60 foundry industry 鋳造工業
61 furniture and fixture industry 家具・装備品製造業
62 FY 1998 Industry Census: Site and Use of Water 平成10年工業統計「用地・用水編」
63 gas industry ガス業
64 Gas Industry Law ガス事業法
65 general machinery and equipment manufacturing industry 一般機械器具製造業
66 government, industry, and academic 産官学
67 green industry グリーン産業
68 growing industry 成長産業
69 growth industry 成長産業
70 heavy industry 重化学工業
71 heavy industry 重工業
72 high technology industry 高度技術産業
73 high-tech industry 高度技術産業
74 hospitality industry サービス業
75 Industry and Environment Subcommittee under the Environment Division of the Industrial Structure Council 産業構造審議会環境部会産業と環境小委員会
76 industry census 工業統計表
77 Industry Classification 産業分類
78 industry country 工業国
79 industry producing key materials 基礎素材型産業
80 industry refuse 工場ごみ
81 industry refuse 事業系ごみ
82 industry specific voluntary management plan 産業別自主管理計画
83 industry that consumes large amount of energy エネルギー多消費業種
84 information and telecommunications industry 情報通信産業
85 iron and steel industry 鉄鋼業
86 iron making industry sewage 製鉄工場排水
87 Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry JCCI 日本商工会議所
88 Japan Chemical Industry Association JCIA (社)日本化学工業協会
89 Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (社)産業環境管理協会
90 Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 日本冷凍空調工業会
91 Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association Standard 日本冷凍空調工業会標準規格
92 Japan Standard Industry Classification 日本標準産業分類
93 JRA4046 standard (standard for calculating air conditioner/heater's power consumption) set by the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 日本冷凍空調工業会規格JRA4046(ルームエアコンディショナーの機関消費電力量算出基準)
94 judgment standard of the harmful industry waste 有害な産業廃棄物の判定基準
95 judgment standard of the industry waste which contains metal and so on 金属等を含む産業廃棄物に係る判定基準 有害な産業廃棄物の判定基準
96 key industry 基幹産業
97 key industry 基礎産業
98 key industry duty KID 基幹産業保護関税
99 key industry organism 基礎生産者
100 Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry 神戸商工会議所
101 Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute KEITI 韓国環境産業技術研究院
102 laundry industry 洗濯業
103 Law on Special Measures for Mine Damages Caused by the Metal Mining Industry, etc. 金属鉱業等鉱害対策特別措置法
104 Law on the Promotion of Introduction of Industry into Agricultural Regions 農村地域工業等導入促進法
105 leather industry 皮革工業
106 light industry 軽工業
107 livestock industry 畜産
108 livestock industry 畜産業
109 local industry 地場産業
110 location of industry 工業立地
111 lumber and wood product industry 木材・木製品製造業
112 machine repair industry 機械修理業
113 machinery equipment manufacturing industry 機械器具等製造業
114 machinery industry 機械工業
115 major industry 主要産業
116 Manual for Calculating and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Ver.3.2 (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:2011) 温室効果ガス排出量算定・報告マニュアル Ver.3.2(環境省・経済産業省:2011)
117 manufacturing industry 製造工業
118 manufacturing industry 製造業
119 manufacturing industry of machinery and equipment for transportation 輸送用機械器具製造業
120 material manufacturing industry 素材系産業
121 measurement certification industry 計量証明業
122 meat manufacturing industry 食肉製造業
123 metal mining industry 金属鉱業
124 metal product manufacturing industry 金属製品製造業
125 mining industry 鉱業
126 Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry's Prize 経済産業大臣賞
127 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry METI 経済産業省
128 Ministry of International Trade and Industry MITI 通商産業省 通産省
129 Nakamura Scientific Instruments Industry Co. Ltd. 中村科学器械工業株式会社
130 non-ferrous metal manufacturing industry 非鉄金属製造業
131 non-polluting industry 無公害産業
132 OECD/Business and Industry Advisory Committee OECD/BIAC OECD/経済産業諮問委員会
133 official method of the metal and so on which is contained in the industry waste 産業廃棄物に含まれる金属等の検定方法
134 offshore industry オフショアインダストリー
135 ordnance manufacturing industry 武器製造業
136 paper and pulp industry 紙パルプ産業
137 paper industry 製紙業
138 paper industry sewage 製紙排水
139 paper manufacturing industry 製紙工業
140 petroleum and coal product manufacturing industry 石油製品・石炭製品製造業
141 petroleum industry 石油工業
142 petroleum refining industry sewage 石油精製工場排水
143 photo industry 写真業
144 plastic product manufacturing industry プラスチック製品製造業
145 plating industry メッキ工業
146 plating industry メッキ産業
147 plating industry sewage メッキ工業排水
148 plating industry sludge めっき汚泥
149 pollution prevention industry 公害防止産業
150 pollution-causing industry 公害発生型産業
151 pollution-generating industry 公害発生型産業
152 poultry industry 養鶏業
153 precision machinery and equipment manufacturing industry 精密機械器具製造業
154 primary industry 第一次産業
155 process industry 装置産業
156 processing and assembly industry 加工組立型産業
157 product inspection industry 商品検査業
158 publishing, printing and related business industry 出版・印刷・同関連産業
159 pulp, paper, and paper product industry パルプ・紙・紙加工品製造業
160 railroad industry 鉄道業
161 recycling industry 静脈産業
162 recycling industry リサイクル産業
163 results of the review relating to the state of compliance with the Air Pollution Control Law by the paper industry 製紙業に対する大気汚染防止法遵守状況に係る点検結果
164 Rethink, an industry recycling program リサイクル戦略「RETHINK」
165 rubber product manufacturing industry ゴム製品製造業
166 secondary industry 第二次産業
167 Seed Industry Development Act of 1992, Republic Act No. 7308 共和国法第7308号(1992年種子産業開発法)
168 semi chemical pulp manufacture industry SCP排水
169 semichemical pulp manufacture industry sewage セミケミカルパルプ排水
170 service industry サービス業
171 service industry サービス産業
172 sewage industry 下水道業
173 solitary islands specially designated by a government ordinance to promote the development of industry 離島振興対策実施地域
174 starch industry wastewater でんぷん工業排水
175 steel industry wastewater 鉄鋼業排水
176 suede, suede product, and fur manufacturing industry なめし革・同製品・毛皮製造業
177 sulfite pulp manufacture industry sewage 亜硫酸パルプ排水
178 sulfite pulp manufacture industry sewage サルファイトパルプ排水
179 sulphuric acid industry sewage 硫酸工場排水
180 tannery industry 製革産業
181 technology transfer and industry 技術移転と産業[UNEP重点事項の1分野]
182 tertiary industry 第三次産業
183 textile industry 繊維工業
184 textile industry 繊維産業
185 The Electricity Utility Industry Council 電気事業審議会
186 The global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues IPIECA 国際石油産業環境保全連盟 IPIECA
187 Timber Industry Revitalization Body BRIK 木材産業活性化機構
188 transport equipment industry 輸送用機械器具製造業
189 trucking industry トラック事業
190 upstream industry 上流産業
191 venous industry (business sector that deals with waste produced through human activities) 静脈産業
192 Vision for Construction Industry Environmental Activity 建設産業環境行動ビジョン
193 voluntary action plan of the construction industry for environmental conservation 建設業界の環境保全自主行動計画
194 warehousing industry 倉庫業
195 waste treatment and recycling industry 廃棄物処理・リサイクル産業
196 waste treatment industry 廃棄物処理業
197 waste-handling industry 静脈産業
198 wastewater from ceramic industry 窯業排水
199 wastewater from electroplating industry メッキ工業排水
200 wastewater from food industry 食品工業排水
201 wholesale and retail industry 卸売・小売業
202 wildlife industry 野生生物関連業界
203 wood industry association 木材産業組合
204 World Industry Council for the Environment WICE 世界産業環境協議会