 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 damages 損害賠償
2 company causing the damages 原因企業
3 compensation for damages 損害賠償
4 damages in districts usually receiving damage 常習被害地の被害
5 fence for preventing agricultural and forestry damages 農林業被害防止のための防護柵
6 Law concerning Compensation and Prevention of Pollution-related Health Damages LCPPHD 公害健康被害の補償等に関する法律 公健法
7 Law on Special Measures for Mine Damages Caused by the Metal Mining Industry, etc. 金属鉱業等鉱害対策特別措置法
8 other damages その他の被害
9 project for the prevention of air pollution-related health damages 大気汚染の影響による健康被害を予防するための事業 健康被害予防事業
10 Reparation and Compensation System for Damages by Oil Pollution 油濁損害賠償保障制度
11 status of photochemical oxidant warnings issued and reported damages 光化学オキシダント注意報等発令状況、被害届出状況
12 usual disaster (such as damages would ordinarily arise, less than a certain insured amount)/unusual disaster (damages more than a certain insured amount) 通常災害・異常災害
13 (agreement for) liquidated damages 賠償額の予定