 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 disaster 災害
2 accident compensation 災害補償
3 agricultural disaster compensation system 農業災害補償制度
4 area prone to natural disaster 自然災害が起こりやすい地域
5 Basic Policy for Disaster Rehabilitation to Protect Beautiful Mountains and Rivers 美しい山河を守る災害復旧基本方針
6 biohazards 生物災害
7 calamity damage insurance 災害保険
8 Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters CRED 災害疫学研究センター
9 commuting injury 通勤災害
10 Council of Ministers Related to the Nakhodka Oil Spill Response ナホトカ号流出油災害対策関係閣僚会議
11 damaged by natural disaster 自然災害
12 disaster control measures 災害対策
13 disaster of extreme severity 激甚災害
14 disaster prevention 災害防止
15 disaster recovery efforts 災害復旧
16 disaster recovery project 災害復旧事業
17 disaster refuse 災害ごみ
18 Disaster Relief Coordinator 災害救済調整官
19 disaster relief operation 災害派遣
20 disaster warning 災害警報
21 disasters 災害等
22 employment injury 業務災害
23 Enforcement Ordinance of the Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster 海洋汚染等及び海上災害の防止に関する法律施行令
24 extraordinary disaster 非常災害
25 grant aid for disaster relief 災害開発援助
26 headquarters for emergency disaster control 緊急災害対策本部
27 industrial accident 労働災害
28 industrial accident compensation insurance 労働者災害補償保険
29 industrial accident prevention plan 労働災害防止計画
30 intense disaster 激甚災害
31 job-related accident 公務災害
32 labor accident 労働災害
33 large-scale natural calamity 大規模な自然災害
34 Law concerning Accident Benefits Payable to Persons Who Cooperated or Assisted in Marine Safety Officers Duties 海上保安官に協力援助した者の災害給付に関する法律
35 Law for the Prevention of Disasters at Oil Complexes, etc. 石油コンビナート等災害防止法
36 Law on the Prevention of Disasters in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and Other Petroleum Facilities 石油コンビナート等災害防止法
37 Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster Prevention Law 海洋汚染及び海上災害の防止に関する法律 海防法
38 maritime disaster 海上災害
39 Maritime Disaster Prevention Center 海上災害防止センター
40 meteorological disaster and climate damage 気象被害・気象災害
41 multihazard 多くの災害
42 Nakhodka Oil Spill Response Headquarters ナホトカ号海難・流出油災害対策本部
43 natural disaster 自然災害
44 natural disaster research programme 自然災害研究計画
45 natural hazard 自然災害
46 natural severe disaster relief system 激甚災害制度
47 occupational accident 労働災害
48 occupational hazard 労働災害
49 Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator UNDRO 国連災害救済調整官事務所
50 Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA アメリカ海外災害援助事務局
51 oil spill response equipment 油濁災害対策用資機材
52 oil-spill disaster 油流出災害
53 pre-disaster planning 災害事前防止計画
54 prevention of disasters in mountain regions 山地災害防止
55 sea wave disasters 波浪災害
56 special disaster-stricken area 特別災害地域
57 times of natural disaster 非常災害時
58 United Nations Disaster Relief Organization UNDRO 国連災害救済機関
59 un-natural disaster 非自然災害
60 usual disaster (such as damages would ordinarily arise, less than a certain insured amount)/unusual disaster (damages more than a certain insured amount) 通常災害・異常災害
61 wastes and refuses due to disaster 災害廃棄物
62 world-wide natural disaster warning system 世界的自然災害警報システム