 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 ground 地表
2 ground 地盤
3 ground 地山
4 above-ground carbon stock 地上の炭素貯蔵量
5 Aircraft and Ground-based Observations of Acidic and/or Oxidative Pollutants in East Asia 東アジアにおける大気中の酸性・酸化性物質の航空機・地上観測
6 An International Symposium "Living with Deserts II: Linkages between Dryland Science and On-the-Ground Practice" to be Held 国際シンポジウム「砂漠とともに生きるII −乾燥地科学と現場での取り組み 」の開催について
7 anomalous ground upheaval 異常隆起
8 aquaculture ground 養殖漁場
9 artificial ground 人工土地
10 attached ground water 付着地下水
11 bottle with ground stopper 共せん付きびん
12 breeding ground 繁殖地
13 camp ground 野営場
14 camping ground キャンプ場
15 Changes in Ground Subsidence in Selected Areas 代表的地域の地盤沈下の経年変化
16 characteristics of ground water 地下水特性
17 coastal fishing ground improvement project 沿岸漁場整備開発事業
18 Conservation of Water, Soil and Ground Environments 水環境、土壌環境、地盤環境の保全
19 contamination of ground water by leachate 浸出水による地下水汚染
20 control of pumping up of ground water 地下水くみあげ規制
21 disposal on bare ground 裸地に廃棄すること
22 distance of maximum ground concentration 最大着地濃度距離
23 egg hatching ground of sea turtle ウミガメ産卵場
24 feeding ground 餌場
25 fishing ground 漁場
26 Fishing Ground Creation Project 海の畑づくり
27 fishing ground environment 漁場環境
28 fishing ground environment conservation and comprehensive beautification promotion project 漁場環境保全総合美化推進事業
29 fishing ground environments 漁場環境
30 fishing ground protection 漁場保全
31 fixed ground water 固定地下水
32 frontal fishing ground 前線漁場
33 frozen ground 凍結した大地
34 gradient of the ground water 地下水勾配
35 ground acquisition 土地収用
36 ground environment 地盤環境
37 ground environment conservation measure 地盤環境保全対策
38 ground environment conservation type construction technology 地盤環境保全型建設技術
39 ground fertilizer 基肥
40 ground inversion 接地逆転
41 ground joint すり合わせ
42 ground level 地表面
43 ground level concentration 地表濃度
44 ground level concentration 着地濃度
45 ground level settlement 地盤沈下
46 ground level source 地上煙源
47 ground nesting 地上営巣
48 ground power unit GPU 地上動力装置
49 ground pressure 地圧
50 ground pulp GP 砕木パルプ
51 ground relay 地絡継電器
52 ground resource 地上資源
53 Ground rules 基本原則
54 ground settlement 地盤沈下
55 ground speed 対地速度[航空機の]
56 ground state 基底状態
57 ground subsidence 地盤沈下
58 ground support equipment GSE 航空機運航支援用地上機器
59 ground tank 地下水タンク
60 ground temperature 地温
61 ground temperature survey 地温探査
62 ground upheaval 地盤隆起
63 ground water artery 地下水脈
64 ground water contour 地下水線
65 ground water exploration 地下水探査
66 ground water flow 地下水流
67 ground water level 地下水位
68 ground water pressure 地下水圧
69 ground water protection 地下水防護
70 ground water pumping 地下水採取
71 ground water reservoir 地下貯水池
72 ground water table 地下水面
73 ground water zone 地下水層
74 ground-based transport 陸上輸送
75 increasing ground instability in permafrost regions 永久凍土地域における地盤の不安定化
76 industrial water supply program for preventing ground subsidence 地盤沈下防止対策工業用水道事業
77 infiltration into the ground 地下浸透
78 interchangeable ground joint 共通すり合わせ
79 justifiable ground 正当な理由
80 Law concerning Regulation of Pumping-up of Ground Water for Use in Building 建築物用地下水の採取の規制に関する法律
81 level ground nature area 平地自然地域
82 localized rapid ground subsidence 局地急速型地盤沈下
83 lowered road below ground level 堀割構造
84 maximum ground concentration 最大着地濃度
85 maximum ground level concentration 最大着地濃度
86 measures to prohibit the infiltration into the ground 地下浸透禁止措置
87 method to improve the fishing ground environment 漁場環境改善方策
88 migration ground 渡来地
89 Ministerial Council concerned with Measures for the Prevention of Ground Subsidence 地盤沈下防止等対策関係閣僚会議
90 National Ground Environment Information Directory 全国地盤環境情報ディレクトリ
91 natural ground 地山
92 natural ground water 自然地下水
93 non-breeding ground 非繁殖地
94 non-tree above and below ground biomass 樹木以外の地上・地下バイオマス
95 number of bearing pods (for ground nuts) 上さや数
96 nursery ground 生育場
97 nursery ground 養育場
98 Office of Groundwater and Ground Environment 地下水・地盤環境室
99 on-ground personnel 上陸人員
100 on-ground pixel resolution 地上画素分解能
101 Outline of Measures for Preventing Ground Subsidence 地盤沈下防止等対策要綱
102 Overview of Ground Subsidence in Japan in FY 2002 平成14年度全国の地盤沈下地域の概況
103 reasonable ground 相当の理由
104 reclaimed ground 埋立地
105 retain the natural ground level 自然の地表面を維持する
106 settlement of foundation ground 基礎地盤沈下
107 settling ground 着底場
108 smoke and soot concentration at ground level ばい煙の着地濃度
109 soft ground 軟弱地盤
110 spawning ground 産卵場
111 Studies on bioremediation mechanisms for contaminated soil and ground water 微生物を用いた汚染土壌・地下水の浄化機構に関する研究
112 subsidence of ground 地盤沈下
113 sufficient ground 十分な理由
114 things hidden in the ground 埋蔵物
115 tree above and below ground biomass 樹木の地上・地下バイオマス
116 well-developed patterned ground 発達した構造土
117 wet-ground 湿式研削
118 white ground area 白地地域
119 winter ground 越冬地