 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 heating 暖房
2 air conditioner/heater 冷暖房兼用エアコン
3 central air-conditioning and heating 集中冷暖房
4 centrally heated and air-conditioned community 集中冷暖房地域
5 communal central heating and air-conditioning 地域冷暖房
6 communal heating and air-conditioning facility 地域冷暖房施設
7 convective space heater 温風暖房機
8 district air cooling and heating 地域冷暖房
9 district heating 地区暖房
10 district heating and cooling 地域冷暖房
11 energy consumption for heating and cooling of housing 冷暖房用エネルギー
12 heating oil 暖房用燃料油
13 home heating 家庭暖房
14 regional central heating 地域集中暖房
15 regional central heating 地域暖房
16 regional heating 地区暖房
17 solar heating and cooling 太陽熱冷暖房
18 space heating 部屋暖房
19 ventilation heat pump system 換気冷暖房システム