economic index
economic index number
economic indexes
economic indicator
economic indicators
economic inequality
economic information
economic infrastructures
economic instability
economic institution
economic insularity
economic integration
economic integration occurs naturally
economic interaction
economic interdependence
economic interdependence has its benefits
economic interest groups
economic issues
economic law
economic leaders
economic leverage
economic leverage ratio
economic lexicon
economic liberalization
economic life
economic literature
economic logic
economic logic of business
economic loss
economic loss from undisclosed defects in the target company
economic losses
economic lull
economic makeup
economic malaise
economic malfunctions
economic man
economic man hypothesis
economic management
economic management prerogatives
economic manifestations and policies of the state
economic map
economic maturity
economic maturity is reached
economic mechanism
economic minimalism
economic ministries
economic miracle
economic mishaps
economic mismatch
economic model
economic molecules
economic motivators
economic necessity
economic needs
economic news
economic newsflow
economic nexus between the supply of money and prices
economic niches
economic number effect
economic numbers
economic numbers indicated a lack of strength
economic objectives
economic observational method
economic obsolescence
economic opportunity and optimism
economic or social return considerations
economic orbit
economic order
economic order quantity
economic organization
economic organs
economic outcomes
economic outlook
economic output
economic overheating
economic overlay
economic overview
economic package
economic paradigm
economic path
economic pattern
economic performance
economic performance should be relatively high
economic perspective
economic phenomenon of the 1960s
economic philosophy
economic picture
economic plan
economic planning
economic point of view
economic policy
economic policy decisions
economic policy making
economic policy process
economic policy targets
economic policymakers
economic policymaking
economic populism
economic position
economic position of interest
economic potential
economic power
economic power has taken center stage from military power
economic powerhouse
economic practices
economic prediction
economic predictive powers
economic pressure
economic price
economic principle
economic problem
economic production run size
economic profit
economic program
economic progress
economic progress of the businesses
economic projections
economic proposal
economic prospect
economic prospects for fiscal 19XX
economic prospects for new technologies
economic prospects over the future
economic prosperity
economic purpose test
economic puzzle
economic quantification algorithms of financial engineering
economic rate of return
economic rationality
economic reach
economic realities
economic reality
economic reasoning
economic reasons
economic rebound
economic recession
economic reconstruction plan
economic record
economic recovery
economic recovery could be brisk
economic recovery has not filtered down to the lower tiers of the industry
economic recovery plan
economic reform
economic reform program
economic regeneration
economic regime
economic regionalism
economic regulation
economic relations
economic relations between AA and BB have been at low ebb
economic relationship
economic relationship modification
economic releases
economic rent
economic report of the president
economic research
economic resources
economic restoration
economic restructuring
economic results
economic reversal
economic revitalization
economic revival
economic revolution
economic reward
economic rewards
economic rights
economic rigidity
economic risk
economic risks are high
economic role
economic sanction
economic sanctions against Iraq were approved by the UN Security Council
economic savings
economic scenario
economic scene at home or abroad
economic security
economic self-interest
economic sense
economic series
economic setbacks
economic shock
economic significance
economic situation
economic size
economic slack
economic slide
economic slow down
economic slow-down
economic slowdown
economic sluggishness
economic slump
economic special area
economic sphere
economic stabilisation plan
economic stability
economic stability of the country
economic stabilization
economic stabilization plan
economic stagnation can cripple the Communists
economic standards
economic standpoint
economic statics
economic statistics
economic stats
economic stimulus
economic stimulus measures
economic stimulus package
economic stimulus plan
economic stimulus policy
economic strain
economic straits of manufacturers
economic strength
economic structural adjustment
economic structure
economic structure of the industry
economic struggle
economic substance
economic substance of the transaction
economic success
economic success means continued political power for AA
economic summit
economic summit meeting
economic summit meeting held at Versailles in June 1982
economic summit meetings of the Big Seven industrial countries
economic summit of the leaders of the major industrialized countries
economic superpower
economic surplus
economic survey
economic system
economic system that evolved in the Soviet Union
economic table
economic team
economic theory
economic theory of demand and supply
economic theory of organizations
economic theory of the firm
economic thinkers
economic tide
economic time series data
economic times
economic tome
economic transaction
economic trends
economic troubles
economic turbulence
economic turnabout
economic turnaround
economic uncertainty
economic uncertainty increased
economic underperformance
economic unification
economic unification of Europe in 1992
economic union
economic unit
economic unit concept
economic unrest
economic up-cycle
economic upturn
economic useful life
economic value
economic value added approach
economic value of equity
economic value of life insurance policies
economic value of the firm
economic value perspective
economic value qualifying for investment in kind
economic value-added analysis
economic variable
economic variables
economic view
economic vitality
economic war
economic weakness
economic weakness in eastern German states
economic welfare
economic well-being
economic white paper
economic zone
economic/financial indicators
economical substitute
economical use of working space
economically advanced countries
economically advantageous
economically backward countries
economically backward region
economically efficient response
economically inactive
economically literate historian
economically motivated immigration
economically preferable alternative
economically preferable alternative to the employee
economically profitable ventures
economically sensitive stock
economically similar
economically usable
economics and its practitioners
economics and politics will increasingly be dealt with separately
economics as a discipline
economics began to work powerfully
economics divides today as between classicists and institutionalists
economics fraternity
economics has acquired a huge reputation
economics has overridden politics
economics is concerned with choice in the face of scarcity
economics of a merger
economics of a transaction
economics of advertising
economics of information
economics of leases
economics of production
economics of the business
economics of the whole deal
economics of transportation
economics profession
economics profession and its modern practitioners
economics professor
economies are moving to new levels of sophistication
economies based on the market
economies becoming hyperinflationary
economies ceasing to be hyperinflationary
economies have fallen apart
economies hit cyclical lows in the third quarter
economies in transition
economies of East Asia
economies of concentration
economies of global learning
economies of large scale
economies of large-scale production
economies of scale
economies of scale are strong
economies of scale in advertising
economies of scale strategy
economies of scope
economies of the firm size
economies with very close links to the dollar
economists make predictions with their theories
economists of all stripes
economists of reputable view
economists refer to the true social value or cost of a resource as its shadow price
economists say that government borrowing will crowd out private investment
economists say that the demand curve depends on expectations
economists say that the investment in education produces human capital
economists use the term real exchange rate to indicate the exchange rate adjusted for changes in the relative price levels in two countries
economists use the term thin to describe markets in which there are relatively few buyers and sellers
economists with good track records
economy and society
economy as a whole
economy buys
economy diplomacy
economy has been growing at an above-trend rate
economy in general
economy in transition
economy led by private sector
economy minister
economy model
economy of administration
economy of growth
economy of large-scale holdings
economy of manifest improvement
economy of scale
economy of small-scale enterprise
economy of small-scale holdings
economy on the cutting edge of technological change
economy on the verge of recession
economy policy
economy sinking into a double-dip recession
economy suffering from deep recession
economy that breaks all the rules of good economics
economy that conducted very little international trade
economy was sliding into recession
economy with fixed coefficients
economy with international borrowing and lending
economy-wide benefits
economy-wide price stickiness
economywide forecasting
edge card
edge down
edge of recession
edge up
edges of the band
edging down in rates
edging downwards in thin volume
edit checks
editorial advertising
editorial format
editorial message
editorial pages
editorial readership score
educated decision
educated intelligentsia
educated labor
education and trading expenses
education center
education expense
education going on at home
education has been the responsibility of states and local communities
education industry
education is an example of a merit good
education is primarily a local responsibility
education is the single largest expenditure at the state and local levels
education level
education loan
education needs
education payment
education practice statement
education seminars
education strategy
educational and employment opportunities
educational attainment
educational curriculum
educational defects
educational duties
educational expenses
educational facilities
educational hierarchy
educational industry
educational institutions
educational insurance
educational investment
educational levels
educational market
educational plan
educational planning
educational program
educational standard
educational support
educational system
educational vouchers
effect analysis
effect growth path
effect of a change in tax law on investments in safe harbor leases
effect of a change in tax law or rates on leveraged leases
effect of a change in tax policy
effect of a factor
effect of a penalty on the term of a lease
effect of a redemption agreement on the carrying value of a security
effect of acts
effect of advertising on profits
effect of an increase in the general price level
effect of borrowing
effect of change
effect of compounding
effect of correction
effect of creating effective demand
effect of creating productive capacity
effect of credit card securitizations
effect of decreased defense expenditures
effect of discount
effect of discounting
effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents
effect of exchange rate changes
effect of exchange rate changes on cash and due from banks
effect of exchange rates on profitability
effect of exclusion of further litigation
effect of financial leverage on net income and ROE
effect of fiscal policy
effect of foreign currency translation
effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
effect of general inflation
effect of impairment
effect of increasing equality
effect of inflation
effect of inflation on loans and investments
effect of inflation on the cost of borrowing
effect of inflation on the return from investing
effect of interest rates on the demand for money
effect of international accounting standards
effect of limiting risk
effect of monetary policy on stock prices
effect of non-fulfillment risk
effect of performance
effect of price increase
effect of public registration
effect of residual values on lease classification
effect of restrictions on imports
effect of rising loan volume
effect of rules and regulations on investment
effect of selection
effect of tax increase
effect of the acquisition of AA
effect of the change
effect of the limit
effect of timing differences
effect of transaction
effect of transfer from securities held to maturity to securities available for sale
effect of wage changes on aggregate supply
effect on buying point
effect on deferred provision due to rate change
effect on equity interests
effect on periodic financial statements
effect on the bottom line
effect on the consolidated results
effect on the results for the XX months to DD MM YY
effect on the results of prior accounting periods
effect on the results of the current period
effective Fed Funds rate
effective acquisition price
effective aggregate demand
effective aggregate tax rate
effective annual bond-equivalent yield
effective annual interest rate
effective annual yield
effective applicants
effective approach for addressing the risk of unforeseen liabilities
effective balancing
effective chief executive
effective communication channels
effective competition
effective control
effective control over the national budget
effective convexity
effective cost containment programs
effective cost of borrowings
effective criteria
effective date
effective date and transition
effective date of acquisition
effective date of disposal
effective date of share exchange
effective date of the merger or acquisition
effective debt
effective degrees of freedom
effective demand
effective demand policy
effective duration
effective earnings per share
effective enforcement of the antitrust laws
effective equity stake
effective exchange rate
effective exercise price
effective from April 1
effective hedge
effective hegde against inflation
effective income
effective income tax rate
effective income tax rates for the 19XX quarters
effective increase in wage costs
effective instrument
effective interest
effective interest method
effective interest rate
effective interest rate or yield rate
effective internal control system
effective job offer ratio
effective management
effective management focus
effective management of the business cycle
effective margin
effective marketing network
effective method of board appointment
effective net worth
effective offers
effective oversight
effective period
effective period of order
effective point of entry into the AA market
effective positioning
effective premium
effective price
effective price index
effective price of inputs to the firm
effective production cut strategy
effective protection rate
effective rate
effective rate at issuance
effective rate of interest
effective rate of protection
effective rationale
effective regulation of public utility rates
effective sale
effective salespeople
effective settlement
effective solution
effective spread
effective statutory tax rate
effective system of internal control
effective systems
effective tariff
effective tax
effective tax rate
effective tax rate expected to be applicable for the entire fiscal year
effective term
effective today
effective utilization
effective utilization of manpower
effective volatility
effective wage increase
effective way
effective way to manage the business
effective way to squeeze out costs and redundancy
effective wholesale mechanism for funding venture capital
effective with MM shipments
effective yield
effective yields are approximations
effectively connected earnings and profit
effectively zero
effectiveness concept
effectiveness lag
effectiveness measurement date
effectiveness of an internal control system
effectiveness of diversified investment
effectiveness of domestic financial policy
effectiveness of internal controls
effectiveness of monetary policy
effectiveness of options
effectiveness of order
effectiveness of policy instruments
effectiveness of the government policy
effectiveness of the hedge
effectiveness of the respective governments
effectiveness test
effects of a change in the interest rate on investment
effects of any changes in economic assumptions
effects of application of accounting standards for asset retirement obligations
effects of changes in foreign exchange
effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
effects of changes in taxation
effects of changing prices
effects of companies using cash reserves to purchase shares
effects of currency and interest-rate exchange agreements
effects of deficits
effects of depreciation
effects of foreign currency translation adjustments
effects of improving secondary market prices
effects of improving secondary market prices on performing loans to countries that have successfully refinanced their debt
effects of inflation on financial data
effects of investor disinterest
effects of master netting agreements
effects of qualifying netting agreements with counterparties
effects of rate changes
effects of recession
effects of reversals and new timing differences
effects of synergy
effects of taxation
effects of the Intrastat system of recording trade flows
effects of the recession
effects of transactions
effects on consumption of increased income
effectuating country
efficacy of fundamental analysis
efficacy of monetary policy
efficacy of technical analysis
efficacy of the free market
efficiencies of scale and the competitiveness inherent to the public securities markets
efficiency and equity of the capitalist economic system
efficiency audit
efficiency case for free trade
efficiency concept
efficiency drive
efficiency gain
efficiency gains
efficiency gains since the turn toward the market
efficiency improvements
efficiency level
efficiency loss
efficiency movement
efficiency of administrative processes
efficiency of asset-liability policies
efficiency of depreciation
efficiency of resource allocation
efficiency of the market
efficiency of work routines on the factory floor
efficiency price
efficiency rating
efficiency ratio
efficiency to the use of capital
efficiency variance
efficiency wage
efficiency wage theory
efficiency with which resources are used
efficiency-related capital spending
efficient allocation
efficient allocation of resources
efficient cause
efficient consumer response
efficient economic structure for resource exploitation
efficient economy
efficient estimator
efficient financial market
efficient frontier
efficient frontier analysis
efficient growth path
efficient hedging and distribution of risk
efficient level of production
efficient market
efficient market hypothesis
efficient market philosopher
efficient market system
efficient market theory
efficient market where security prices reflect information immediately
efficient methods of production
efficient new issuance
efficient outcomes
efficient path of capital accumulation
efficient point of production
efficient portfolio
efficient product mix
efficient production
efficient production techniques
efficient rate of interest
efficient reactions
efficient resource allocation
efficient resource reallocation
efficient response
efficient response to changes in the real economic environment
efficient risk position
efficient running
efficient scale assembly plant
efficient set
efficient set theorem
efficient solutions
efficient spread
efficient statistics
efficient system
efficient tax system
efficient trade
efficient use of funds
efficient use of information
efficient use of land
efficient use of overhead labor in times of strong economic growth
efficient use of resources
efficient way of providing electricity
efficient way to produce goods
efficient ways of arbitrating grievances
efficient-market theory
efficient-scale production facility
effluent control
effluent standard
effluent waters in industrial processes
effort in Cambodia by Japan
effort to achieve business expansion
effort to achieve market share growth
effort to deny sb access to world markets
effort to stamp out inflation
efforts effective
efforts to address cost and profitability problems
efforts to alter the fuel mix
efforts to boost productivity
efforts to constrain costs
efforts to cut inventories
efforts to downsize the Federal government
efforts to increase asset turnover
efforts to quantify the sources of rapid growth
efforts to rejuvenate internal performance
efforts to trim overhead
ego satisfaction
egregious impact
egregious public error
eigen equation
eigenvalue problem
eight column work sheet
eight-inch silicon wafers
either or order
either-or order
either/or facility
elaborate and formal interest rate risk management processes
elaborate and inefficient state apparatus
elaborate company training
elaborate customer feedback loops
elaborate justifications
elaborate scheme
elaborate system of cross-subsidies
elaborate welfare states
elaboration on
elaborations on the definitions
elapse of the leasehold
elapse of time
elastic demand
elastic demand curve
elastic demand patterns
elastic limit system
elastic maximum issue limit system
elastic maximum limit system
elastic supply
elastic tariff
elasticities approach
elasticities of output
elasticity analysis
elasticity approach
elasticity between the output gap and inflation
elasticity clause
elasticity model
elasticity of demand
elasticity of demand and supply
elasticity of demand for luxuries
elasticity of energy
elasticity of expectations
elasticity of labor supply
elasticity of marginal utility
elasticity of marginal utility with respect to consumption
elasticity of price expectations
elasticity of prices
elasticity of production
elasticity of production in response to changes in effective demand
elasticity of substitution
elasticity of supply
elasticity of tax revenue
elasticity of tax to national income
elasticity of taxes
elasticity of the balance of payments
elasticity of the demand curve for money
elasticity of total cost
elasticity optimism
elasticity pessimism
elder citizens
elder title
elderly population
elected representatives
election campaign
election day
election deposits
election monitoring
election of auditors
election of directors
election oratory
election panel
election promises
election rally
election result
election stocks
electoral college
electoral funding
electoral politics
electoral process
electoral reform
electoral reform bill
electoral rules
electoral system
electric and electronic devices
electric and telephone service
electric appliances futures
electric appliances industry
electric car
electric construction work in progress
electric discharge machine
electric fans
electric furnace
electric generating capacity
electric industry
electric machinery
electric power and gas industry
electric power bonds
electric power capacity
electric power charge
electric power companies
electric power consumption of large users
electric power enterprise
electric power expense
electric power generation
electric power generation equipment
electric power industry
electric power plants and other basic industrial infrastructure
electric power purchased
electric power retailing
electric power sector
electric power sold
electric power stoppages
electric tramway
electric turbines
electric utilities
electric vehicle
electrical & electronics
electrical appliance maker
electrical appliances
electrical capacity
electrical condenser assembly machines
electrical consumption
electrical distribution
electrical equipment
electrical equipment producer
electrical gadgets
electrical insulation
electrical machinery
electrical machinery & apparatus
electrical machinery industry
electrical power equipment
electrical utilities
electrical/electronics company
electricals and electronics
electricity & gas tax
electricity and gas tax
electricity boards
electricity outage
electricity sector
electricity tax
electricity usage
electricity usage gradually rose
electro luminescence display
electro-chemical manufacturer
electro-fluid dynamic electric power generation
electromagnetic induction cooking range
electromagnetic means
electromagnetic record
electromechanical component
electromechanical devices
electromechanical drive system
electron beam technology
electron card
electron microscopes
electronic and digital infrastructure
electronic appliance company
electronic assembly operations
electronic banking
electronic broking system
electronic bulletin board
electronic calculator
electronic car navigation devices
electronic card
electronic cash-transfer
electronic certification function
electronic certification service
electronic chips
electronic commerce
electronic component
electronic component manufacturer
electronic control systems
electronic controls equipment
electronic corridors
electronic data gathering analysis and retrieval system
electronic data interchange
electronic data processing
electronic data processing system
electronic data-processing structure
electronic distribution
electronic engineering
electronic environment
electronic equipment
electronic file
electronic filing
electronic form
electronic fund transfer
electronic fund transfer - point of sales
electronic fund transfer system
electronic funds transfer
electronic funds transfer system
electronic funds transfers at the point of sale
electronic gadgetry
electronic gadgets
electronic games
electronic goods
electronic highway
electronic home shopping
electronic industry material
electronic information processing facility
electronic instruments
electronic linkages
electronic loan
electronic machinery industry
electronic mail
electronic market
electronic material
electronic material stocks
electronic materials manufacturers
electronic materials stocks
electronic money
electronic news services
electronic order book
electronic order transfer system
electronic parts
electronic payment
electronic payment of taxes
electronic payment system
electronic photo engraving
electronic point-of-sale technologies
electronic publishing
electronic return
electronic run on the banks
electronic settlement
electronic signature
electronic strip that could be placed on or in most retail products
electronic superhighway
electronic trading