 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
water quality conservation
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 water quality conservation 水質保全
2 Basic Policy for Conservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全基本方針
3 conservation of air, water and soil quality 大気・水・土壌環境保全
4 Law concerning Special Measures for Water Quality Conservation at Water Resources Area in Order to Prevent the Specified Difficulties in Water Utilization 特定水道利水障害の防止のための水道源水域の水質の保全に関する特別措置法
5 measures for conservation of the water quality 水質保全対策
6 Plan for Conservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全計画
7 Plan for the Conservation of Water Quality of Lakes and Marshes at the Kamafusa Dam Reservoir 釜房ダム貯水池に係る湖沼水質保全計画
8 target of administration on the conservation of the water quality 水質保全行政の目標
9 Water Quality Committee for the Conservation of Aquatic Life 水生生物保全水質検討会
10 Water Quality Conservation in Agricultural, Fishing, and Mountain Villages 農山漁村地域における水質保全対策
11 water quality conservation plan 水質保全計画