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environmental learning
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 environmental learning 環境学習
2 Consultation Group for the Promotion of Environmental Education and Environmental Learning 環境教育・環境学習推進に関する協議会
3 Environmental Education and Learning in the Future--Aiming at a Sustainable Society これからの環境教育・環境学習−持続可能な社会をめざして−
4 environmental learning base 環境学習拠点
5 Environmental Learning DVD Materials for Global Warming Mitigation 温暖化防止のための環境学習DVD教材
6 Environmental Learning Fair 環境学習フェア
7 environmental learning in nature 自然系環境学習
8 Environmental Learning Support Program 環境学習支援事業
9 hands-on environmental learning promotion program for children through the cooperation of related ministries and agencies 省庁連携子ども体験型環境学習推進事業
10 natural environmental learning 自然環境学習
11 presentation on environmental learning 環境学習発表会
12 Program for the Promotion of Environmental Learning through Experiences 体験的環境学習推進事業
13 Survey for general centers for environmental learning 環境学習総合拠点検討調査