 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 countermeasure 対策
2 measures 対策
3 Acid Deposition Survey Phase 1 第1次酸性雨対策調査
4 Act on Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策特別措置法
5 agricultural land in need of program for soil contamination measures 農用地土壌汚染対策地域
6 AIM Training Workshop アジア太平洋地域温暖化対策統合評価モデルトレーニングワークショップ AIMトレーニングワークショップ
7 air pollution control 大気汚染対策
8 aircraft noise measure 航空機騒音対策
9 anti-noise measures around airports 空港等周辺騒音対策
10 anti-pollution measures 環境汚染対策
11 Appropriate Measures to Cope with Minamata Disease 今後の水俣病対策のあり方について
12 area needing measures 対策地域
13 Asia-Pacific Integrated Model for evaluating policy options to reduce GHG emissions and global warming impacts AIM アジア太平洋地域温暖化対策統合評価モデル AIM
14 back-end measure バックエンド対策
15 Basic Guidelines of Japan for the Promotion of Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策推進基本指針
16 Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control 公害対策基本法
17 Basic Policy for Measures against Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音対策基本方針
18 Basic Policy on Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策に関する基本方針
19 BAU Scenario 現状対策ケース
20 Beautiful Village Creation Program 美しいむらづくり対策事業
21 bill for soil contamination measure 土壌汚染対策法案
22 Bill for the Promotion of Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法案
23 biological control 生物学的対策
24 California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) カリフォルニア州地球温暖化対策法 (AB32)
25 car noise reduction measure 自動車騒音低減対策
26 carbon taxation (climate change levy) 温暖化対策税
27 Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会
28 Central Environment Council's Special Committee on a Taxation System for Global Warming Measures 中央環境審議会地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会
29 chemical substance safety measures 化学物質安全確保対策
30 climate action 気候変動対策
31 Climate Change Policy Division 地球温暖化対策課
32 Climate Change Policy Programme 地球温暖化対策推進大綱
33 climate policy measure 気候変動対策
34 coal yard anti-dust systems 石炭置場飛散防止対策
35 Combat Illegal Logging Act 違法伐採対策法
36 Committee for Acid Rain Measures 酸性雨対策検討会
37 Committee for Improving Combined Sewage System 合流式下水道改善対策検討委員会
38 Committee for Reviewing Systems for the Protection of Soil Environment 土壌環境保全対策の制度のあり方に関する検討会
39 Committee of Authorities Concerned with Measures against Road Traffic Pollution 道路交通公害対策関係省庁連絡会議
40 Committee on Control Measures of Emission of Hydrocarbons from Stationary Sources 固定発生源対策検討会
41 common cross-industry measures designed to improve the efficiency of energy use and conversion 業種横断的なエネルギー利用・転換の効率化対策
42 Comprehensive Energy Saving Measures for 2000 2000年に向けた総合的な省エネルギー対策
43 Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CERCLA 総合的環境対策・補償及び責務に関する法律
44 comprehensive measure for protection of wildlife and prevention of damage 野生鳥獣管理・被害総合対策
45 Comprehensive Measures of Minamata Disease 水俣病総合対策医療事業
46 comprehensive parking measure 総合的な駐車対策
47 Comprehensive Policy on Motor Vehicle Emissions Subcommittee 自動車排出ガス総合対策小委員会
48 comprehensive project to promote fishery oriented for proper resources management 資源管理型漁業推進総合対策事業
49 Concept of Co-benefit Approach to Global Warming Mitigation コベネフィット型温暖化対策の考え方
50 Conference for Promoting Countermeasures against Mercury Contamination 水銀汚染対策推進会議
51 conference on environmental pollution control 公害対策会議
52 Consultation Group on Measures for Prevention of Red Soil Erosion 赤土等流出防止対策協議会
53 Contact with Nature Town Development Special Measure Program 緑とふれあいの里整備特別対策事業
54 contingency planning 緊急対策計画
55 Council for Promoting the Protection of the Ozone Layer オゾン層保護対策推進会議
56 Council of Eight Construction Organizations to Tackle By-products 建設8団体副産物対策協議会
57 Council of Ministers for Promotion of Comprehensive Measures for Energy 総合エネルギー対策推進閣僚会議
58 Council of Ministers Related to the Nakhodka Oil Spill Response ナホトカ号流出油災害対策関係閣僚会議
59 Countermeasure Manual for Atmosphere Pollution by Source Type 汚染源別発生源対策マニュアル
60 countermeasures against Shinkansen Superexpress Railway noise above 75dB(phon) 新幹線鉄道騒音の75デシベル(ホン)対策
61 countermeasures for Abundant Forest Creation 豊かな森林づくり対策
62 countermeasures for hazardous air pollutants 有害大気汚染物質対策
63 Countermeasures for Minamata disease 水俣病対策について
64 detailed agricultural land survey for the prevention of soil contamination 農用地土壌汚染防止対策細密調査
65 development of green area to improve air quality 大気汚染対策緑地整備
66 Director of the Compliance and Narcotics Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 厚生労働省医薬食品局監視指導・麻薬対策課長
67 disaster control measures 災害対策
68 Draft Final Report on "Comprehensive Policy on Motor Vehicle Emissions in the Future" 今後の自動車排出ガス総合対策について(最終報告案)
69 emergency measure 応急対策
70 emergency policy 応急対策
71 employment measures 雇用対策
72 endocrine disruptor countermeasures 内分泌かく乱化学物質対策
73 energy conservation measure 省エネルギー対策
74 energy demand curb measure エネルギー需要抑制対策
75 energy measure-related expense エネルギー対策関係経費
76 enforce environmental conservation measures 環境保全対策を実施する
77 Enforcement Policy for Noise Reduction Measures for Areas with Serious Traffic Noise 道路交通騒音の深刻な地域における対策の実施方針
78 Enforcement Regulation of the Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法施行規則
79 enforcement status of the Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法施行状況
80 enhancement of sink-related measures and policies 吸収源の対策・施策の強化
81 environmental conservation measure for ports 港湾環境保全対策
82 environmental conservation measures by local governments 地方公共団体の環境保全対策
83 Environmental Conservation Measures Relating to Public Works 各種公共事業に係る環境保全対策について
84 environmental health measure 環境保健対策
85 environmental improvement project around airport 空港周辺環境対策事業
86 environmental measure 環境対策
87 environmental pollution control measure 公害対策
88 environmental pollution control measure 環境汚染対策
89 Environmental Task Force 環境対策委員会
90 Environmental Transport Policy Division 自動車環境対策課
91 Environmentally Sound Disposal Office 適正処理・不法投棄対策室
92 eutrophication prevention measures 富栄養化防止対策
93 Evaluation Committee of Diesel Vehicle Emission Control Technologies ディーゼル車対策技術評価検討会
94 Execution plan for clerical works and projects of government and local authorities based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法に基づく国・地方公共団体の事務・事業に係る実行計画
95 expenses for disposal wastes 廃棄物対策費
96 Expert Committee on Chemical Substances of the Environmental Health Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会環境保健部会化学物質専門委員会
97 Expert Committee on Taxation System for Global Warming Measures 地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会
98 Expert Group on Biotechnology in the Planning Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会企画部会バイオテクノロジー専門委員会
99 Expert Group on Technology for Tackling Dioxins, under the Committee of the Waste Management of the Living Environment Council 生活環境審議会廃棄物部会ダイオキシン対策技術専門委員会
100 facility subject to the environmental water quality standard 水質基準対象施設[ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法の]
101 fighting global warming 地球温暖化対策
102 fire control 防火対策
103 fire control at landfill 埋立地の防火対策
104 fire prevention 防火対策
105 First Forum on Oil Pollution Measures 油汚染対策に関する第1回フォーラム
106 Five Year Plan Concerning Measures for Dioxins ダイオキシン対策に関する5ヵ年計画
107 Five-year Plan of Project to Prevent Landslides at Steep Slopes 急斜面地崩壊対策事業5箇年計画
108 Five-year Plan of Project to Prevent Landslides at Steep Slopes 急傾斜地崩壊対策事業5か年計画
109 flood control measure 水害対策
110 food recycling measures 食品リサイクル対策
111 forest sink measure 森林吸収源対策
112 Future Approaches to the Conservation of Soil Environment 今後の土壌環境保全対策のあり方について
113 Future Direction of Measures to Reduce the Environmental Load of Waste 廃棄物に係る環境負荷低減対策の在り方について
114 Future Policy for Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Reduction (Ninth Report) 今後の自動車排出ガス低減対策のあり方について(第九次報告)
115 General Plan for Countermeasures against Shinkansen Railway Noise 新幹線鉄道対策要鋼
116 General Plan of Measures for Shinkansen Railway Noise Abatement and Prevention of Vibration Hazards 新幹線鉄道騒音・振動対策処理要鋼[国鉄]
117 Global Environmental Issues Division 環境保全対策課
118 global warming abatement measure 温暖化防止対策
119 global warming countermeasure area promotion plan 地球温暖化対策地域推進計画
120 Global Warming Prevention Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会地球温暖化防止対策部会
121 global warming prevention evaluation model project 温暖化対策診断モデル事業
122 Global Warming Prevention Headquarters 地球温暖化対策推進本部
123 global warming prevention measures 地球温暖化対策
124 global warming tax 地球温暖化対策税
125 Global Warming Technology Project Team 温暖化対策技術プロジェクトチーム
126 green park development projects to abate air pollution 大気汚染対策緑地整備事業
127 green park to abate air pollution 大気汚染対策緑地
128 green park to abate global warming 地球温暖化対策緑地
129 ground environment conservation measure 地盤環境保全対策
130 Guideline for Measures to Prevent Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進大綱[旧訳し方]
131 Guideline on Measures to Cope with Miscellaneous Household Effluent 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
132 guideline value set for vibration measures 振動対策指針値
133 Guidelines for Light Pollution Control Measures 光害対策ガイドライン
134 Guidelines for Noise Abatement Measures in the Construction of New Lines and Large-scale Improvement of Conventional Railways 在来鉄道の新設又は大規模改良に際しての騒音対策の指針
135 Guidelines for Survey and Measures for Soil Contamination Caused by Heavy Metals, etc. 重金属等に係る土壌汚染調査・対策指針
136 Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution 土壌・地下水汚染に係る調査・対策指針
137 Guidelines for the Countermeasures against Oil Contamination - Landowner’s Response Policy Concerning Oil Slick and Odor Problems from Mineral Oil Contaminated Soil 油汚染対策ガイドライン−鉱油類を含む土壌に起因する油臭・油膜問題への土地所有者等による対応の考え方-
138 Guidelines for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
139 Guiding Principles for the Prevention, Introduction and Mitigation of Impacts of Alien Species that Threaten Ecosystems, Habitats or Species 生態系、生息地及び種を脅かす外来種の影響の予防、導入、影響緩和のための指針原則 外来種対策指針原則
140 harbor pollution control project 港湾公害防止対策事業
141 Headquarter for Measures against Radiation 放射能対策本部
142 headquarters for emergency disaster control 緊急災害対策本部
143 health measure 保健対策
144 health-care measure 保健対策
145 heat-island mitigation technology ヒートアイランド対策技術
146 heavy metal pollution control 有害金属汚染対策
147 high-tide measure 高潮対策
148 immediate remedy 応急対策
149 Implementation of Road Traffic Environment Measures for the South Nagoya Area 名古屋南部地域の道路交通環境対策の推進について
150 individual vehicle measure 自動車単体対策
151 industrial effluent measure 産業排水対策
152 industrial pollution control 産業環境対策
153 industrial waste measure 産業廃棄物対策
154 industrial water supply program for preventing ground subsidence 地盤沈下防止対策工業用水道事業
155 Initial 75 Phon Measures 第1次75ホン対策
156 Innovative Global Warming Prevention Technology Working Group under the Research and Development Subcommittee of the Industrial Technology Sectional Committee of the Industrial Structure Council 産業構造審議会産業技術分科会研究開発小委員会革新的温暖化対策技術ワーキンググループ
157 Inter-Agency Conference for the Promotion of the Control of Pollution Caused by PCB-like Chemicals PCB様化学物質汚染対策推進会議
158 Inter-Ministry/Agency Coordination Committee for Road Traffic Environment Measures 道路交通環境対策関係省庁連絡会議
159 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation OPRC Convention 油濁事故対策協力条約 OPRC条約
160 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990 OPRC Convention 1990年の油による汚染に係る準備、対応及び協力に関する国際条約 OPRC条約;湯田区事故対策協力条約
161 Investigative Committee for Motor Vehicle Exhaust Noise Policy 自動車排気騒音対策検討会
162 Japan Steel Can Recycling Association 空き缶処理対策協会
163 Joint Meeting of Councils Relating to Domestic Measures to Arrest Global Warming 地球温暖化問題への国内対策に関する関係審議会合同会議
164 Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins Dioxins Law ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法 ダイオキシン法
165 Law Concerning the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法
166 Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策の推進に関する法律 "地球温暖化対策推進法,温対法"
167 Law on Special Measures for Mine Damages Caused by the Metal Mining Industry, etc. 金属鉱業等鉱害対策特別措置法
168 Law relating to Special Arrangements for Countermeasures against Aircraft Noise around Specified Airports 特定空港周辺航空機騒音対策特別措置法
169 Lifestyle Policy Office 国民生活対策室
170 light pollution control measures 光害対策
171 Light Pollution Control Measures Model Plan 光害対策モデル計画
172 loan system for environmental measures 環境対策関連融資制度
173 Local Council for Global Warming Measures 地球温暖化対策地域協議会
174 local pollution measure 局地汚染対策
175 logistic measure 物流対策
176 low-emission construction machinery 排出ガス対策型建設機械
177 Manual of Measures to Prevent Asbestos from Entering the Environment during Building Dismantling 建築物の解体等に係る石綿飛散防止対策マニュアル
178 Manual of Measures to Tackle Water Pollution related to Nitrate Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen 硝酸性窒素及び亜硝酸性窒素に係る水質汚染対策マニュアル
179 marine pollution prevention measure 海洋汚染防止対策
180 master plan about global warming measure in local public entity 地方公共団体における地球温暖化対策に関するマスタープラン
181 measure against eutrophication in lakes, reservoirs, and sea areas 湖沼及び海域の富栄養化対策
182 measure against soil contamination 土壌汚染対策
183 Measure Enhancement Scenarios 対策強化ケース
184 measure for airport surroundings 空港周辺対策
185 measure for illegal logging 違法伐採対策
186 measure for interference with TV reception テレビ受信障害対策
187 measure for municipal solid waste 一般廃棄物対策
188 measure for neighborhood noise 近隣騒音対策
189 measure for offensive odor 悪臭対策
190 measure for prevention of littered cans 空き缶散乱防止対策
191 measure for reducing pollution 汚濁負荷削減対策
192 Measure for the Promotion of People's Participation in Forest Operations 森林林業市民参加促進対策
193 measure to control carbon dioxide emission 二酸化炭素排出抑制対策
194 measure to control CO2 emission 二酸化炭素抑制対策
195 measure to control for hydrocarbons emission 炭化水素類排出抑制対策
196 measure to control methane and other greenhouse gas emission メタンその他の温室効果ガス排出抑制対策
197 measure to improve energy conservation of buildings 建築物の省エネ性能の向上対策
198 measure to improve energy conservation of residential housing 住宅の省エネ性能の向上対策
199 measure to improve the efficiency of equipment 機器の効率改善対策
200 measure to prevent the leakage 漏洩防止対策
201 measure to prevent water from leaking into the tunnel construction area トンネル工部の湧水防止対策
202 measure to reduce motor vehicle exhaust 自動車排出ガス低減対策
203 measures against domestic effluents 生活排水対策
204 measures and policies related to the material cycle, including waste and recycling measures 廃棄物・リサイクル対策などの物質循環に係る施策
205 measures at factories based on the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy 省エネ法に基づく工場対策
206 measures concerning forest sinks 森林吸収源対策
207 measures concerning sinks 吸収源対策
208 Measures for Alien Species 移入種対策に関する措置の在り方について
209 measures for chemical substances 化学物質対策
210 measures for conservation of the water quality 水質保全対策
211 measures for damage 被害対策
212 measures for deterioration in marine environment 海洋環境の劣化対策
213 measures for electrical load leveling 電力負荷平準化対策
214 Measures for Environmental Preservation to Deal with the Urgent Problem of Shinkansen Railway Vibration 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策
215 measures for eutrophication 富栄養化対策
216 measures for forest depletion and destruction 森林の減少、劣化対策
217 Measures for Invasive Species in River (draft) 河川における外来種対策に向けて(案)
218 measures for loss of biodiversity 生物多様性の減少対策
219 measures for low frequency noise 低周波音対策
220 measures for motor vehicle structure 自動車単体対策
221 measures for noise and vibration caused by operations in factories, business establishments, and construction works 工場・事業場及び建設作業騒音・振動対策
222 measures for pollution control 汚染対策
223 measures for recycling リサイクル対策
224 measures for small businesses 中小企業対策
225 Measures for Vibration Caused by Shinkansen Trains Urgently Required to Preserve the Environment 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策について
226 measures for waste and recycling 廃棄物・リサイクル対策
227 Measures Promoting Forest Stays for Health 滞在型森林健康促進対策
228 Measures Relating to Chemical Substances 化学物質対策
229 measures to enhance carbon dioxide sink 二酸化炭素の吸収源対策
230 measures to increase the soil fertility 地力増進対策
231 Measures to Preserve the Quality of Water Sources for Public Use 水道利用に配慮した公共用水域の水質保全対策のあり方について
232 measures to remove bottleneck. ボトルネック対策
233 meeting of senior officials of the Global Warming Prevention Headquarters 地球温暖化対策推進本部幹事会
234 Ministerial Conference on Dioxin Policy ダイオキシン対策関係閣僚会議
235 Ministerial Council concerned with Measures for the Prevention of Ground Subsidence 地盤沈下防止等対策関係閣僚会議
236 model for assessing impact and countermeasures 影響・対策評価モデル
237 Model Program for Promoting Community Global Warming Measures 地球温暖化対策地域推進モデル事業
238 month for promoting ozone layer protection action オゾン層保護対策推進月間
239 motor transportation demand measures 自動車交通需要対策
240 mutually beneficial (co-beneficial) measures 相乗的・一体的な対策(コ・ベネフィット対策)
241 Nakhodka Oil Spill Response Headquarters ナホトカ号海難・流出油災害対策本部
242 noise source measure 音源対策
243 non-discrimination 差別対策
244 no-regret measure 後悔しない対策
245 NOWPAP/Forum on Oil Pollution Measures NOWPAP/油汚染対策に関するフォーラム
246 odor collecting technique for deodorization 脱臭対策用臭気捕集技術
247 odor control measure 悪臭防止対策
248 Odor Research and Engineering Association of Japan (社)臭気対策研究協会
249 Office of Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas 閉鎖性海域対策室
250 Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy フロン等対策推進室
251 Office of International Strategy on Climate Change 国際対策室
252 oil spill response equipment 油濁災害対策用資機材
253 Outline of Measures for Preventing Ground Subsidence 地盤沈下防止等対策要綱
254 Outline of the Policy Framework to Reduce Urban Heat Island Effects ヒートアイランド対策大綱
255 Overview of Measures for Preventing Agricultural land Soil Contamination 農用地土壌汚染防止対策の概要
256 Overview of the Survey Result concerning Survey and Measures and State of Responses for Soil Contamination 土壌汚染調査・対策事例及び対応状況に関する調査結果の概要
257 ozone layer depletion measure オゾン層の破壊対策
258 Ozone Layer Protection Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会オゾン層保護対策部会
259 pandemic influenza preparedness biological materials パンデミックインフルエンザ事前対策用生物材料 PIP生物材料
260 Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework パンデミックインフルエンザ事前対策枠組み
261 pandemic influenza preparedness vaccine virus パンデミックインフルエンザ事前対策用ワクチンウイルス PIPワクチンウイルス
262 Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits パンデミックインフルエンザ事前対策:インフルエンザウイルスの共有とワクチンその他の便益へのアクセス
263 Permanent Inter-states Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel CILSS サヘル地域常設干魃対策各国議会
264 permanent measures 恒久対策
265 Pine Weevil Countermeasures Law 松くい虫被害対策特別措置法
266 plan to abate soil contamination of agricultural land 農用地土壌汚染対策計画
267 policies and measures 対策・施策
268 pollution abatement 汚染対策
269 pollution control expense 公害対策経費
270 pollution control loan 公害対策融資
271 pollution control measure 公害対策
272 pollution control public work 公害防止対策事業
273 pollution countermeasure technology 公害対策技術
274 pollution countermeasures 汚染対策
275 pollution measure expenses of local governments 地方公共団体公害対策決算状況
276 pollution prevention project 公害対策事業
277 pollution-related health hazard countermeasures 公害健康被害対策
278 Prefectural Council for Environmental Pollution Control 都道府県公害対策審議会
279 preventive measure 未然防止対策
280 priority area for domestic effluent measure 生活排水対策重点地域
281 Procedure on Emergency Measures against Photochemical Oxidants 光化学オキシダント緊急時対策要綱
282 Program concerning Comprehensive Measures of Minamata Disease 水俣病総合対策事業
283 program for promoting measures to reduce load on the soil environment. 土壌環境負荷低減対策推進事業
284 Program for the Prevention of Forest Decline Caused by Acid Deposition, etc. 酸性雨等森林衰退対策事業
285 Program for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活排水対策推進計画
286 Program of Measures to Improve the Utilization of Released Resources in Inland Waterway 内水面放流資源等利用向上対策事業
287 Program to Support Initiatives Introducing Measures against Climate Change in the Public Service Sector 公共・公益サービス部門率先対策補助事業
288 project to evaluate global warming prevention measures 温暖化対策診断事業
289 Promotion Measures for the Noise of Shinkansen Trains after the Japan National Railway Reform (approved by the Cabinet in March 1987) 国鉄改革後における新幹線鉄道騒音対策の推進について(昭和62年3月閣議了解)
290 Promotion of Measures against Hydrocarbons for the Prevention of Photochemical Air Pollution 光化学大気汚染防止のための炭化水素類対策の推進について
291 Promotion of Minamata Disease Countermeasures 水俣病対策の推進について
292 protection and management of wildlife (measures for invasive species) 野生生物の保護管理(移入種対策等)
293 Provisional Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Caused by Organic Chlorine Compounds, etc. 有機塩素系化合物等に係る土壌・地下水汚染調査・対策暫定指針
294 recommend "3 principles" for formulating a post-2013 international framework to tackle global warming 2013年以降の温暖化対策の国際的な枠組みの構築に向けた「3原則」の提案
295 reexamination of preventive measures 防止対策の再点検
296 Regional Affairs Office 環境対策調査室[環境省]
297 regional environmental officer 環境対策調査官
298 regional environmental officer 地方環境対策調査官
299 Regional Environmental Offices 地方環境対策調査官事務所
300 remedial plan 対策計画