 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 family
2 algae species of the family Sargassaceae ホンダワラ科海藻
3 bereaved family 遺族
4 canine family イヌ科
5 cash ratio to family expenditure 家計費現金化比率
6 classification of farm household by combination of family members 家族経営構成別分類
7 compensation for a bereaved family 遺族補償費
8 compensation payment in a lump sum to the uncertified surviving family 遺族補償一時金
9 compensation to the surviving family 遺族補償費
10 crab species of the family Grapsidae イワガニ類
11 double-income family 共稼ぎ世帯
12 Eco-family Web Site エコファミリーウェブサイト
13 estimated family wages 見積り家族労賃
14 family agriculture 家族農業
15 family Alopiidae Alopiidae おながざめ科
16 family Balaenidae Balaenidae せみくじら科
17 family Balaenopteridae Balaenopteridae ながすくじら科
18 family Bramidae Bramidae しまがつお科
19 family Buthidae キョクトウサソリ科
20 family camping village 家族キャンプ村
21 family Carcharhinidae Carcharhinidae めじろざめ科
22 family care leave 介護休業
23 family consumption of products 生産現物家計消費
24 family court 家庭裁判所
25 family Delphinidae Delphinidae まいるか科
26 family Droseraceae Droseraceae モウセンゴケ科
27 family Eschrichtiidae Eschrichtiidae こくくじら科
28 family Gelidiaceae Gelidiaceae テングサ科
29 family Hexathelidae hexathelidae ジョウゴグモ科
30 family Isurida Isurida あおざめ科
31 family members 世帯員
32 family Monodontidae Monodontidae いっかく科
33 family Physeteridae Physeteridae まっこうくじら科
34 family planning 家族計画
35 family register 戸籍
36 family registry 戸籍簿
37 family Sphyrnidae Sphyrnidae しゅもくざめ科
38 family Ziphiidae Ziphiidae あかぼうくじら科
39 fennel family ウイキョウ科植物
40 increase or decrease of family member's occupational condition 就業状態異動
41 labor cost of family members 家族労働費
42 monthly average family members living together throughout a year 年間月平均世帯員
43 number of family members under the same roof 一世帯あたり親族人員
44 plant species belonging to the family Podostemaceae カワゴケソウ科植物
45 ratio of agricultural income to family expenditure 家計費充足率(農業の場合)
46 ratio of fishery earnings to cover family expenditure 家計費充足率(漁業の場合)
47 single family residential 戸建住宅
48 species belonging to the family Ellobiidae オカミミガイ類
49 species of the family Assimineidae カワザンショウ類
50 surplus, income, family labor remuneration (income) 利潤、所得、家族労働報酬
51 surviving family 遺族
52 Toyama Municipal Family Park Zoo 富山市ファミリーパーク
53 Wagaya-no-Eco-Sengen (The Eco declaration of my family) 我が家の「eco宣言☆」