 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 income 収入
2 agricultural gross income 農業粗収益
3 agricultural income 農業所得
4 agricultural income produced 生産農業所得
5 disposable income 可処分所得
6 double-income family 共稼ぎ世帯
7 estimated agricultural income produced 推定生産農業所得
8 estimated forestry gross income 林業採算粗収益
9 estimated forestry income 林業採算所得
10 fishery income 漁業収入
11 fishery income produced 漁業生産所得
12 forestry gross income 林業粗収益
13 forestry income 林業所得
14 forestry income produced 生産林業所得
15 gross income 粗収益
16 income elasticity 所得弾性値
17 income from gifts, annuity and others 年金・被贈等の収入
18 income gap 所得格差
19 income group 所得層
20 income level 所得水準
21 income tax 所得税
22 income transfer 所得移転
23 income/corporate tax 所得税・法人税
24 labour expenses ratio to fishery income 労賃率
25 low income 低所得
26 low income class 低所得者層
27 low income country 低所得国
28 low income group 低所得者層
29 low middle income 低中所得
30 non-agricultural income 農外収入
31 non-agricultural income 農外所得
32 non-business income 事業外収入
33 non-fishery income 漁業外事業収入
34 ratio of agricultural income 農業所得率
35 ratio of agricultural income produced 生産農業所得率
36 ratio of agricultural income to family expenditure 家計費充足率(農業の場合)
37 ratio of fishery income produced 漁業生産所得率
38 rice farming income stabilization program 稲作経営安定対策
39 special depreciation allowances for corporation and income tax 法人税及び所得税の特別償却
40 surplus, income, family labor remuneration (income) 利潤、所得、家族労働報酬
41 total income of farm household 農家総所得
42 upper middle income 高中所得
43 wheat and barley farming income stabilization program 麦作経営安定資金