debtor country
debtor days ratio
debtor firm
debtor governments
debtor in possession
debtor nation
debtor side
debtor under the Bankruptcy Code
debtor's debtor
debtor's legal right
debtor-creditor agreement
debtor-creditor relationship
debtor-in-possession financing
debtor-in-possession loan
debtors and prepayments
debtors ledger
debtors' deposit
debts accelerated
debts and credits
debts denominated in dollars
debts denominated in yen
debts in default
debts that are maturing
decades-old operations model
decapitalization of the company
decay curves
decay rate
decelerated economy
decelerating growth
decelerating health care costs
decelerating trend
deceleration in dollar-denominated exports
deceleration of activity
deceleration of public works spending
deceleration process
decent return
decent sophistication
decently ardent members
decentralization of management
decentralization of power
decentralized architecture
decentralized decision making
decentralized department organization
decentralized economy
decentralized financial environment
decentralized growth
decentralized management
decentralized management system
decentralized operation
decentralized organization
decentralized profit control
decentralized socialism
decentralized structure
decentralized system of bank note issue
decentralized systems
decentralized work environment
deceptive advertising
deceptive trade practices
decide to subscribe to units of the fund
decided advantage
decided in the cabinet
deciding factor for repression or continued reform
decimal number
decimal system
decimal trading
decision accounting
decision aids
decision analysis
decision below
decision by the board of directors
decision function
decision in favor of sanctions
decision lag
decision level
decision maker
decision making
decision making approach
decision making is pushed up the pyramid
decision making under uncertainty
decision making was centralized
decision matrix
decision model
decision networks
decision of a general meeting of stockholders
decision of a reorganization plan
decision of a reorganization scheme
decision of rectification
decision of the Board of Directors
decision of the general meeting
decision on recommendation
decision on request for reinvestigation
decision on surveillance over exchange rate policies
decision on the merits
decision on the subject matter
decision premises
decision process
decision rubric
decision rule
decision space
decision support system
decision support tools
decision systems
decision table
decision theory
decision theory school
decision to acquire an asset
decision to change or confirm ratings
decision to date
decision to enter
decision to exit
decision to invest in subsequent rounds
decision to purchase a good
decision tree
decision under uncertainty
decision unit
decision unit analysis
decision useful
decision variable
decision-maker review board
decision-making authority
decision-making body
decision-making cost
decision-making domain
decision-making positions
decision-making power
decision-making procedures that are market-based
decision-making process
decision-making processes
decision-making rights
decision-making skill
decision-making structure
decision-making technique
decision-oriented management theory
decision-relevant information
decision-theory approach
decisions by debtor countries to pay or forgo payments on their debts
decisions of corporate life
decisions of investors
decisions premises
decisions that are in the interests of shareholders
decisive board of directors meeting
decisive events
decisive factor
decisive judgment
decisive war of the century
deck cargo
deck men
declaration against interest
declaration date
declaration for separate taxation
declaration form
declaration of bankruptcy
declaration of change of land category
declaration of default
declaration of dividend
declaration of dividends by subsidiaries and associated companies
declaration of dividends by subsidiaries and associated companies relating to periods prior to the balance sheet date of the holding company
declaration of import
declaration of income
declaration of incompetency
declaration of intent
declaration of intention
declaration of non-payment
declaration of solvency
declaration of will
declaration policy
declarative resolution
declaratory judgement
declaratory judgment
declaratory relief
declaratory statute
declare a state of emergency
declared capital
declared dividend
declared income
declared profit
decline at the longer end
decline in 3-month-money rates
decline in 3-month-money rates to X.XX%
decline in a vessel operating tonnage
decline in anticipated growth
decline in apartment construction
decline in asset credit quality
decline in asset prices
decline in average operating tonnage
decline in broad stock-market averages
decline in capital expenditure
decline in competitiveness
decline in competitiveness of American industries
decline in consumption
decline in contingency reserves
decline in cost of funds
decline in credit availability
decline in credit quality
decline in deficits
decline in demand
decline in developing country borrowing
decline in dollar-based revenue converted to yen
decline in domestic interest rates
decline in economic conditions
decline in employment
decline in energy prices
decline in equity prices
decline in financial assets
decline in foreign direct investment
decline in home value
decline in housing starts
decline in import prices
decline in inflationary pressures
decline in interest rate
decline in interest rates
decline in interest rates runs its course
decline in interest-bearing debt
decline in inventories
decline in investment
decline in land prices
decline in long rates
decline in losses
decline in manufacturing employment
decline in manufacturing output
decline in manufacturing output and order inflow
decline in market value
decline in minivan factory shipments
decline in missed payments was moderate
decline in money market rates
decline in mortgage rates
decline in net foreign assets
decline in net foreign credit
decline in oil exports
decline in oil prices
decline in orders
decline in other import prices
decline in overall economic conditions
decline in personnel costs
decline in prices
decline in prices of inventories
decline in rates
decline in real consumption
decline in real expenditures per student
decline in refinancing activity
decline in refinancings
decline in rents
decline in sales
decline in share prices
decline in short term interest rates
decline in short-term rates
decline in staff numbers
decline in stock prices
decline in tanker rates
decline in tax rates
decline in technology industries
decline in the Commodity Research Bureau
decline in the LEI
decline in the U.S. terms of trade
decline in the absolute number of new entrants to the labor market
decline in the absolute number of new entrants to the labour market
decline in the average number of hours worked
decline in the competitiveness of U.S. industry
decline in the deficit
decline in the dollar
decline in the exchange value of the dollar
decline in the interest rate
decline in the market price of the stock
decline in the personal savings rate
decline in the public sector deficit
decline in the real economy
decline in the steel industry
decline in the stock market
decline in the stock prices
decline in the underlying inflation
decline in the unemployment rate
decline in the value of property and investments held as fixed assets
decline in the value of the property
decline in the willingness of foreigners to buy shares
decline in the work force
decline in the working-age population
decline in tramp division profit
decline in unionization
decline in unit labor cost
decline in unit labour cost
decline in value
decline in value of the investment
decline in volatility
decline in volumes
decline in weekly working time
decline in world trade growth
decline of U.S. economic power
decline of jobless claims
decline of the feudal and compulsively feuding baronage
decline of the output of utilities
decline of the speculative-grade bond market
decline of unions
decline to a X month low
declines in consumer confidence
declines in high-margined seasonal goods
declines in home prices
declines in science and engineering education
declines in science proficiency
declines in sentiment
declines in the jobless rate
declines in the value of real estate holdings
declines in the value of stocks
declining American enterprises
declining asset base
declining asset quality
declining asset values
declining assets
declining average costs
declining balance
declining balance depreciation
declining balance depreciation method
declining balance method
declining basis
declining birth rates
declining birth rates reflect economic success
declining business
declining call schedule
declining cash ratio
declining consumer confidence
declining contribution of financial arbitrage activities
declining core business
declining credit quality of the receivables portfolio
declining demand
declining effective income tax rates
declining equity prices
declining financing cost
declining gross margins
declining growth rate
declining home price
declining industrial production
declining industries
declining industry
declining interest rate
declining inventories
declining inventory turnover
declining loan yields
declining margins
declining margins and weakening asset quality
declining market rates
declining market share
declining material prices
declining population
declining population growth rates
declining price of computerized brainpower
declining prices
declining profit contribution
declining profit margins
declining real and nominal interest rates
declining real wages
declining region
declining relative prices
declining retail demand
declining role of agriculture with the counterpart urbanization
declining salary
declining sales
declining sales and margins
declining savings rates
declining sector
declining stock markets
declining stock prices
declining trend
declining-balance method
decoding ICs
decommissioning liabilities
decommissioning of plant
decommissioning provisions
decomposable matrix
decomposition analysis
decomposition approach to variance analysis
decomposition of sum of squares
decomposition of time series
decorative arts
decorative economic planning
decoupled income support
decoupled provided
decoupled with
decoupling from
decrease amount in current term
decrease in accounts payable
decrease in accounts payable for purchase of purchased receivables
decrease in advances paid-installment
decrease in average non-AA debt levels
decrease in bills payable
decrease in book value
decrease in cash
decrease in cash & cash equivalents
decrease in commercial notes
decrease in factory shipments of XX percent
decrease in fees and commissions receivable
decrease in funding costs
decrease in investment
decrease in long-term debt
decrease in minivan retail sales
decrease in notes discounted
decrease in operating loans receivable
decrease in profit opportunities by technology sharing
decrease in profit ratio
decrease in purchased receivables
decrease in sales
decrease in savings rates
decrease in short-term loans payable
decrease in subrogation receivable
decrease in sundry creditors and accruals
decrease in the discount rates used to determine YY pension expense and nonpension postretirement benefit expense
decrease in total mortgage origination
decrease in unit sales
decrease in vehicles manufactured and sold in Mexico
decrease in working capital
decrease of capital
decrease of income tax
decreased earnings
decreased margin
decreased quality of education
decreased receipts
decreased velocity
decreasing annuity
decreasing balance and self-liquidating nature of capital investments
decreasing charge
decreasing cost industry
decreasing function
decreasing interest rate
decreasing rate
decreasing real estate prices
decreasing return
decreasing returns to scale
decreasing term insurance
decreasing term rider
decree of distribution
decree of foreclosure
decree of insolvency
decree of nullity
decree sought in petition
decrement rate
decrement table
decremental cost
dedicated 40-hour week
dedicated bond portfolio
dedicated people to the organization
dedicated portfolio
dedicated research capacity
dedicated systems
dedicated traders placing orders on behalf of large institutional clients
dedicated training
dedicated website
dedication commitments
dedication to economic growth
dedication to growing and bettering the company
dedication-to-service atmosphere
deduct construction costs incurred during 19YY
deduct contract costs
deduct contract costs incurred
deduct cost of machines disposed of
deduct dividends paid on preferred stock
deduct investment tax credit
deduct minimum annual return as defined in the plans
deduct net assets of excluded subsidiaries and associates
deduct partial billings during 19YY
deduct past service cost funded
deduct present value of estimated residual value
deduct provision for loss on contract recognized during 19YY
deduct recovery of net investment in machine on capital lease
deduct the indexed cost
deduct underlying equity in net assets of AA
deduct underlying equity in the assets of AA
deduct value assigned to stock warrants
deducted for tax purposes
deducted in determining taxable income
deducted in determining the accounting profit
deductibility of interest payments
deductible against the economic benefits
deductible clause
deductible contribution
deductible coverage
deductible expense
deductible expenses
deductible for tax purposes
deductible for the tax purpose
deductible goodwill
deductible liabilities
deductible temporary difference
deductible timing difference
deductibles and other co-payment arrangements
deducting a taxable loss of one year against a taxable income of a prior year is called a carryback
deducting income tax
deducting the bonus
deduction against assets
deduction against current profits
deduction at source
deduction at the source
deduction by the intentional possession
deduction for carryforward of deficiency
deduction for casualty loss
deduction for casualty losses
deduction for damage insurance
deduction for dependents
deduction for dividends
deduction for donation
deduction for employment income
deduction for family employees
deduction for foreign taxes
deduction for insurance proceeds
deduction for life insurance premiums
deduction for medical expenses
deduction for old-age person
deduction for personal pension premiums
deduction for physically handicapped person
deduction for public pension
deduction for retirement income
deduction for social insurance premiums
deduction for spouse
deduction for tax reduction
deduction for the contribution to small enterprise mutual aid plan
deduction for the tax purpose
deduction for working student
deduction from equity
deduction from one's equity
deduction from tax for housing savings
deduction from the investment account
deduction from the leased asset
deduction in determining taxable profits
deduction limit applicable to donation
deduction of entertainment expenses
deduction of estimated expenses
deduction of foreign corporation tax carried forward
deduction of foreign tax
deduction of interest on borrowed fund
deduction of liabilities
deduction of public pension
deduction on disposal
deductions and exemptions from taxable income
deductions for medical expenses and insurance
deductions from profit
deductions from working capital
deductive method
deductive system
deed of arrangement
deed of conveyance
deed of partnership
deed of title
deed of trust
deem the vote case via the internet to be the effective one
deemed accounting period
deemed acquisition price
deemed approval
deemed asset sale
deemed bankrupt borrower
deemed bounty
deemed corporation
deemed cost
deemed date of acquisition
deemed date of business combination
deemed deposit
deemed dividend
deemed donations
deemed entity
deemed export
deemed goodwill
deemed income
deemed inherited property
deemed loan loss
deemed participation
deemed participation period
deemed request for reconsideration
deemed retirement income
deemed risk
deemed sale
deemed stock price
deemed tax assessment
deemed to have been accepted on that day
deemed transfer
deep and long presence in markets in almost every part of the world
deep bench of well-trained managerial talent
deep discount
deep discount bond
deep discount dual currency exchangeable bond
deep discount swap
deep discounters
deep discounts
deep downturn
deep gain security
deep human urge
deep ignorance
deep in the money
deep in the money option
deep investigation
deep involvement
deep market
deep markets
deep out of the money
deep recession
deep rock doctrine
deep sales penetration
deep seabed mining
deep slump
deep slumps
deep ties of kin and friends
deep understanding
deep-discount bond
deep-rooted inflation
deep-seated attitudes and norms that regulate everyday behavior
deep-seated attitudes and norms that regulate everyday behaviour
deep-seated problems
deepening recession
deeper setback
deeply indebted to
deeply misconceived ideology
deeply out of the money
deeply rooted
deeply-discounted bond
deeply-held beliefs
deepseated need
deepwater and marginal satellite fields
defamation of a deceased person
default basket
default by obligee
default by the lessee
default cash basis
default charge
default compensation reserve
default compensation reserve fund
default correlation
default curve
default expectations
default experience
default free
default fund
default in the CP markets
default interest
default judgment
default likelihood
default loss
default loss compensation reserve
default loss probability
default model
default of Chinese companies on foreign loans
default of a counterparty
default of obligation
default of the contract
default on Treasury debt
default on clearing obligation
default on mortgage obligation
default on sovereign debt
default option
default or delinquency in interest or principal payments
default premium
default probability
default profile
default protection
default provisions
default put
default rate
default rates
default rates and numbers of defaults annually by speculative-grade bond issuers
default receivables
default remedies
default risk
default risk premium
default risk under a variety of possible futures
default risks
default swap
default-free bond
default-prone issuers
defaulted bond
defaulted check
defaulted loans
defaulted receivables
defaulted swap
defaulters pay
defaulting counterparty
defaulting entity
defaulting issuers
defaulting on contract
defaults and breaches
defaults and repossessions
defaults by corporate bond issuers
defeasance clause
defeasance could be unwound if the issuer was to enter bankruptcy
defeasance deals
defeasance of special-purpose borrowings
defeasance provision
defeasance requirements
defeasance-type MBB
defeasible title
defect in consent
defect in form
defect liability
defect rates
defect-free merchandise
defective cars
defective check
defective goods
defective items
defective product
defective random variables
defective samples
defective title
defective unit
defective work
defective work account
defective work cost
defective work report
defective workmanship
defence contractors
defence costs
defence cut
defence of currency parities
defence of simultaneous performance
defence right of notification
defence sector
defence spending
defend bond
defendant in error
defended stances
defense appropriations budget
defense attorney
defense bill
defense bill accounting for nearly half of total discretionary spending
defense bond
defense budget
defense contractor
defense contractors
defense contracts
defense costs
defense counsel selected by the state
defense cut
defense cutbacks
defense downsizing
defense electronics
defense electronics business
defense expenditure
defense industry
defense of currency parities
defense of free trade
defense of lack of right to sue
defense of the faith
defense outlays
defense policy
defense purpose
defense right
defense right of attachment
defense right of notification
defense sector
defense spending
defense supplier
defense systems
defense technology
defense-funded institutions
defenses based on their personal relation
defensible market position
defensive consumer
defensive interval ratio
defensive investment
defensive investments
defensive investors
defensive management
defensive maneuvers
defensive measures
defensive mechanisms
defensive merger
defensive mergers
defensive mood
defensive play
defensive pricing
defensive process
defensive provisions
defensive purchase
defensive rate hikes
defensive sale
defensive securities
defensive share repurchase
defensive stock
defensive stock-for-stock merger
defensive strategy
defensive value
defensive view of the future
defer payment
defer the payment
deferment account
deferment clause
deferment of investment
deferment of payment
deferment of taxation
deferral accounting
deferral accounting for cash securities that are used to hedge rate or price risk
deferral amortization method
deferral hedge
deferral method
deferral method balances
deferral of a loss
deferral of cost variances
deferral of prepayments for future services
deferral of tax
deferral of the privatisation
deferral of the privatization
deferral percentage
deferral period
deferrals of inflows and outflows
deferred account
deferred acquisition cost
deferred acquisition costs
deferred advertising expense
deferred and accrued accounts
deferred annuity
deferred approach
deferred asset
deferred assets
deferred assets on bond issue
deferred assurance
deferred balances
deferred bond
deferred bonds
deferred bonus and compensation
deferred charge
deferred charge account
deferred charge before amortization
deferred charges
deferred compensation
deferred compensation arrangement
deferred compensation contracts
deferred compensation expense
deferred compensation plan
deferred consumption
deferred contract
deferred cost
deferred coupon
deferred coupon bond
deferred credit
deferred credits
deferred debit
deferred delivery
deferred depreciation
deferred distribution
deferred expenditure
deferred expenses
deferred export
deferred financing cost
deferred fixed annuities
deferred foreign tax
deferred foreign tax assets
deferred foreign tax liabilities
deferred fuel
deferred gains
deferred gains or losses on hedges
deferred gratification
deferred gross margin
deferred gross profit
deferred group annuity
deferred hedge accounting
deferred hedge loss
deferred hedge method
deferred hedging gain
deferred income
deferred income tax
deferred income tax charge
deferred income tax credit
deferred income tax debits and credits
deferred income tax liability
deferred income taxes
deferred installment sales profit
deferred interest
deferred interest account
deferred interest bond
deferred interest income account
deferred interest mortgage
deferred interest rate
deferred interest rate setting
deferred investment credit
deferred investment tax credit
deferred item
deferred liabilities
deferred liability
deferred life annuity
deferred life insurance
deferred loss on hedges
deferred method
deferred month
deferred ordinary share
deferred payment
deferred payment American option
deferred payment annuity
deferred payment basis
deferred payment contract
deferred payment credit
deferred payment export
deferred payment letter of credit
deferred payment of income tax
deferred payment sales
deferred payment transactions
deferred payments for the imports of goods
deferred pension
deferred pensioner
deferred perpetuity
deferred policy acquisition costs
deferred portion
deferred preferences
deferred premium
deferred profit or loss on hedges
deferred profit sharing
deferred profit-sharing plan
deferred profits tax
deferred provision for income taxes
deferred rate setting
deferred rate setting agreement
deferred rebate system
deferred recognition
deferred recognition of gains and losses
deferred rental income account
deferred rental revenue
deferred repairs
deferred retirement
deferred revenue
deferred revenue on derivative and foreign exchange contracts
deferred savings
deferred settlement
deferred share
deferred start option
deferred stock
deferred stock awards
deferred swap
deferred tax
deferred tax account
deferred tax accounting
deferred tax allocation
deferred tax already provided
deferred tax asset
deferred tax assets
deferred tax assets before valuation allowance
deferred tax assets for land revaluation
deferred tax assets valuation allowance
deferred tax balance
deferred tax benefits
deferred tax charge
deferred tax credit
deferred tax debit
deferred tax debit balances
deferred tax debit balances arising from separate categories of timing differences
deferred tax debits
deferred tax effect of the provision
deferred tax effects
deferred tax effects of current tax legislation in Hong Kong
deferred tax expense
deferred tax expense or benefit
deferred tax in respect of the remittance of overseas earnings
deferred tax income
deferred tax is tax attributable to timing differences
deferred tax liabilities
deferred tax liabilities and assets
deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation
deferred tax liability
deferred tax net debit balances