 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
based on
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 based on に基づく
2 air pollution based on lead particles 鉛害
3 all disputes arising in connection with the rights and duties based on the Agreement or a special agreement 本約款及び特約に基づく権利及び義務について紛争が生じたときは
4 based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities 共通だが差異のある責任の原則に基づいて
5 Beijing Declaration on Furthering the Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities 陸上活動からの海洋環境の保護に関する世界行動計画の実施促進に関する北京宣言
6 brightness of the night sky based on color slide photographs カラースライド写真から求めた「夜空の明るさ」
7 Compiled by the Ministry of the Environment based on data from the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 国連気候変動枠組条約事務局資料より環境省作成
8 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources Paris Convention 陸上起源の海洋汚染防止条約 パリ条約
9 country comparison based on dollar-parity GDP 米ドル等価後のGDPに基づく国別比較
10 Criteria for Identifying Wetlands of International Importance Based on Fish 魚類に基づく国際的に重要な湿地を選定するための基準
11 Execution plan for clerical works and projects of government and local authorities based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法に基づく国・地方公共団体の事務・事業に係る実行計画
12 factor describing the radiative forcing impact of on mass-based unit of a given GHG relative to an equivalent unit of carbon dioxide それぞれのGHGの単位質量あたりの放射強制力の影響を、二酸化炭素の相当量で記述する係数
13 First Publication of the Results of the Chemicals Classification Program Based on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) 化学品の分類および表示に関する世界調和システム(GHS)危険有害性分類事業第1回目の公表について
14 fuel standard based on the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy toprunnner standard 「エネルギーの使用の合理化に関する法律」に基づく燃費基準 トップランナー基準
15 management based on a theory that man is by nature evil 性悪説的管理
16 management based on a theory that man is by nature good 性善説的管理
17 measures at factories based on the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy 省エネ法に基づく工場対策
18 Montreal Declaration on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities 陸上活動からの海洋環境の保護に関するモントリオール宣言
19 Principles for the Management of Chemical Substances based on Comparative Assessment of Environmental Impact and Utility 環境影響と効用の比較評価に基づいた化学物質の管理原則
20 project based on the regional environmental pollution control program 公害防止計画事業
21 publications based on the study 治験に基づく公表文献
22 Realization of a Recycle-oriented Society Based on Waste Reduction and Treatment 廃棄物の減量・処理などリサイクルを考えた社会の実現
23 regional development based on recycling and coexistence 循環と共生を基調とした地域作り
24 Regional Workshop on Protecting Coastal and Marine Ecosystems from Land-based Activities in the Asia-Pacific 陸上起因の都市排水からの海洋環境の保護に関する国際ワークショップ
25 report based on shop talk 体験談
26 Research on a Strategy for Wildlife Conservation Using the Chromosome Map and Individual Based Model 遺伝子地図と個体ベースモデルに基づく野生生物保全戦略の研究
27 society based on hydrogen energy 水素エネルギー社会
28 Socioeconomic Systems Based on Environmentally Sound Material Cycle 循環を基調とする経済社会システム
29 standard based on the ministerial ordinance 規格・省令
30 Top Runner Standard for automobile fuel efficiency based on the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy 省エネ法に基づく自動車の燃費に関するトップランナー基準
31 within types of areas specified for the environmental quality standard based on the Basic Environment Law 環境基本法に基づく環境基準の類型地域指定区域内
32 Workshop on the Environmental Biology and Biodiversity of Land-based Cryptogam 陸上隠花植物の環境生物学及び生物多様性に関するワークショップ