 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 incineration 焼却
2 ash 焼却灰
3 ash from the incineration of waste ごみ焼却灰
4 ash melting 焼却灰溶融
5 atomize firing equipment 噴霧燃焼式焼却装置
6 auxiliary fuel firing equipment 補助燃料焼却設備
7 auxiliary fuel for incineration 焼却炉用補助燃料
8 backyard burning 裏庭焼却
9 backyard burning 自家焼却
10 batch fed incinerator 間欠投入式焼却炉
11 batch fed incinerator バッチ式焼却炉
12 batch type incineration facility バッチ燃焼式焼却施設
13 burning of solid wastes in open dumps 露天焼却
14 capacity of incineration 焼却能力
15 cell type incinerator セル型焼却炉
16 co-incineration 混合焼却
17 complete combustion 完全焼却
18 continuous feed incinerator 連続燃焼式焼却炉
19 continuous firing system plant 連続燃焼式焼却炉
20 continuous type incineration plant 連続燃焼式焼却施設
21 continuous type incinerator 連続燃焼式焼却炉
22 continuous type refuse incineration plant 連続燃焼式焼却施設
23 direct fed incinerator 直投式焼却炉
24 direct flame incineration 直火式焼却
25 dust chute fed incinerator ダストシュート式焼却炉
26 fall increaser 下降式焼却炉
27 fire grate incineration equipment 火格子燃焼式焼却装置
28 fixed grade batch combustion type incineration facility 固定バッチ燃焼式焼却施設
29 floor incineration equipment 床燃焼式焼却装置
30 fluidized bed incineration 流動床焼却
31 fluidized bed incineration equipment 流動床燃焼式焼却装置
32 fluidized firing type incinerator 流動床式焼却炉
33 fluidized incinerator 流動層焼却炉
34 full continuous firing system 全連続燃焼式焼却炉
35 full continuous type incineration plant 全連続式焼却施設
36 full continuous type incineration plant 全連続燃焼式焼却施設
37 fusion resource facility such as incinerator furnace 焼却灰等の溶融資源化施設
38 garbage furnace ごみ焼却炉
39 garbage incinerator 残菜焼却炉
40 general refuse incinerator 一般ごみ焼却炉
41 high temperature, diesel-fuelled incinerator ディーゼル式の高温焼却炉
42 inappropriate waste for combustion 焼却不適物
43 incinerated residue 焼却残渣
44 incineration ash 焼却灰
45 incineration ash final landfill site 焼却灰埋立最終処分場
46 incineration at sea 洋上焼却
47 incineration capacity 焼却能力
48 incineration disposal 焼却処理
49 incineration equipment 焼却装置
50 incineration facilities 焼却炉設備
51 incineration facility 焼却施設
52 incineration plant 焼却施設
53 incineration ratio 焼却率
54 incineration residue 焼却残渣
55 incineration residue 焼却灰
56 incinerator ごみ焼却施設
57 incinerator ごみ焼却炉
58 incinerator 焼却炉
59 incinerator 焼却施設
60 incinerator bucket 焼却炉用バケット
61 incinerator capacity 焼却炉能力
62 incinerator exhaust gas 焼却炉排ガス
63 incinerator flue gas 焼却炉排ガス
64 incinerator operation efficiency 稼動時焼却率
65 incinerator residue 焼却残渣
66 incinerator slag ごみ焼却炉スラグ
67 incinerator stoker 焼却炉用ストーカ
68 industrial waste incinerator 産業廃棄物焼却施設
69 industrial waste incinerator 産業廃棄物焼却炉
70 industrial wastes incinerator 産業廃棄物焼却炉
71 main structure of incinerator 焼却炉本体
72 mechanical grate batch combustion type incineration facility 機械化バッチ燃焼式焼却施設
73 mechanical stoker type incinerator ストーカ式焼却炉
74 melting and solidification of ash from incineration 焼却灰の溶解固化
75 multiple-hearth furnace 多段焼却炉
76 municipal incineration ash 都市ごみ焼却灰
77 municipal refuse furnace ごみ焼却炉
78 municipal refuse incinerator ごみ焼却炉
79 municipal solid waste incineration 都市ごみ焼却炉
80 municipal waste incinerator 一般廃棄物焼却施設
81 municipal waste incinerator 都市ごみ焼却炉
82 on-site burning 自家焼却
83 open incineration 野外焼却
84 open-top incinerator 上開き焼却炉
85 refuse burning ごみ焼却
86 refuse incineration ごみ焼却
87 refuse incinerator ごみ焼却炉
88 refuse incinerator dioxins ごみ焼却のダイオキシン
89 regulation on dust from waste incinerator 廃棄物焼却炉に係るばいじん規制
90 residents near incinerators 焼却炉周辺住民
91 residual heat from waste incineration ごみ焼却余熱
92 rotary furnace type incinerator 回転式焼却炉
93 rotary kiln incinerator 回転キルン式焼却炉
94 semi-continuous feed incineration plant 準連続式焼却炉
95 sewage sludge incineration facility 下水汚泥焼却施設
96 slagging type incinerator 溶融焼却炉
97 sludge burning 汚泥焼却
98 sludge combustion 汚泥焼却
99 sludge combustion equipment 汚泥焼却装置
100 sludge incineration 汚泥焼却
101 sludge incineration facility 汚泥焼却施設
102 sludge incinerator 汚泥焼却炉
103 sludge incinerator スラッジ焼却炉
104 small scale waste incinerator 小型廃棄物焼却炉
105 special waste incinerator 廃棄物特殊焼却炉
106 starved air incinerator 低空気比焼却炉
107 suspension firing equipment 浮遊燃焼式焼却装置
108 total incineration 全量焼却
109 two exhaust passes type incinerator 二回流式焼却炉
110 verification tests for the incineration of low-contaminated PCB wastes 低濃度PCB汚染物の焼却実証試験
111 waste incineration 廃棄物の焼却
112 waste incineration ごみ焼却量
113 waste incineration ごみ焼却
114 waste incinerator 廃棄物焼却炉
115 waste oil incineration facility 廃油焼却施設
116 waste oil incinerator 廃油焼却炉
117 waste plastics incineration facility 廃プラスチック類焼却施設
118 waste requiring confirmation of incineration 要焼却確認廃棄物
119 waste unfit for incineration 焼却不適ごみ