 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 pollution 汚染 おせん
2 pollution 汚濁
3 Act of 13 March 1981 No. 6 relating to protection against pollution and to waste (Norway) Pollution Control Act 汚染防止及び廃棄物に冠する1981年3月31日付法律第6号(ノルウェー) 汚染防止法
4 Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Prevention of Pollution of the Environment in the Arctic 北極における環境汚染の防止協力に関する米ロ協定 米ロ北極環境協力協定
5 Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution ライン河汚染防止国際委員会に関する取り決め
6 Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil 北海の石油汚染に関する協力取決め
7 agreement on environmental pollution control 公害防止協定
8 agreement on pollution control 公害防止協定
9 agreement on pollution prevention 公害防止協定
10 Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law 農用地の土壌の汚染防止等に関する法律
11 air pollution 大気汚染
12 air pollution source monitoring management 大気汚染源モニタリング管理
13 air pollution administration 大気汚染行政
14 air pollution agent 大気汚染因子
15 air pollution based on lead particles 鉛害
16 air pollution by lead 鉛害
17 air pollution by smoke 煙害
18 air pollution control 大気汚染対策
19 air pollution control 大気汚染管理
20 air pollution control area 大気汚染規制地域
21 Air Pollution Control Association APCA 米国大気汚染防止協会
22 air pollution control center 大気汚染コントロールセンター
23 air pollution control district 大気汚染規制区域
24 air pollution control equipment 大気汚染防止装置
25 Air Pollution Control Law 大気汚染防止法 大防法
26 Air Pollution Control Promotion Month 大気汚染防止推進月間
27 air pollution control system 大気汚染制御システム
28 air pollution countermeasures of Ube city 宇部方式
29 air pollution criterion 大気汚染基準
30 air pollution effect 大気汚染の影響
31 air pollution index API 大気汚染指数(指標)
32 air pollution management 大気汚染管理
33 Air Pollution Meteorological Center 大気汚染気象センター
34 air pollution monitoring 大気汚染監視
35 air pollution monitoring car 大気汚染測定車
36 air pollution monitoring instrument 大気汚染監視機器
37 air pollution monitoring network 大気汚染測定網
38 air pollution monitoring programs survey 大気汚染モニタリング計画調査
39 air pollution monitoring station 大気汚染測定所
40 air pollution monitoring station 一般環境大気観測局
41 air pollution monitoring system APMS 大気汚染監視システム
42 air pollution potential 大気汚染ポテンシャル
43 air pollution prediction 大気汚染予測
44 Air Pollution Research Association 大気汚染研究協会
45 air pollution source 大気汚染源
46 air pollution source monitoring practice 大気汚染モニタリング実習
47 air pollution standard 大気汚染基準
48 air pollution warning system 大気汚染警戒制度
49 air pollution weather forecast 大気汚染気象予測
50 Air Pollution-related Disease 大気汚染系疾病
51 airborne measurement (of meteorological elements or air pollution) 航空機測定 (気象、大気汚染などの)
52 allowable pollution load 許容汚濁負荷量
53 ambient air pollution monitoring station AAPMS 一般環境大気測定局 一般局
54 ambient air-pollution monitoring station 大気環境測定所
55 Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954, concerning Tank Arrangement and Limitation of Tank Size 1954年の油濁防止条約をタンカーのタンク構造及びサイズに関して改正する条約
56 anti-pollution measures 環境汚染対策
57 approval of the regional environmental pollution control programs 公害防止計画についての同意
58 artificial pollution 人為的汚染
59 Ashio Copper Mine Mineral Pollution Incident 足尾銅山鉱毒事件
60 atmosphere and ocean background pollution monitoring program 大気及び海洋バックグランド汚染観測業務
61 automobile exhaust pollution 自動車による大気汚染
62 automobile pollution 自動車公害
63 background pollution バックグラウンド汚染
64 Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control 公害対策基本法
65 bed pollution 地層汚染
66 business establishment concluding pollution control agreement 公害防止協定締結事業所
67 carbon pollution permit 炭素汚染許可証(排出枠)
68 Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims CLAPV 汚染被害者法的支援センター
69 Center for the Redevelopment of Pollution-damaged Areas in Japan (財)公害地域再生センター あおぞら財団
70 Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会
71 Certificate of marine pollution prevention 海洋汚染防止証書
72 certification of pollution-related patient 公害病認定
73 Changes in the Number of Identified Marine Pollution Cases 海洋汚染の発生確認件数の推移
74 charge for pollution load 汚染負荷量賦課金
75 chemical pollution 化合物汚染
76 clean and clear sky without any light or air pollution 光害や大気汚染などのない清澄な大気
77 cleaning up of environmental pollution 環境汚染浄化
78 combined air pollution 複合大気汚染
79 combined degree of pollution 総合汚染度
80 combined pollution 複合汚染
81 Committee of Authorities Concerned with Measures against Road Traffic Pollution 道路交通公害対策関係省庁連絡会議
82 complex pollution 複合汚染
83 compound air pollution 複合大気汚染
84 comprehensive preliminary survey on industrial pollution 産業公害総合事前調査
85 Comprehensive Research on Water Pollution in the Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海水質汚濁総合調査
86 condition of pollution 汚染状態
87 Conference of Parties of Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Convention 海洋汚染防止条約締約国会議
88 conference on environmental conservation and pollution prevention 環境保全・公害防止研究発表会
89 conference on environmental pollution control 公害対策会議
90 Conference on Studded Tire Pollution スパイクタイヤ公害会議
91 construction project to prevent mine pollution when mines are shut down or abandoned 休廃止鉱山に係る鉱害防止事業
92 continuous pollution monitoring 常時監視
93 Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration 空気汚染、騒音及び振動に起因する作業環境における職業性の危害からの労働者の保護に関する条約 ILO・空気汚染・騒音・振動規制条約
94 Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration "作業環境における大気汚染,騒音,振動などの危険から労働者を保護する条約"
95 Convention for the Preservation of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft Oslo Convention 船舶及び航空機からの投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約 オスロ条約
96 Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution 汚染に対する地中海の保護に関する条約 地中海汚染防止条約
97 Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution 地中海汚染防止条約
98 Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution ライン川化学汚染防止条約
99 Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution by Chlorides ライン川塩化物汚染防止条約
100 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution LRTAP Convention 長距離越境大気汚染条約 LRTAP条約
101 Convention on the Preservation of Pollution from Ships 船舶による汚染防止条約
102 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 廃棄物その他の物の投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約 ロンドン海洋投棄条約
103 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972 London Convention 1972年の廃棄物その他の物の投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約 ロンドン条約
104 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources Paris Convention 陸上起源の海洋汚染防止条約 パリ条約
105 Convention on the Protection of the Rhine Against Chemical Pollution 化学物質によるライン河汚染防止協定
106 cost of pollution control works 公害防止事業費
107 Council on Cost Allocation of Pollution Control Public Works 公害防止事業費負担審議会
108 Countermeasure Manual for Atmosphere Pollution by Source Type 汚染源別発生源対策マニュアル
109 crime relating to environmental pollution 公害罪
110 daily change of air pollution 大気汚染の日変化
111 damage by air pollution 大気汚染被害
112 damage by noise pollution 騒音障害
113 degree of pollution 汚染度
114 departments or sections (offices) dedicated to pollution control 公害等専門部局課(室)
115 designated area for the relief of victims of pollution related diseases 公害認定地区
116 designation of water area types of rivers under the Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution for the Preservation of Aquatic Life 水生生物の保全に係る水質環境基準の類型指定
117 Direction of Class I Area under the Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Law 公害健康被害補償法第一種地域のあり方等について
118 disease caused by environmental pollution 公害病
119 disease caused by pollution 公害病
120 domestic pollution 生活公害
121 dry method for air pollution monitoring 乾式測定法
122 effect of environmental pollution on plants 環境汚染の植物影響
123 Enforcement Ordinance of the Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster 海洋汚染等及び海上災害の防止に関する法律施行令
124 enforcement status of the Air Pollution Control Law 大気汚染防止法の施行状況
125 environmental engineering (air pollution control) 環境技術(大気保全)
126 environmental pollution 環境汚染
127 environmental pollution 公害
128 environmental pollution complaint 公害苦情
129 environmental pollution complaint consultation desk 公害苦情相談窓口
130 environmental pollution complaint consultation staff 公害苦情相談員
131 environmental pollution complaint handling scheme 公害苦情処理制度
132 environmental pollution control 環境汚染防止
133 Environmental Pollution Control Center 公害センター
134 Environmental Pollution Control Fund 環境汚染防止基金
135 environmental pollution control manager 公害防止総括者
136 environmental pollution control measure 公害対策
137 environmental pollution control measure 環境汚染対策
138 environmental pollution control program 公害防止計画
139 Environmental Pollution Control Service Corporation 公害防止事業団
140 Environmental Pollution Control Service Corporation Law 公害防止事業団法
141 environmental pollution dispute 公害紛争
142 environmental pollution investigation 環境汚染調査
143 environmental pollution monitoring 公害監視
144 environmental pollution-induced congenital abnormality 環境汚染先天異常
145 Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution 水質環境基準
146 Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution 水質汚濁に係る環境基準
147 Environmental Quality Standards Regarding Air Pollution 大気汚染に係る環境基準
148 equipment for preventing air pollution 大気汚染防止用装置
149 experimental research in pollution control by national research institute 国立機関公害防止等試験研究
150 Expert Committee on Chemical Substances of the Environmental Health Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会環境保健部会化学物質専門委員会
151 Expert Group on Biotechnology in the Planning Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会企画部会バイオテクノロジー専門委員会
152 facility to prevent water pollution 水質汚濁防止施設
153 Federal Water Pollution Control Act 連邦水質汚濁防止法(米国)
154 First Forum on Oil Pollution Measures 油汚染対策に関する第1回フォーラム
155 followup investigation of pollution caused by chemical substances created unintentionally 非意図的生成化学物質汚染実態追跡調査
156 Follow-up Survey of the Environmental Pollution by Unintentionally Created Chemical Substances 非意図的生成物質汚染実態追跡調査
157 follow-up survey on environmental pollution 汚染実態追跡調査
158 Follow-up Survey on Environmental Pollution by Hazardous Chemical Substances 有害化学物質汚染実態追跡調査
159 four major pollution related disease 四大公害病
160 freshwater (lake) pollution 淡水(湖沼)汚染
161 front of pollution 汚濁前線
162 Fund for Mine Pollution Prevention Works 鉱害防止事業基金
163 Fund for Pollution Control Works 公害防止事業基金
164 FY 2001 Report on the State of Air Pollution 平成13年度大気汚染状況報告書  
165 gale-pollution 疾風汚染
166 Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment GIPME 世界海洋環境汚染調査
167 global-scale ocean pollution assessment method 海洋汚染評価手法
168 Grant for Works to Prevent Mine Pollution at Closed or Inactive Mining Sites 休廃止鉱山鉱害防止等工事費補助金
169 green park development projects to abate air pollution 大気汚染対策緑地整備事業
170 green park to abate air pollution 大気汚染対策緑地
171 groundwater pollution 地下水汚染
172 Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution GESAMP 海洋汚染専門家グループ
173 guidebook concerning the Light Pollution Prevention System 光害防止制度に係るガイドブック
174 Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Bioremediation Relating to Groundwater Pollution (draft) 地下水汚染に係るバイオレメディエーション環境影響評価指針(試案)
175 Guidelines for Light Pollution Control Measures 光害対策ガイドライン
176 Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution 土壌・地下水汚染に係る調査・対策指針
177 harbor pollution control project 港湾公害防止対策事業
178 harmful liquid pollution control manager 有害液体汚染防止管理者
179 heavy metal pollution 重金属汚染
180 heavy metal pollution control 有害金属汚染対策
181 indicator of environmental pollution 環境汚染の指標
182 industrial air-pollution control technology 大気汚染防止技術
183 Industrial Air-Pollution Control Technology (Eastern Europe) 大気汚染防止技術(東欧)
184 industrial pollution 産業公害
185 industrial pollution control 産業環境対策
186 Industrial Pollution Control Association of Japan 産業公害防止協会
187 industrial pollution control facility 公害防止施設
188 industrial pollution control facility 産業公害防止施設
189 Information related to Air Pollution by Photochemical Oxidants 光化学大気汚染関係資料
190 inland water pollution 内陸水汚染
191 Inter-Agency Conference for the Promotion of the Control of Pollution Caused by PCB-like Chemicals PCB様化学物質汚染対策推進会議
192 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 MARPOL Convention 1973年の船舶による汚染の防止のための国際条約 MARPOL条約
193 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954 1954年の油による海水の汚濁の防止のための国際条約 海洋油濁防止条約
194 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil: 1954 油濁防止条約
195 International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage Bunkers Convention 燃料油による汚染の民事責任に関する国際条約 バンカー条約
196 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 油による汚染損害についての民事責任に関する国際条約 油濁民事責任条約
197 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 油濁損害の民事責任に関する条約
198 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation OPRC Convention 油濁事故対策協力条約 OPRC条約
199 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990 OPRC Convention 1990年の油による汚染に係る準備、対応及び協力に関する国際条約 OPRC条約;湯田区事故対策協力条約
200 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 油による汚染損害の補償のための国際基金の設立に関する国際条約 油濁補償基金条約
201 International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties 油による汚染を伴う事故の場合における公海上の措置に関する国際条約 油濁公海措置条約
202 International Cooperation Utilizing the Experience and Knowledge of Having Overcome Pollution 公害克服の経験と智慧を活かした国際協力
203 International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 国際油濁保障基金
204 Japan Society of Air Pollution 大気汚染学会
205 Japan-U.S. Ministerial Conference on Environmental Pollution 日米公害閣僚会議
206 joint pollution prevention facility 共同公害防止処理施設
207 Kuwait Regional Convention for Cooperation on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution 海洋汚染防止のための協力に関するクウェート地域協定
208 land-based pollution source 陸上汚染源
209 Law concerning Compensation and Prevention of Pollution-related Health Damages LCPPHD 公害健康被害の補償等に関する法律 公健法
210 Law concerning Entrepreneurs' Bearing of the Cost of Public Pollution Control Works Pollution Control Public Works Cost Allocation Law 公害防止事業費事業者負担法
211 Law concerning Prevention of Mine Pollution 鉱害の防止に係る法律
212 Law concerning Special Government Financial Measures for Pollution Control Projects Pollution Control Financial Law 公害の防止に関する事業に係る国の財政上の特別措置に関する法律 公害財特法
213 Law Concerning Special Measures for Relief of Pollution-related Patients 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法
214 Law concerning the Improvement of Pollution Prevention Systems in Specific Factories 特定工場における公害防止組織の整備に関する法律
215 Law concerning the Relief of Pollution-related Health Damage Relief Law 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法 救済法
216 Law concerning the Settlement of Environmental Pollution Disputes 公害紛争処理法
217 Law for the Punishment of Environmental Pollution Crimes relating to Human Health 人の健康に係る公害犯罪の処罰に関する法律
218 Law for the Reparation and Compensation of Damage by Oil Pollution 油濁損害賠償保障法
219 Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster Prevention Law 海洋汚染及び海上災害の防止に関する法律 海防法
220 Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration for and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources 海底鉱物資源の探査及び採取による石油汚染損害の民事責任に関する条約
221 light pollution 光害
222 light pollution control measures 光害対策
223 Light Pollution Control Measures Model Plan 光害対策モデル計画
224 Light Pollution Control Ordinance 光害防止条例
225 local environmental pollution research institute 地方公害研究所
226 local pollution 局地汚染
227 local pollution measure 局地汚染対策
228 localized pollution 局地汚染
229 long range air pollution 広域大気汚染
230 long-range transboundary air pollution 長距離越境大気汚染
231 low-pollution vehicle 低公害車
232 low-pollution vehicle 低公害自動車
233 manager in charge of pollution control 公害防止管理者
234 Manual for Continuous Monitoring of Air Pollution 環境大気常時監視マニュアル
235 Manual of Measures to Tackle Water Pollution related to Nitrate Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen 硝酸性窒素及び亜硝酸性窒素に係る水質汚染対策マニュアル
236 marine background pollution observation 海洋バックグラウンド汚染観測
237 marine pollution 海洋汚染
238 Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Law 海洋汚染防止法
239 Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System MPERSS 海洋汚染事故緊急対応支援システム
240 marine pollution prevention measure 海洋汚染防止対策
241 marine pollution prevention technique 海洋汚染防止技術
242 Marine Pollution Prevention Week 海洋環境保全推進週間
243 marine pollution survey 海洋汚染調査
244 maritime pollution source 海上汚染源
245 measure for reducing pollution 汚濁負荷削減対策
246 measurement method of environmental pollution 環境汚染測定法
247 measures for pollution control 汚染対策
248 member of environmental pollution monitoring committee 公害監視委員
249 mercury pollution 水銀汚染
250 meteorological survey for air pollution 大気汚染気象調査
251 Metropolitan Government's Plan to Protect Tokyo from Pollution 東京都公害防止計画
252 mine pollution 鉱害
253 mine pollution 鉱害毒
254 mine pollution control 鉱害防止
255 mine pollution prevention project 鉱害防止事業
256 mineral pollution case of the Ashio Copper Mine 足尾銅山鉱毒事件
257 mobile source of pollution 移動汚染源
258 mobile unit for pollution prevention 機動防除隊
259 Montreal Rules of International Law Applicable to Transfrontier Pollution 越境汚染に適用可能なモントリオール国際法規則 ILA・越境汚染モントリオール規則
260 municipality with pollution control ordinances 公害防止条例制定市町村
261 Narita and Haneda area pollution levy 羽田・成田地区汚染負荷量賦課金
262 National Air Pollution Control Administration 大気汚染規制局(米国)
263 national air pollution monitoring station 国設大気汚染測定所
264 national ambient air pollution monitoring station APMS 国設大気環境測定所 APMS
265 National Contingency Plan for Preparedness and Response to Oil Pollution 油汚染事件への準備及び対応のための国家的な緊急時計画
266 National Examinations for Environmental Pollution Control Managers and Supervisors 公害防止管理者等国家試験
267 national roadside air pollution monitoring station RAPMS 国設自動車排出ガス測定所 RAPMS
268 natural pollution 自然汚染
269 nitrate pollution 硝酸汚染
270 noise pollution 騒音公害
271 non-point pollution source 非特定汚染源
272 non-point pollution sources such as urban areas 都市等非特定汚染源
273 non-pollution 無公害
274 NOWPAP/Forum on Oil Pollution Measures NOWPAP/油汚染対策に関するフォーラム
275 number of business establishments concluding pollution control agreements 公害防止協定締結事業所数
276 number of officers in the environmental conservation and pollution sections by population size 人口規模別に見る環境保全及び公害部門職員数
277 number of officers in the environmental conservation and pollution sections in prefectures and municipalities 都道府県及び市区町村の環境保全及び公害部門職員数
278 nutrient pollution 栄養塩類汚染
279 Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 化学物質安全性・汚染防止局
280 officers listed under the environmental conservation and pollution sections 環境保全及び公害部門に従事する職員
281 officially recognized patients of pollution-related diseases 公害病認定患者
282 oil pollution 油濁
283 oil pollution 油汚染
284 Oil Pollution Compensation Law 油濁損害賠償保障法
285 oil pollution control supervisor 油濁防止管理者
286 oil pollution incident 油汚染事故
287 organic pollution 有機汚染
288 organic pollution 有機性汚濁
289 Osaka Airport Pollution Suit 大阪国際空港公害訴訟
290 PCB pollution PCB汚染
291 photochemical air pollution 光化学大気汚染
292 photochemical pollution 光化学汚染
293 pollution abatement 汚染対策
294 pollution administration 公害行政
295 pollution by livestock effluent 畜産公害
296 pollution by particulates 微粒子汚染
297 pollution caused by military bases 基地公害
298 pollution cleanup 汚染浄化
299 pollution control 公害規制
300 pollution control 公害防止