 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
material cycle
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 material cycle 物質循環の環
2 material cycle 物質循環
3 A Society with an Environmentally Sound Material Cycle--- A New Age of Less Disposal and More Utilization of Materials 循環社会-捨てずに生かす新時代
4 building a socio-economic system fostering environmentally sound material cycle 循環を基調とする経済社会の実現
5 community invigoration in view of a sound material-cycle, harmonious coexistence, and participation 循環・共生・参加まちづくり
6 creation of a society with an environmentally-sound material cycle 循環型社会形成
7 economic system with environmentally sound material cycle 循環型経済システム
8 Environmental Issues in Asia from the Perspective of Material Flows Analysis: Towards Sound Material Cycle Society in East Asia 物質フローから見たアジアの環境問題:東アジア循環型社会に向けて
9 establishment of a sound material-cycle society 循環型社会形成
10 Field-specific Training Course in Waste and Recycling (Practical Implementation Planning Course for a Sound Material-Cycle Society) 廃棄物・リサイクル専攻別研修(循環型社会実践計画コース)
11 four long-term objectives of "sound material cycle,""harmonious coexistence,""participation," and "international activities" 4つの長期的目標(「循環」、「共生」、「参加」、「国際的取組」)
12 Fundamental Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本法
13 Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本計画 循環基本計画
14 measures and policies related to the material cycle, including waste and recycling measures 廃棄物・リサイクル対策などの物質循環に係る施策
15 Office of Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会推進室
16 practical guidelines for designing the new Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 新たな循環型社会形成推進基本計画の策定のための具体的な指針
17 results of the 3rd annual review of the progress in implementing the Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本計画の進捗状況の第3回点検結果について
18 Seminar on Sound Material-Cycle Society, Circular Economy, and 3Rs among Japan, China, and Korea 循環型社会/循環経済/3Rに関する日中韓三カ国セミナー
19 socio-economic system with environmentally sound material cycle 循環型の経済社会
20 socio-economic system with environmentally sound material cycle 循環を基調とする社会経済システム
21 Socioeconomic Systems Based on Environmentally Sound Material Cycle 循環を基調とする経済社会システム
22 sound material-cycle society 循環型社会
23 Sound Material-Cycle Society Planning Committee 循環型社会計画部会
24 Specific Guidelines for the Formulation of the Fundamental Plan for Establishing A Sound Material-cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本計画の策定のための具体的な指針
25 Sustainable Material Cycle through 3Rs 3Rを通じた持続可能な資源循環
26 synthetical system to promote desirable material cycle with waste disposal and recycling as one unit 廃棄物・リサイクル一体となった望ましい物質循環を促進するための総合的システム
27 towns where excellent manufacturing techniques help build a sound material cycle ものづくりのわざが循環をつくる街
28 White Paper on the Environment and the Sound Material-Cycle Society 環境・循環型社会白書
29 White Paper on the Environment and the Sound Material-Cycle Society Cover Page Illustration Contest 環境・循環型社会白書表紙絵コンクール
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