 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 multilateral environmental agreement MEA 多国間環境協定 MEA
2 A Guide for Quality Assurance concerning Environmental Measurement of Dioxins (for Bioassays) ダイオキシン類の環境測定に係る精度管理の手引き(生物検定法)
3 acceleration measurement 加速度測定
4 acoustic measurement 音響測定
5 Act concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Historic Natural Features and Improvement of the Life Environment in Asuka Village 明日香村における歴史的風土の保存及び生活環境の整備等に関する特別措置法
6 Act Concerning Special Measures for Total Emission Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter from Automobiles in Specified Areas Automobile NOx/PM Act 自動車から排出される窒素酸化物及び粒子状物質の特定地域における総量の削減等に関する特別措置法 自動車NOx・PM法
7 Act on Interim Measures 暫定措置法
8 Act on Interim Measures concerning Custom 関税暫定措置法
9 Act on Special Measures 特別措置法
10 Act on Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策特別措置法
11 Act on Special Measures concerning Taxation 租税特別措置法
12 Act on Temporary Measures 臨時措置法
13 Act on Temporary Measures concerning Fine 罰金等臨時措置法
14 adaptive measure 適応措置
15 additional policy measure 追加的な政策
16 administrative measure 行政措置
17 adopt proactive measure 積極的な取り組みを進める
18 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 補助金及び相殺措置に関する協定 補助金協定
19 Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 衛生植物検疫措置の適用に関する協定 SPS協定
20 Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures 貿易に関連する投資措置に関する協定 TRIM協定
21 agricultural land in need of program for soil contamination measures 農用地土壌汚染対策地域
22 air permeability 透気係数
23 air pollution countermeasures of Ube city 宇部方式
24 air quality measurement 大気質測定
25 air sampling measurement 空気捕集法
26 airborne measurement (of meteorological elements or air pollution) 航空機測定 (気象、大気汚染などの)
27 aircraft noise measure 航空機騒音対策
28 allocation of plots for measurement 実測調査プロットの配置
29 alpine meadow 高山草原
30 annual mean surface air temperature over the sea 海面上の年平均気温
31 annual mean temperature 年平均気温
32 annual mean temperature 年間平均気温
33 annual means 年平均値
34 anti-noise measures around airports 空港等周辺騒音対策
35 anti-pollution measures 環境汚染対策
36 appropriate measure 適当な措置
37 Appropriate Measures to Cope with Minamata Disease 今後の水俣病対策のあり方について
38 appropriate, effective and proportionate measures 適当で効果的な、かつ均衡のとれた措置
39 appropriateness of measurements 測定項目の適切性
40 area needing measures 対策地域
41 arithmetic mean 算術平均
42 Assessing the Risk of Chemical Compounds in the Environment and Their Effects on the Next Generation and Studying Measures to Cope with the Risk 環境中の複合化学物質による次世代影響リスクの評価とリスク対応支援に関する研究
43 automatic measuring instrument 自動計測機
44 automatic water quality measurement 自動水質計測
45 back-end measure バックエンド対策
46 bailout measure 支援措置[救済措置]
47 Basic Guidelines for the Comprehensive and Systematic Promotion of Waste Reduction Measures and Other Appropriate Treatments 廃棄物の減量その他その適正な処理に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るための基本的な方針
48 Basic Guidelines of Japan for the Promotion of Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策推進基本指針
49 Basic Policy for Measures against Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音対策基本方針
50 Basic Policy on Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策に関する基本方針
51 Basic Research for Environmental Health Measures 環境保健施策基礎調査
52 basis of various measures, and measures facilitating the participation of various actors and international cooperation 各種施策の基盤、各主体の参加及び国際協力に係る施策
53 be capable of consistent evaluation or measurement against suitable criteria 適切な基準に照らして一貫した評価又は測定を行えるものである
54 bill for making partial amendment to the Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全特別措置法の一部を改正する法律案
55 bill for soil contamination measure 土壌汚染対策法案
56 Bill for the Promotion of Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法案
57 bushmeat 野生動物の肉
58 by means of human resources development and institution building 人的資源の開発及び組織の整備という手段によって
59 capacity-building measures and activities 能力構築の措置及び活動
60 car noise reduction measure 自動車騒音低減対策
61 cell constant (for conductivity measure cell) セル定数〔導電率測定セルの〕
62 Central Environment Council's Special Committee on a Taxation System for Global Warming Measures 中央環境審議会地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会
63 certified measurer 計量士
64 certified measurer 環境計量士
65 chemical substance safety measures 化学物質安全確保対策
66 clear and measurable standard and requirement 測定可能で明確な基準と要件
67 climate policy measure 気候変動対策
68 coefficient of permeability 透水係数
69 Committee for Acid Rain Measures 酸性雨対策検討会
70 Committee of Authorities Concerned with Measures against Road Traffic Pollution 道路交通公害対策関係省庁連絡会議
71 Committee on Control Measures of Emission of Hydrocarbons from Stationary Sources 固定発生源対策検討会
72 Committee on Promotion of Noise Abatement Flight Operational Measures 騒音軽減運航方式推進委員会
73 common cross-industry measures designed to improve the efficiency of energy use and conversion 業種横断的なエネルギー利用・転換の効率化対策
74 compensation measure 代償措置
75 compensatory measure 代償措置
76 Comprehensive Energy Saving Measures for 2000 2000年に向けた総合的な省エネルギー対策
77 comprehensive measure for protection of wildlife and prevention of damage 野生鳥獣管理・被害総合対策
78 Comprehensive Measures of Minamata Disease 水俣病総合対策医療事業
79 comprehensive parking measure 総合的な駐車対策
80 conduit permeability 地下河道の透水性
81 Conference for Promoting Countermeasures against Mercury Contamination 水銀汚染対策推進会議
82 conservation measures 保全策
83 Consultation Group on Measures for Prevention of Red Soil Erosion 赤土等流出防止対策協議会
84 Contact with Nature Town Development Special Measure Program 緑とふれあいの里整備特別対策事業
85 contingency measures 緊急事態対応
86 continuous air pollutant measurement 大気汚染連続測定
87 continuous measurement 連続測定
88 continuous measuring instrument 連続測定装置
89 contractual research involving environmental measurement of dioxins ダイオキシン類の環境測定を伴う請負調査
90 control measure 規制措置
91 control measurement 管理項目
92 control measurement 管理点
93 control of monitoring and measuring devices 監視機器及び測定機器の管理
94 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 文化財の不法な輸入輸出及び所有権譲渡の禁止及び防止の手段に関する条約
95 cooking liquid of meat and potato 肉じゃが煮汁
96 Council of Ministers for Promotion of Comprehensive Measures for Energy 総合エネルギー対策推進閣僚会議
97 countermeasure 対策
98 Countermeasure Manual for Atmosphere Pollution by Source Type 汚染源別発生源対策マニュアル
99 countermeasures against Shinkansen Superexpress Railway noise above 75dB(phon) 新幹線鉄道騒音の75デシベル(ホン)対策
100 countermeasures for Abundant Forest Creation 豊かな森林づくり対策
101 countermeasures for hazardous air pollutants 有害大気汚染物質対策
102 Countermeasures for Minamata disease 水俣病対策について
103 Current Environmental Issues and Environmental Conservation Measures by the Government 環境問題の現状及び政府が環境の保全に関して講じた施策
104 cut meat (market)center 部分肉センター
105 daily mean water supply 一日平均給水量
106 deception or other wrongful means 偽りその他不正の手段
107 designated meat 指定食肉
108 detection and measurement technique 検出測定技術
109 diesel engine smoke measurement ディーゼル自動車排気煙濃度測定方法
110 digital dust measuring apparatus デジタル粉塵計
111 direct measurement 直接測定
112 Directions for Implementing Measures to Create an "Environment Nation, Japan" 「環境立国・日本」に向けた施策の展開方向
113 disaster control measures 災害対策
114 domestic measure 国内措置
115 dressed meat 精肉
116 drug concentration measurement 薬物濃度の測定
117 economic measure 経済的措置
118 economically and socially sound measures 経済的及び社会的に健全な措置
119 economics, trade and incentive measures 経済、貿易及び奨励措置
120 efficacy and safety measurements assessed 有効性及び安全性の評価項目
121 electric measurement of canal length 電気的根管長測定
122 electronic means 電磁的方法
123 emergency measure 応急措置
124 emergency measure 応急対策
125 emergency measure 緊急時の措置
126 emergency measure 緊急措置
127 Emergency Measures Law for Construction of City Parks 都市公園等整備緊急措置法
128 Emergency Measures Law for Construction of Sewage Systems 下水道整備緊急措置法
129 Emergency Measures Law for Construction of Sewerage Systems 下水道整備緊急措置法
130 Emergency Measures Law for Construction of Urban Parks, etc. 都市公園等整備緊急措置法
131 emergency response measures 緊急対応策
132 employment measures 雇用対策
133 endocrine disruptor countermeasures 内分泌かく乱化学物質対策
134 energy conservation measure 省エネルギー対策
135 energy demand curb measure エネルギー需要抑制対策
136 energy measure-related expense エネルギー対策関係経費
137 enforce environmental conservation measures 環境保全対策を実施する
138 Enforcement Policy for Noise Reduction Measures for Areas with Serious Traffic Noise 道路交通騒音の深刻な地域における対策の実施方針
139 Enforcement Regulation of the Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法施行規則
140 Enforcement Regulation of the Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全特別措置法施行規則
141 enforcement status of the Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法施行状況
142 enhancement of sink-related measures and policies 吸収源の対策・施策の強化
143 environmental conservation measure for ports 港湾環境保全対策
144 environmental conservation measures by local governments 地方公共団体の環境保全対策
145 Environmental Conservation Measures Relating to Public Works 各種公共事業に係る環境保全対策について
146 Environmental Conservation Measures to be Implemented 講じようとする環境の保全に関する施策
147 Environmental Conservation Measures to be Implemented in FY 2005 平成17年度環境の保全に関する施策
148 environmental health measure 環境保健対策
149 environmental measure 環境対策
150 environmental measurement and analysis institution 環境測定分析機関
151 environmental measurement certification business 環境計量証明事業
152 environmental measurement verification operator 環境に係る計量証明事業者
153 environmental pollution control measure 公害対策
154 environmental pollution control measure 環境汚染対策
155 estimated daily mean sewage flow 計画一日平均汚水量
156 eutrophication prevention measures 富栄養化防止対策
157 evaluation of the eligibility of analytical institutions for contractual research involving the environmental measurement of dioxins ダイオキシン類環境測定調査受注資格審査
158 Execution plan for clerical works and projects of government and local authorities based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法に基づく国・地方公共団体の事務・事業に係る実行計画
159 expanded measurement uncertainty 拡張測定不確かさ
160 Expert Committee on Taxation System for Global Warming Measures 地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会
161 ex-situ conservation measures 生息域外保全措置
162 ex-situ measures 生息域外における措置
163 facilitative measures 促進的な措置
164 failure mode and effects analysis(FMEA) FMEA 故障モード影響解析
165 financial measure 金融上の措置
166 financial measures, etc. 財政上の措置等
167 financial support measure 金融支援措置
168 Financial Support Measures for Chisso チッソ金融支援措置
169 First Forum on Oil Pollution Measures 油汚染対策に関する第1回フォーラム
170 fish meal フィッシュ・ミール(魚粉)
171 Five Year Plan Concerning Measures for Dioxins ダイオキシン対策に関する5ヵ年計画
172 five-year running mean 5年移動平均値
173 flood control measure 水害対策
174 flow measurement 流量測定
175 flux measurement tank 流量測定槽
176 follow up and compliance measure フォローアップ及び遵守措置
177 food recycling measures 食品リサイクル対策
178 forest sink measure 森林吸収源対策
179 fraudulent means 偽計
180 fraudulent means 詐術
181 Future Direction of Measures to Reduce the Environmental Load of Waste 廃棄物に係る環境負荷低減対策の在り方について
182 Future Measures for Earth Observation 今後の地球観測に関する取組の基本について
183 FY 2002 Report of the Study Group on Measures to Promote Environmental Reporting 平成14年度環境報告の促進方策に関する検討会報告書
184 gas permeability 気体透過率
185 gas permeability 通気性
186 general measures 一般的な措置
187 General Measures for Conservation and Sustainable Use 保全及び持続可能な利用のための一般的な措置
188 General Measures Supportive of Specific Measures 各種施策の基盤となる施策
189 General Plan for Countermeasures against Shinkansen Railway Noise 新幹線鉄道対策要鋼
190 General Plan of Measures for Shinkansen Railway Noise Abatement and Prevention of Vibration Hazards 新幹線鉄道騒音・振動対策処理要鋼[国鉄]
191 geometric mean 幾何平均値
192 geometric mean 幾何平均
193 global environment measuring technology 地球環境計測技術
194 global mean sea level 平均海水面
195 global mean sea level 平均海面水位
196 global mean surface temperature 平均気温
197 Global Precipitation Measurement 全球降水観測計画
198 global warming abatement measure 温暖化防止対策
199 global warming countermeasure area promotion plan 地球温暖化対策地域推進計画
200 global warming prevention measures 地球温暖化対策
201 gross measure of AAA on a 4-point scale 〜を肉眼で測る4点制の尺度
202 ground environment conservation measure 地盤環境保全対策
203 Guidance on How to Measure and Report your Greenhouse Gas Emissions 温室効果ガス削減量の算定・報告方法に関する手引
204 Guideline for Measures to Prevent Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進大綱[旧訳し方]
205 Guideline on Measures to Cope with Miscellaneous Household Effluent 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
206 guideline value set for vibration measures 振動対策指針値
207 Guidelines for Countermeasures against Misconduct in Research Activities by Competitive Research Fund 競争的資金等に係る研究活動における不正行為への対応指針
208 Guidelines for Light Pollution Control Measures 光害対策ガイドライン
209 Guidelines for Noise Abatement Measures in the Construction of New Lines and Large-scale Improvement of Conventional Railways 在来鉄道の新設又は大規模改良に際しての騒音対策の指針
210 Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Quality Control of the Environmental Measurement of Dioxins ダイオキシン類の環境測定に係る精度管理指針
211 Guidelines for Survey and Measures for Soil Contamination Caused by Heavy Metals, etc. 重金属等に係る土壌汚染調査・対策指針
212 Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution 土壌・地下水汚染に係る調査・対策指針
213 Guidelines for the Countermeasures against Oil Contamination - Landowner’s Response Policy Concerning Oil Slick and Odor Problems from Mineral Oil Contaminated Soil 油汚染対策ガイドライン−鉱油類を含む土壌に起因する油臭・油膜問題への土地所有者等による対応の考え方-
214 Guidelines for the Industrial Sector to Take Measures to Curb the Emissions of HFCs and Other Greenhouse Gases 産業界によるHFC等の排出抑制に係る指針
215 Guidelines for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
216 Guidelines on Securing the Reliability of the Environmental Measurements of Dioxins Commissioned Outside ダイオキシン類の環境測定を外部に委託する場合の信頼性の確保に関する指針
217 harmonic mean 調和平均
218 Headquarter for Measures against Radiation 放射能対策本部
219 health measure 保健対策
220 health-care measure 保健対策
221 high-tide measure 高潮対策
222 hydraulic permeability 透水率
223 impermeability 不浸透性
224 impermeability 不透水性
225 impermeable formation 不透水層
226 impermeable layer 不浸透層
227 impermeable layer 不透水層
228 impermeable rock 不透水岩
229 impermeable stratum 不透水層
230 Implementation of Road Traffic Environment Measures for the South Nagoya Area 名古屋南部地域の道路交通環境対策の推進について
231 improvement measure 改善措置
232 incentive measure 奨励措置
233 individual vehicle measure 自動車単体対策
234 industrial effluent measure 産業排水対策
235 industrial waste measure 産業廃棄物対策
236 Initial 75 Phon Measures 第1次75ホン対策
237 innovative environmental monitoring and measurement technology guidance project 革新的環境監視計測技術先導研究
238 inside measurement 内法
239 intensively managed or grazed wet meadow or pasture 集約的に管理もしくは放牧されている牧草地もしくは牧場で、水を引いてあるもの
240 interim measure 当面の取組
241 interim measure 経過措置
242 interim measures of protection 暫定的保全措置
243 Inter-Ministry/Agency Coordination Committee for Road Traffic Environment Measures 道路交通環境対策関係省庁連絡会議
244 intermittent measurement 間欠測定
245 international or national measurement standards 国際又は国家計量標準
246 investigation and measurement 調査測定
247 item to be measured 測定項目
248 Japan Environmental Measurement and Analysis Association 日本環境測定分析協会
249 Japan Environmental Measurement and Chemical Analysis Association (社)日本環境測定分析協会
250 Joint Meeting of Councils Relating to Domestic Measures to Arrest Global Warming 地球温暖化問題への国内対策に関する関係審議会合同会議
251 large quantity meat retail store 食肉量販店
252 Law concerning Provisional Measures for Promotion of Administrative Work on Certification of Minamata Disease 水俣病の認定業務の促進に関する臨時措置法
253 Law concerning Special Government Financial Measures for Pollution Control Projects Pollution Control Financial Law 公害の防止に関する事業に係る国の財政上の特別措置に関する法律 公害財特法
254 Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins Dioxins Law ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法 ダイオキシン法
255 Law concerning Special Measures for Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海環境保全特別措置法
256 Law concerning Special Measures for Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Waste PCB Special Measures Law ポリ塩化ビフェニル廃棄物の適正な処理の推進に関する特別措置法 PCB特別措置法
257 Law Concerning Special Measures for Relief of Pollution-related Patients 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法
258 Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality Clean Lakes Law 湖沼水質保全特別措置法 湖沼法
259 Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of the Historical Features of Ancient Cities 古都における歴史的風土の保存に関する特別措置法
260 Law Concerning Special Measures for the Promotion and Development of Okinawa 沖縄振興開発特別措置法
261 Law concerning Special Measures for the Promotion of New Energy Use, etc. 新エネルギー利用等の促進に関する特別措置法
262 Law concerning Special Measures for the Rejuvenation of Ariake Sea and Yatsushiro Sea 有明海及び八代海を再生するための特別措置に関する法律
263 Law concerning Special Measures for Total Emission Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides from Automobiles in Specified Areas Automobile NOx Law 自動車から排出される窒素酸化物の特定地域における総量の削減等に関する特別措置法 自動車NOx法
264 Law concerning Special Measures for Water Quality Conservation at Water Resources Area in Order to Prevent the Specified Difficulties in Water Utilization 特定水道利水障害の防止のための水道源水域の水質の保全に関する特別措置法
265 Law Concerning the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法
266 Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策の推進に関する法律 "地球温暖化対策推進法,温対法"
267 Law concerning the Protection of the Ozone Layer through the Control of Specified Substances and Other Measures Ozone Layer Protection Law 特定物質の規制等によるオゾン層の保護に関する法律 オゾン層保護法
268 Law for Special Measures for the Improvement and Construction of Waste Treatment Facilities 廃棄物処理施設整備緊急措置法
269 Law of Provisional Measures for Projects and Activities to Rationalize Use of Energy, etc., and Utilization of Recycled Resources エネルギー等の使用の合理化及び再生資源の利用に関する臨時措置法
270 Law of Provisional Measures for Promotion of the Construction of Designated Facilities through the Participation of Private Enterprises 民間事業者の能力の活用による特定設備の促進に関する臨時措置法 民活法
271 Law on Special Measures for Mine Damages Caused by the Metal Mining Industry, etc. 金属鉱業等鉱害対策特別措置法
272 Law on Special Measures Regarding the Utilization of New Energy by Electricity Provider Renewable Portfolio Standard Law, RPS Law 電気事業者による新エネルギー等の利用に関する特別措置法 RPS法
273 Law relating to Special Arrangements for Countermeasures against Aircraft Noise around Specified Airports 特定空港周辺航空機騒音対策特別措置法
274 legal measure 法律に基づく措置
275 legally-binding measure 法的規制手段
276 legislative measures 法制上の措置
277 legislative, administrative or policy measures 立法上、行政上又は政策上の措置
278 light pollution control measures 光害対策
279 Light Pollution Control Measures Model Plan 光害対策モデル計画
280 listing of individual laboratory measurements by patient and each abnormal laboratory value 患者別の個々の臨床検査異常値の一覧表
281 livestock for meat 肉畜
282 loan system for environmental measures 環境対策関連融資制度
283 Local Council for Global Warming Measures 地球温暖化対策地域協議会
284 local pollution measure 局地汚染対策
285 logistic measure 物流対策
286 low meadow 低地
287 low-stature alpine meadow 丈の低い高山草原
288 Manual of Measures to Prevent Asbestos from Entering the Environment during Building Dismantling 建築物の解体等に係る石綿飛散防止対策マニュアル
289 Manual of Measures to Tackle Water Pollution related to Nitrate Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen 硝酸性窒素及び亜硝酸性窒素に係る水質汚染対策マニュアル
290 marine pollution prevention measure 海洋汚染防止対策
291 Marine Trophic index (Mean Trophic Level) 海洋植物連鎖指数(平均栄養段階)
292 market prices of living meat animals paid to shippers 出荷者への市場支払肉畜価格
293 master plan about global warming measure in local public entity 地方公共団体における地球温暖化対策に関するマスタープラン
294 meadow 牧草地
295 mean いう
296 mean 手段
297 mean 平均値
298 mean Annual Increment of stem volume MAI 年平均幹材積成長量
299 mean annual snowfall 年間平均降雪量
300 mean annual surface air temperature 年間平均地表気温
301 mean chemical constituents 平均水質