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English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 cooling 冷涼化
2 cooling 冷却
3 air cooling 空気冷却
4 air cooling 空冷
5 air-cooling of furnace wall 空冷壁
6 combustion gas cooling equipment 燃焼ガス冷却設備
7 cooling agent 冷却剤
8 cooling air 冷却空気
9 cooling apparatus 冷却装置
10 cooling coil 冷却器
11 cooling curve 冷却曲線
12 cooling draft fan CDF 冷却ファン
13 cooling fan 冷却ファン
14 cooling fin 冷却フィン
15 cooling jacket 冷却ジャケット
16 cooling mist separator 冷却ミスト処理装置
17 cooling pipe 冷却管
18 cooling plant 冷却装置
19 cooling spray 冷却スプレー
20 cooling surface 冷却面
21 cooling system 冷却装置
22 cooling tower 冷却塔
23 cooling tube 冷却管
24 cooling vessel 冷却容器
25 cooling water 冷却水
26 cooling water 冷却用水
27 district air cooling and heating 地域冷暖房
28 district heating and cooling 地域冷暖房
29 district heating and cooling DHC 地域熱供給
30 energy consumption for heating and cooling of housing 冷暖房用エネルギー
31 external cooling system 外気冷房
32 furnace cooling 炉冷
33 furnace-cooling fan 炉温冷却ファン
34 gas cooling chamber ガス冷却室
35 gas cooling equipment ガス冷却装置
36 generation of electricity, heating/cooling or steam 電力、熱/冷気又は蒸気の生成
37 heating cooling equipment 加熱冷却装置
38 heating-cooling equipment 加温冷却装置
39 indirect GHG emissions from generation of electricity, heating/cooling or steam 電力、熱/冷気又は蒸気の消費からの間接的なGHG排出量
40 liquid metal cooling fast breeder reactor 液体金属冷却高速増殖炉
41 main piping of secondary cooling system 2次系主配管
42 open-circulating cooling water 開放循環冷却水
43 primary cooling water 一次冷却水
44 radiational cooling 放射冷却
45 radiative cooling 放射冷却
46 radiative cooling 放射冷却現象
47 slow cooling 除冷
48 solar heating and cooling 太陽熱冷暖房
49 super cooling 過冷却
50 water injection formalities gas cooling system 水噴射式ガス冷却設備
51 water spray type gas cooling facility 水噴射冷却器
52 water-cooling 水冷
53 water-cooling type 水冷式