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fishery product
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 fishery product 水産物
2 fishery production 漁業生産
3 fishery production activity 漁業生産活動
4 fishery production cost 漁業生産費用
5 fishery production value 漁業生産額
6 fishery products price index 水産物価格指数
7 fresh fishery products 生鮮品
8 frozen fishery products 冷凍品
9 index number of agricultural, forestry and fishery production 農林水産業生産指数
10 index number of fishery production 水産業生産指数
11 integrated processing (of fishery products) 一貫加工
12 marketing(of fishery products) 水産物の流通
13 other products for fishery products その他の水産加工品
14 processed fishery products 水産加工品
15 quantity of fishery products deposited (to the cold storage) as of the end of every month 水産物月末在庫量
16 quantity of fishery products deposited per month 水産物月間入庫量
17 quantity of fishery products released per month 水産物月間出庫量
18 wholesale prices of fishery products in landing area 産地卸売価格
19 wholesale quantity of fishery products 卸売数量
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