 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 Major Emitters Meeting MEM 主要排出国会議
2 arbitration committee member 仲裁委員
3 asphalt membrane waterproofing アスファルト防水
4 audit committee member 監査委員
5 cell membrane 細胞膜
6 classification of farm household by combination of family members 家族経営構成別分類
7 Commemorative Event to Mark the Entry into Force of the Kyoto Protocol 京都議定書発効記念行事
8 committee member 委員
9 Committee Member, Environment and Safety Committee of Japan Federation of Economic Organization (社)経済団体連合会環境安全委員会委員
10 Committee members 委員
11 conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding with GEF GEFとの覚書締結
12 Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices 能動埋め込み医療機器に関する加盟各国の法律の近似化に関する欧州理事会指令90/385/EEC(1990年6月20日付)
13 crew member 乗員
14 deliberative member 審議委員
15 dialysis membrane 透析膜
16 difficulty with memory 記憶障害
17 embryonic membrane 胎膜
18 embryonic membrane 胚膜
19 family members 世帯員
20 farm household members 農家世帯員
21 farm household members engaged in non-agricultural works 兼業従事者
22 fishery household members 漁業世帯員
23 general meeting (of members) 社員総会
24 governing board, composition and membership 理事会、構成及び理事
25 government agencies and civil groups that bring together members of the community コミュニティをつくる行政、民間団体
26 increase or decrease of family member's occupational condition 就業状態異動
27 inspection committee member 監査委員
28 ion-exchange membrane イオン交換膜
29 ion-exchange membrane method イオン交換膜法
30 ISO member body ISO会員団体
31 labor cost of family members 家族労働費
32 legislation introduced by Diet members 議員立法
33 managing member 業務執行社員
34 marine species among members of the genus Caridina 海産ヌマエビ
35 member 構成員
36 member 社員
37 member body 会員団体
38 member country 加盟国
39 member of any species belonging to the Class Mammalia 哺乳綱に属する種の個体
40 member of environmental pollution monitoring committee 公害監視委員
41 member of housing structure 住宅構成部材
42 member of the executive council responsible for environmental affairs MEC 環境問題執行委員会委員
43 member of the human community, a 人類共同体の一員
44 member state 加盟国
45 member with limited liability 有限責任社員
46 member with unlimited liability 無限責任社員
47 membrane
48 membrane filter 薄膜フィルタ
49 membrane filter 膜フィルタ
50 membrane liner 膜状しゃ水
51 membrane separation activated sludge method 膜分離活性汚泥方式
52 membrane separation method 膜分離法
53 membrane separation technology 膜分離技術
54 membrane water treatment technology 膜利用水処理技術
55 memorandum of cooperation 協力の覚書
56 Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ramsar Convention and the Convention on Biological Diversity ラムサール条約と生物多様性条約の協力の覚書
57 memorandum of understanding MOU 覚書
58 memorandum of understanding 了解覚書
59 memory capacity 記憶容量
60 memory test 記憶テスト
61 monthly average family members living together throughout a year 年間月平均世帯員
62 mucous membrane 粘膜
63 non-OECD member country 非OECD加盟国
64 number of family members under the same roof 一世帯あたり親族人員
65 number of members 人員数
66 Number of participants: Over 13,000 (including members of the press and staff) "参加者数:13,000人以上(報道関係者、スタッフ等を含む)"
67 OECD member country OECD加盟国
68 organizing committee member 設立委員
69 originating Member State 提供元加盟国
70 pseudomembrane 偽膜
71 public member 公益委員
72 QC Circle member QCサークルメンバー
73 random access memory RAM 随時書き込み型記憶装置
74 read only memory ROM 読出し専用記憶装置
75 recipient Member States 受け入れ側加盟国
76 register of members 構成員名簿
77 Report by the Open-Ended Working Group of Member States on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits 「パンデミックインフルエンザ事前対策:インフルエンザウイルスの共有とワクチンその他の便益へのアクセス」に関する加盟国オープンエンド作業部会報告書
78 reserve member 予備委員
79 reverse osmosis membrane 逆浸透膜
80 Robert F. Kennedy Memorial ロバート・F.ケネディ・メモリアル
81 select from among its members 互選する
82 semi-permeable membrane 半透膜
83 shape memory alloy 形状記憶合金
84 Shinjuku Gyoen 100th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony 新宿御苑100周年記念式典
85 tension member 引張材
86 unexpired term of the member replaced 前任者の残りの任期
87 union member 組合員
88 voting member 投票権を持つメンバー(委員会の)
89 WHO Member States WHO加盟国