 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 evaporation 蒸散
2 evaporation 蒸発
3 amount of evaporation 蒸発量
4 equivalent evaporation 相当蒸発量
5 evaporation dryness 蒸発乾固
6 evaporation heat 蒸発熱
7 evaporation pond 蒸発池
8 evaporation rate 蒸発率
9 evaporation residue 固形分
10 evaporation residue 蒸発固形分
11 fuel evaporation gas 燃料蒸発ガス
12 fuel evaporation gas test 燃料蒸発ガス試験
13 natural evaporation 自然蒸発
14 potential evaporation 可能蒸発量
15 quantity of natural evaporation 自然蒸発量
16 residue on evaporation 蒸発残留物
17 solar evaporation 天日乾燥
18 soluble evaporation residue 溶解性蒸発残留物
19 total evaporation 全蒸発量
20 total evaporation 蒸発散
21 total evaporation 総蒸発量
22 total evaporation residue 総蒸発残留物