 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 designate 指定する
2 designate 指名する
3 designate 認定する
4 Basic Guidelines for the Development and Use of Ports and the Development of Designated Seaways 港湾の開発・利用並びに開発保全航路の開発に関する基本指針
5 candidates for designated procurement items of public-works under the Law on Promoting Green Purchasing グリーン購入法に係る公共工事の特定調達品目候補群
6 designated area 指定地域
7 designated area for disposal 計画処理区域
8 designated area for the relief of victims of pollution related diseases 公害認定地区
9 designated buyer 売買参加者
10 designated city 政令指定都市
11 designated collection point 指定収集地点
12 designated collection site 指定引取場所
13 designated consuming area 指定消費地域
14 designated corporation 指定法人
15 designated day 指定日
16 designated disease 指定疾病
17 designated item 指定項目
18 designated items 指定項目
19 designated lakes(and marshes) 指定湖沼
20 designated landing site 指定着陸地点
21 designated landing site 野営指定地
22 designated market 指定市場
23 designated meat 指定食肉
24 Designated National Authority 指定国家機関
25 designated operational entity 指定運営組織
26 designated particulate discharging activity 特定粉じん排出作業
27 designated particulate emitting facility 特定粉じん発生施設
28 designated particulates (asbestos) 特定粉じん(石綿)
29 designated place 指定場所
30 designated procurement item 特定調達品目
31 designated product category under the Green Purchasing Law グリーン購入法の特定調達物品
32 designated public interest corporation 特定公益増進法人
33 designated representative 任命された代表者
34 designated sewage sludge 指定下水汚泥
35 designated smoking area 喫煙所
36 designated soot and smoke 指定ばい煙
37 designated statistics 指定統計
38 designated substance 指定物質
39 designated substance control standard 指定物質抑制基準
40 designated substance emission facility 指定物質排出施設
41 designated vegetables 指定野菜
42 designated vegetables producing area 野菜指定産地
43 designated water area 指定水域
44 designated water body 指定水域
45 designated year 指定年度
46 Domestic emission trading system with designated target facilities 対象施設指定型国内排出量取引制度
47 draft summary of revised designated procurement items and evaluation criteria under the Law on Promoting Green Purchasing Law グリーン購入法に係る特定調達品目およびその判断の基準等の見直しの概要(案)
48 energy management factory (designated as) エネルギー管理指定工場
49 Law of Provisional Measures for Promotion of the Construction of Designated Facilities through the Participation of Private Enterprises 民間事業者の能力の活用による特定設備の促進に関する臨時措置法 民活法
50 Law to Promote the Group-Sitting of Designated Types of Business Contributing to More Sophisticated Local Industrial Structures 地域産業の高度化に寄与する特定事業の集積の促進に関する法律
51 medical data examination for acknowledgment of designated diseases under the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief 石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律に基づく指定疾病の認定に係る医学的判定
52 nationally designated water area 国指定水域
53 number of designated water bodies あてはめ水域数
54 ordinance designated municipality 政令市
55 ordinance-designated city 政令指定都市
56 quasi-designated facility 準用指定施設
57 Result of the Medical Data Examination for Acknowledgment of Designated Diseases under the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief 石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律に基づく指定疾病の認定に係る医学的判定の結果
58 roads designated for roadside environment improvement 沿道整備(計画)道路
59 sand erosion control designated land 砂防指定地
60 solitary islands specially designated by a government ordinance to promote the development of industry 離島振興対策実施地域
61 special protection designated area 特別保護指定地区
62 survey for designated statistics 指定統計調査
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