1 |
quality |
品質 |
2 |
acceptable quality |
受け入れられる品質 |
3 |
attractive quality |
魅力的品質 |
4 |
backward looking quality |
後ろ向きの品質 |
5 |
broadly interpreted quality |
広義の品質 |
6 |
certificate of quality assurance inspection |
品質保証監査証明書 |
7 |
challenging, quality-oriented, customer-driven business objectives and strategies |
積極的な品質重視・顧客指向の経営の目標と戦略 |
8 |
Clinical Quality Assurance professional |
CQA professional |
臨床品質保証専門家 |
9 |
collection and analysis of quality information |
品質情報の収集・分析 |
10 |
company-wide quality control |
全社的品質管理 |
11 |
company-wide quality management |
全社的品質管理 |
12 |
contract on quality assurance system |
品質保証契約 |
13 |
corporate quality system audit |
全社的な品質システム監査 |
14 |
critical quality problem |
重要品質問題 |
15 |
data quality assurance |
データの品質保証 |
16 |
data quality rules |
データ品質ルール |
17 |
deterioration in fruit quality |
果樹の品質低下 |
18 |
development of quality management system |
品質管理システムの構築 |
19 |
documentation of inter-laboratory standardization methods and quality assurance procedures if used |
臨床検査に関して施設間の標準化及び品質保証を行ったのであればその方法と手順に関する文書 |
20 |
Engineering Management Section of the Quality Assurance Department |
品質保障部技術管理課 |
21 |
establishment of systems for managing quality, quantity, delivery, costs, safety, environment, etc. |
品質・量・納期・原価・安全・環境などの管理システムの整備 |
22 |
expected quality |
期待されている品質 |
23 |
Food Quality Protection Act |
食品品質保護法 |
24 |
forward looking quality |
前向きの品質 |
25 |
founder of the statistical quality control |
統計的品質管理創始者 |
26 |
Good Quality Practice |
品質管理基準 |
27 |
highest award on TQM (Total Quality Management) in the world |
TQM(総合的品質管理)に関する世界最高ランクの賞 |
28 |
Household Products Quality Labelling Law |
家庭用品品質表示法 |
29 |
identity, quality, durability, reliability, safety or performance of a medical device |
医療機器の識別、品質、耐久性、信頼性、安全性又は性能 |
30 |
inspection-oriented equality assurance |
検査重点主義の品質保証 |
31 |
integrity of the quality management system |
品質マネジメントシステムが「完全に整っている状態」 |
32 |
International Conference on Quality Control |
品質管理国際会議 |
33 |
ISO13485:2003 Quality Systems-Medical Devices |
ISO 13485(2003年版)、医療機器における品質マネジメントシステム |
34 |
ISO9000:2005 Quality Management Systems - Fundamentals & Vocabulary |
ISO9000(2005年版)品質マネジメントシステム−基本及び用語 |
35 |
Japan Quality Assurance Organization |
(財)日本品質保証機構 |
36 |
Japan Quality Award |
日本経営品質賞 |
37 |
Japan Quality Control Medal |
日本品質管理賞 |
38 |
Jissetsu, Description of QC practices |
品質管理実情説明書 |
39 |
list of quality assurance items |
品質保証項目一覧 |
40 |
maintaining and improving product and operational qualities |
商品の品質及び業務の質の管理と改善 |
41 |
maintenance and improvement of product and operational qualities |
商品品質及び業務の質の管理と改善 |
42 |
Management Policies and Their Deployment regarding Quality Management |
品質マネジメントに関する経営方針とその展開 |
43 |
must-be quality |
当たり前品質 |
44 |
narrowly interpreted quality |
狭義の品質 |
45 |
National Meeting of Quality Control and Standardization |
品質管理と標準化全国大会 |
46 |
Nikkei Quality Control Literature Prize |
日経品質管理文献賞 |
47 |
Nippon Hinsistsu Kanri Medal |
日本品質管理賞 |
48 |
Office of Compliance and Standards |
品質管理部(PMDAの) |
49 |
Office of Compliance and Standards, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) |
独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構品質管理部 |
50 |
off-line quality control |
オフライン品質管理 |
51 |
on-line quality control |
オンライン品質管理 |
52 |
perceived quality |
見かけの品質 |
53 |
planned quality |
ねらいの品質 |
54 |
process-control-oriented quality assurance |
工程管理重点主義の品質保証 |
55 |
product-development-oriented quality assurance |
新製品開発重点主義の品質保証 |
56 |
QC Conference for Customers |
消費者品質管理大会 |
57 |
QC Conference for Foremen |
職・組長品質管理大会 |
58 |
QC Conference for Manager and Staff |
品質管理大会(部課長、スタッフ) |
QC大会 |
59 |
QC diagnosis |
品質管理診断 |
60 |
quality assessment/quality control |
品質評価/品質管理 |
61 |
quality assurance |
品質保証 |
62 |
quality assurance focused on product development |
新製品開発重点主義の品質保証 |
63 |
quality assurance of product |
製品の品質保証 |
64 |
quality assurance program |
品質保証計画 |
65 |
quality assurance review |
品質保証レビュー |
66 |
quality assurance reviewer |
品質保証審査官 |
67 |
quality assurance standard |
品質保証規程 |
68 |
Quality Assurance Standard for Voluntary Carbon Offsetting |
自主的カーボン・オフセット品質保証基準 |
69 |
quality assurance system |
品質保証システム |
70 |
quality assurance system (chart) |
品質保証体系(図) |
71 |
Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centre |
品質保証科学センター[WMO] |
72 |
quality characteristic deployment |
品質特性展開 |
73 |
quality control |
QC |
品質管理 |
74 |
Quality Control Symposium |
品質管理シンポジウム |
75 |
quality deployment |
品質展開 |
76 |
quality deployment table |
品質展開表 |
77 |
quality dispersion |
品質のばらつき |
78 |
quality evaluation in the field |
市場品質評価 |
79 |
quality function deployment |
品質機能展開 |
80 |
quality improvement |
品質向上 |
81 |
quality information from the field information on user-evaluated quality |
市場品質情報 |
82 |
quality inspection |
品質検査 |
83 |
Quality Management and corresponding general aspects for Medical Devices |
品質管理及び医療機器に関連する品質管理の一般 |
84 |
quality management system |
品質マネジメントシステム |
85 |
quality management system standard code (quality manual) |
品質管理監督システム基準書(品質マニュアル) |
86 |
Quality Management-Guidelines for Quality Plans |
品質管理−品質計画書の指針 |
87 |
Quality Month |
品質月間 |
88 |
Quality Month committee |
品質月間委員会 |
89 |
Quality Month slogan |
品質月間標語 |
90 |
Quality Month text |
品質月間テキスト |
91 |
quality objective |
品質目標 |
92 |
quality plan |
品質計画書 |
93 |
quality policy |
品質方針 |
94 |
quality requirement |
品質要求 |
95 |
quality requirement |
要求品質 |
96 |
quality requirement deployment |
要求品質展開 |
97 |
quality requirements list |
品質要求事項リスト |
98 |
quality standards on retail meat |
食肉の小売品質基準 |
99 |
quality strategies and policies |
品質戦略・品質方針 |
100 |
quality system administrator |
品質システム管理者 |
101 |
quality system record |
品質システム記録 |
102 |
Quality System Regulation for Medical Devices (cGMP) |
医療機器の品質システム規則(cGMP) |
103 |
quality table |
品質表 |
104 |
quality warranty |
品質保証書 |
105 |
reforming |
石油の品質を向上すること(石油改質) |
106 |
regional public lecture during Quality Month |
品質月間地方講演会 |
107 |
Registered Quality Assurance Professional in Good Laboratory Practice |
認定GLP品質保証専門家 |
108 |
requirements of the quality management system |
品質マネジメントシステム要求事項 |
109 |
Responsible Person for Promotion of Industrial Standardization and Quality Control |
工業標準化品質管理推進責任者 |
110 |
resulting quality |
できばえの品質 |
111 |
review of quality |
品質の審査 |
112 |
social quality |
社会的品質 |
113 |
statistical quality control |
統計的品質管理 |
114 |
targeted quality |
ねらいの品質 |
115 |
Technical Committee ISO/TC 210, Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices |
専門委員会ISO/TC 210、医療機器の品質管理と関連する一般事項 |
116 |
Ten QC Principles for Vendee-Vender Relations |
買い手と売り手の品質管理10原則 |
117 |
The Formulation and Improvement or Elimination of Ministerial Ordinances and Notifications concerning the Manufacturing Control and Quality Control (GMP/QMS) of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices associated with the Implementation of the Law to Partially Revise Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and Bleeding and Blood Donor Supply Services Control Law |
薬事法及び採血及び供血あっせん業取締法の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う医薬品、医療機器等の製造管理及び品質管理(GMP/QMS)に係る省令及び告示の制定及び改廃について |
118 |
The Nikkei QC Literature Prize |
日経品質管理文献賞 |
119 |
total quality control |
全社的品質管理 |
120 |
total quality management |
総合的品質管理 |
121 |
true quality characteristic |
真の品質特性 |
122 |
uniformity in the structure of quality management systems |
品質マネジメントシステムの構造の均一化 |
123 |
Virus checking, etc. in Applications for Partial Changes in Approved Items for Quality and Safety Assurance of Drugs or Medical Devices Manufactured Using Human or Animal-derived Components as Raw Materials (Evaluation and Licensing Div., PMSB, Notification No. 1552 dated November 26, 2001) |
ヒト又は動物由来成分を原料として製造される医薬品、医療用具等の品質及び安全性確保のための一部変更承認申請に係るウイルス確認等の取扱いについて(医薬審発第1552号) |