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expert committee
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 expert committee 専門部会
2 Chemical Substance Subcommittee set up under the Healthy Home Standards Formulation Expert Working Group of the Study Committee for Healthy and Comfortable Housing 快適で健康的な住宅に関する検討会議健康住宅関連基準策定専門部会化学物質小委員会
3 Expert Committee for a Virtuous Circle for Environment and Economy 環境と経済の好循環専門委員会
4 Expert Committee of Industrial Wastes 産業廃棄物専門委員会
5 expert committee of the Council 専門委員会
6 Expert Committee on Biotechnology バイオテクノロジー専門委員会
7 Expert Committee on Chemical Substance 化学物質専門委員会
8 Expert Committee on Chemical Substances in the Environmental Health Committee of the Central Environment Council 中央環境審議会環境保健部会化学物質専門委員会
9 Expert Committee on Chemical Substances of the Environmental Health Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会環境保健部会化学物質専門委員会
10 Expert Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions 自動車排出ガス専門委員会
11 Expert Committee on Noise Evaluation Methods 騒音評価手法等専門委員会
12 Expert Committee on Taxation System for Global Warming Measures 地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会
13 Expert Committee on VOC Emission Control 揮発性有機化合物排出抑制専門委員会
14 expert examination committee 専門調査会
15 Expert Group on Biotechnology in the Planning Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会企画部会バイオテクノロジー専門委員会
16 Expert Group on Industrial Wastes Management, Committee of the Waste Management of the Living Environment Council 生活環境審議会廃棄物処理部会産業廃棄物専門委員会
17 Expert Group on Technology for Tackling Dioxins, under the Committee of the Waste Management of the Living Environment Council 生活環境審議会廃棄物部会ダイオキシン対策技術専門委員会
18 Nature Restoration Expert Committee 自然再生専門家会議
19 Soil Contamination Technical Standards Expert Committee of the Soil Agricultural Chemical Committee, the Central Environment Council 中央環境審議会土壌農薬部会土壌汚染技術基準等専門委員会