 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 gross 重大な
2 agricultural gross income 農業粗収益
3 available gross head 総落差
4 estimated forestry gross income 林業採算粗収益
5 forestry gross income 林業粗収益
6 gross approach グロス・アプローチ
7 gross brown rice 粗玄米
8 gross calorific value 総蒸発量
9 gross domestic product 国内総生産(GDP)
10 gross income 粗収益
11 gross lesion 肉眼的病変
12 gross measure of AAA on a 4-point scale 〜を肉眼で測る4点制の尺度
13 Gross National Happiness Index 国民総幸福量指標
14 gross national product GNP 国民総生産
15 gross particulate 粗大粒子
16 gross primary production GPP 総一次生産量
17 gross tonnage 総トン数
18 gross vehicle weight 車両総重量
19 gross world product 世界総生産
20 gross yield coefficient of sludge 汚泥転換率
21 husking ratio; weight rate of gross brown rice to dried paddy rice すり落し歩合
22 number of gross brown rice grains per unit area 粗玄米粒数
23 number rate of brown rice grains to total gross brown rice grains 玄米粒数歩合
24 number rate of gross brown rice grains to total paddies 粗玄米粒数歩合
25 real gross domestic product real GDP 実質国内総生産
26 weight of gross brown rice per unit area 粗玄米重
27 weight rate of brown rice to gross brown rice 玄米重歩合
28 weight rate of poorly ripened rice to gross brown rice くず米重歩合
29 1,000 grain weight of gross brown rice 粗玄米千粒重