1 |
cost |
代価 |
2 |
cost |
経費 |
3 |
cost |
費用 |
4 |
acquisition cost |
取得価額 |
5 |
actual cost |
実費 |
6 |
adaptation cost |
適応コスト |
7 |
adjustment cost |
調整費用 |
8 |
agricultural chemicals cost |
農業薬剤費 |
9 |
agricultural implements cost |
農機具費 |
10 |
annual cost |
年間経費 |
11 |
ASTM life cycle cost (LCC) approach |
ASTMライフサイクルコストアプローチ |
ASTMLCCアプローチ |
12 |
buildings cost |
建物費 |
13 |
capital cost |
資本(経費) |
14 |
clothing and footwear cost |
被服及び履物費 |
15 |
commercial feed cost |
流通飼料費 |
16 |
construction cost |
建設費 |
17 |
cooperative raising of silk-worm cost |
共同飼育費 |
18 |
cost accounting |
原価計算 |
19 |
cost accounting of self-supplied material service |
費用価計算 |
20 |
cost and freight |
運賃込み(C&F) |
21 |
cost charged by quantity |
従量制 |
22 |
cost data |
経費データ |
23 |
cost effectiveness |
費用効果 |
24 |
cost effectiveness |
経費効果 |
25 |
cost estimating |
経費見積 |
26 |
cost for growing of mulberry |
栽桑費用 |
27 |
cost for renting a conference hall |
会場借料 |
28 |
cost indexes |
経費科目 |
29 |
cost of adaptation |
適応するための費用 |
30 |
cost of collection and shipment |
集出荷経費 |
31 |
cost of construction |
建設費 |
32 |
cost of creation of mulberry fields |
桑樹成園費 |
33 |
cost of fishery management |
漁業経営費 |
34 |
cost of living |
生計費 |
35 |
cost of pollution control works |
公害防止事業費 |
36 |
cost of rearing of perennial crops |
育成価 |
37 |
cost of silk-worm raising |
養蚕費用 |
38 |
cost of slaughter house |
と畜場経費 |
39 |
cost reduction |
原価低減 |
40 |
cost reduction effort |
原価低減努力 |
41 |
cost reduction strategy |
原価低減戦略 |
42 |
cost, insurance and freight |
運賃・保険料込み |
43 |
cost-benefit analysis |
費用−便益分析 |
44 |
cost-benefit analysis |
費用対効果分析 |
45 |
cost-cutting technology |
低コスト化技術 |
46 |
cost-effective |
費用効果的 |
47 |
cost-effective |
費用対効果の大きい |
48 |
cost-effective analysis |
費用効果分析 |
49 |
cost-effectiveness |
費用効果 |
50 |
cost-effectiveness analysis |
費用対効果分析 |
51 |
cost-insurance and freight |
着港渡価格 |
52 |
cost-reducing effect |
原価低減効果 |
53 |
cost-suppression effect |
費用抑制効果 |
54 |
cost-value of forest management |
育林費用価 |
55 |
Council on Cost Allocation of Pollution Control Public Works |
公害防止事業費負担審議会 |
56 |
depreciation cost |
減価償却費 |
57 |
direct cost |
直接費 |
58 |
direct labor cost |
直接労務費 |
59 |
direct material cost |
直接材料費 |
60 |
disposal cost |
処理費 |
61 |
educational cost |
教育費 |
62 |
environmental cost |
環境コスト |
63 |
environmental cost |
環境費用 |
64 |
external cost |
外部費用 |
65 |
externalized economic cost |
外部経済コスト |
66 |
feed cost |
飼料費 |
67 |
feeder livestock cost |
もと畜費 |
68 |
fertilizers and manures cost |
肥料費 |
69 |
first cost |
素価 |
70 |
first cost |
第一原価 |
71 |
fishery production cost |
漁業生産費用 |
72 |
fixed cost |
固定費 |
73 |
food and drinks cost |
飲食費 |
74 |
forage, crops, grazing and mowing cost |
牧草・放牧・採草費 |
75 |
forest management cost |
育林費 |
76 |
fuel, light and water cost |
家計光熱費及び水道料 |
77 |
furniture and household utensils cost |
家具・家事用品費 |
78 |
future cost-suppressinon effect |
将来費用抑制効果 |
79 |
horticultural facilities cost |
園芸施設費 |
80 |
housing cost |
住居費 |
81 |
implements for farming and sericulture cost |
農蚕具費 |
82 |
incremental cost |
増加費用 |
83 |
incremental cost financing |
増分費用融資 |
84 |
indirect cost |
間接費 |
85 |
installation cost |
設置価格 |
86 |
investment cost |
投資原価 |
87 |
labor cost |
労働費 |
88 |
labor cost |
労務費 |
89 |
labor cost |
労働コスト |
90 |
labor cost of family members |
家族労働費 |
91 |
labour cost |
人件費 |
92 |
land improvement and water utilization cost |
土地改良及び水利費 |
93 |
Law concerning Entrepreneurs' Bearing of the Cost of Public Pollution Control Works |
Pollution Control Public Works Cost Allocation Law |
公害防止事業費事業者負担法 |
94 |
light, heat and power cost |
光熱動力費 |
95 |
litter cost |
敷料費 |
96 |
living cost |
生計費 |
97 |
manufacturing cost |
生産原価 |
98 |
marketing cost |
流通経費 |
99 |
material cost |
物財費 |
100 |
mating cost |
種付料 |
101 |
medical care cost |
保健医療費 |
102 |
miscellaneous materials cost |
その他の諸材料費 |
103 |
mulberry purchasing cost |
買桑費 |
104 |
Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force |
洋上風力発電コスト削減タスクフォース |
105 |
operating cost |
運転費 |
106 |
operation cost |
運転費 |
107 |
operation cost |
事業費 |
108 |
operational cost |
運営コスト、運用コスト |
109 |
overhead cost |
間接費 |
110 |
overhead cost |
間接工事費 |
111 |
physical unit on cost accounting |
原単位量 |
112 |
power generation cost |
発電コスト |
113 |
process cost system |
総合計算 |
114 |
production cost |
生産費 |
115 |
production cost |
生産原価 |
116 |
production cost counted in capital interest/land rent (all count in production cost) |
資本利子・地代全額算入生産費 |
117 |
production cost counted in payment interest/land rent |
支払利子・地代算入生産費 |
118 |
production cost of agricultural products, livestock and cocoon |
農畜産物・繭の生産費 |
119 |
production cost of ripe bed log to grow mushrooms |
ほだ木造成費 |
120 |
production management cost |
生産管理費 |
121 |
project cost |
プロジェクト費用 |
122 |
quality, cost, delivery |
123 |
quality, cost, delivery, and safety |
124 |
reading and recreation cost |
教養娯楽費 |
125 |
reduction of the cost of public works |
公共工事のコスト縮減 |
126 |
seed and seedling cost |
種苗費 |
127 |
selling cost |
販売経費 |
128 |
shipping cost |
出荷経費 |
129 |
silk-worm eggs cost |
蚕種費 |
130 |
standard installation cost |
標準工事費 |
131 |
total cost |
費用合計 |
132 |
transportation and communication cost |
交通通信費 |
133 |
treatment cost |
処理費 |
134 |
unit cost |
単価 |
135 |
unit cost paid |
支払単価 |
136 |
unwarranted economic and social cost |
不当な経済的及び社会的損失 |
137 |
vaccination cost |
予防注射代 |
138 |
veterinary and medicine cost |
獣医師料及び医薬品費 |
139 |
working cost |
労働コスト |