 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 farm
2 agricultural holding (s) other than farm household (s) 農家以外の農業事業体
3 American Tree Farm System アメリカン・ツリーファーム・システム
4 business farm household (s) 主業農家
5 classification by status of farm business 主副業別分類
6 classification by type of farm management 組織形態別分類
7 classification of farm household by agricultural labor force owned 農業労働力保有状態別分類
8 classification of farm household by combination of family members 家族経営構成別分類
9 classification of farm household by cultivated land under management 経営耕地面積規模別分類
10 classification of farm household by full-time and part-time 専兼業別分類
11 classification of farm household by selling amount of agricultural products 農産物販売金額規模別分類
12 classification of farm household by type of farm 農業経営組織別分類
13 classification of farm management 農業経営分類
14 classification on farmland ownership and farm management 農地の所有・経営に関する分類
15 commercial farm household (s) 販売農家
16 core male regular farm worker engaged in farming 60歳未満の男子農業専従者(基幹男子農業専従者)
17 corporation farm 法人経営体
18 direct delivery from the farm 産地直送 産直
19 exceptional farm household (s) 例外規定農家
20 experience farm, forest for study 体験農園・学習林
21 factory farm 工場式畜産
22 farm and forest road 農林道
23 farm animal 家畜
24 Farm Bill 農業法案
25 farm forest 農地林
26 farm household (s) 農家
27 farm household by group 農家類別分類
28 farm household joining a mutualaid association 共済加入農家
29 farm household members 農家世帯員
30 farm household members engaged in non-agricultural works 兼業従事者
31 farm household sericulture 養蚕農家
32 farm land management 圃場の管理
33 farm landscape 農業景域
34 farm percolation loss 地中浸透による損失
35 farm pond 農地用ため池
36 farm ponds ため池群
37 farm produce 農産品
38 farm production 農業生産
39 farm units who have their own farm management improvement plan approved by municipality 認定農業者
40 farm, pasture for tourist 観光農園・牧場
41 farming, establishments except farm households 農業事業体
42 forest holding farm households 農家林家
43 full-time farm households 専業農家
44 Guidelines for Labeling of Organic Farm Products and Specially Grown Farm Products 有機農産物及び特別栽培農産物の表示ガイドライン
45 laver farm ノリの畑
46 mutual help among farm households 手間替え・ゆい
47 noncommercial farm household (s) 自給的農家
48 organic farm product 有機農産物
49 organized farm 組織経営体
50 partial farm work contract 農作業の請負い、請負わせ
51 part-time farm household 兼業農家
52 part-time farm worker 農業補助者
53 permanently hired worker on farm 農業年雇
54 pilot farm パイロットファーム
55 property of farm-household 農家財産
56 regular farm worker 農業専従者
57 responsible person of farm management 農業経営の責任者
58 semi-business farm household (s) 準主業農家
59 sewage farm 下水利用農場
60 side-business farm household (s) 副業的農家
61 specially grown farm product 特別栽培農産物
62 stock farm products 畜産物
63 surplus of farm household economy 農家経済余剰
64 temporary hired worker on farm 農業臨時雇
65 total income of farm household 農家総所得
66 urban farm 都市農地
67 voluntary farm 任意経営体
68 wind farm 集合型風力発電施設
69 wind farm ウィンドファーム