 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 evidence 証拠
2 articles of evidence 証拠物
3 audit evidence 監査証拠
4 collection of evidence 証拠収集
5 description of evidence 証拠説明書
6 destruction (of evidence) 隠滅
7 documentary evidence 証拠書類
8 documentary evidence 書証
9 evidence-based approach 証拠に基づくアプローチ
10 evidence-based medicine EBM 科学的根拠に基づく医療
11 ex officio examination of evidence 職権証拠調べ
12 examination of documentary evidence 書証
13 examination of evidence 証拠調べ
14 forensic evidence 法医学的証拠
15 HCCH Convention on the taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (1965) HCCH外国における民事又は商事に関する証拠の収集に関する条約(1965年)
16 no evidence of corrosion was shown in the sample 検体に腐食の形跡無し
17 no evidence of non-compliance 不遵守を示す証拠の不在
18 nonconfidential evidence 機密性を持たない証拠
19 objective evidence 客観的証拠
20 observational evidence 観測された証拠
21 offer of evidence 証拠の申出
22 party who offers the evidence 挙証者
23 preservation of evidence 証拠保全
24 probative value (of evidence) 証明力
25 risk assessments and expert evidence リスク評価と鑑定書
26 scientific evidence 科学的証拠
27 weight of evidence WOE 証拠の重み付け
28 when tested in accordance with the Annex E to the ISO9626, no evidence of corrosion shall be shown ISO9626の添付資料Eに準拠して試験をした時、腐食の形跡が無いこと
29 (criminal) evidence 罪跡