 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 pertaining to に係る
2 A Guide for Quality Assurance concerning Environmental Measurement of Dioxins (for Bioassays) ダイオキシン類の環境測定に係る精度管理の手引き(生物検定法)
3 Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade 貿易への技術的障害に係る協定 TBT協定
4 Ambient Air Quality Standard 大気の汚染に係る環境基準
5 Amendment of Environmental Quality Standards for Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音に係る環境基準の改正
6 Basic Framework of AIJ for the Pilot Phase under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 気候変動枠組条約に係るパイロット・フェーズにおける共同実施活動に向けた我が国の基本的枠組み 共同実施活動ジャパン・プログラム
7 Basic Policy of Total Reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学的酸素要求量に係る総量削減基本方針
8 basis of various measures, and measures facilitating the participation of various actors and international cooperation 各種施策の基盤、各主体の参加及び国際協力に係る施策
9 Bill Partially Amending the Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Law 特定製品に係るフロン類の回収及び破壊の実施の確保等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律案
10 cabinet and ministerial ordinances and notifications concerning the method of calculating the quantity of recycling for specified business 特定事業者の再商品化義務量算定方式等に係る政省令・告示等
11 cabinet order partially amending the enforcement ordinance of the ”Invasive Alien Species Act” 特定外来生物による生態系等に係る被害の防止に関する法律施行令の一部を改正する政令
12 candidates for designated procurement items of public-works under the Law on Promoting Green Purchasing グリーン購入法に係る公共工事の特定調達品目候補群
13 Changes in Exceeding Rate to EQSs for Groundwater (Items with high exceeding rate) 地下水の水質汚濁に係る環境基準(超過率の高い項目)の超過率の推移
14 Construction Materials Recycling Act Construction Waste Recycling Law 建設工事に係る資材の再資源化等に関する法律 建設リサイクル法
15 construction project to prevent mine pollution when mines are shut down or abandoned 休廃止鉱山に係る鉱害防止事業
16 Consultation with Cooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Long Range Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) Concerning Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia 東アジア酸性雨モニタリングネットワークに係る欧州モニタリング評価プログラム(EMEP)との協議
17 criteria for examining the risk of a specified emitter's rights and interests being injured by the publication of information of its greenhouse gas emissions 温室効果ガス算定排出量の情報が公にされることにより排出者の権利利益が害されるおそれの有無の判断に係る審査基準
18 designation of water area types of rivers under the Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution for the Preservation of Aquatic Life 水生生物の保全に係る水質環境基準の類型指定
19 Draft Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation (CEE) of New Indian Research Base at Larsemann Hills, Antarctica 南極ラーズマンヒルズのインド研究基地新設に係る包括的環境影響評価書案
20 draft summary of revised designated procurement items and evaluation criteria under the Law on Promoting Green Purchasing Law グリーン購入法に係る特定調達品目およびその判断の基準等の見直しの概要(案)
21 eating and drinking expenses 飲食に係る経費
22 Environmental Air Quality Standards for Benzene, Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene ベンゼン、トリクロロエチレン及びテトラクロロエチレンによる大気の汚染に係る環境基準について
23 Environmental Conservation Measures Relating to Public Works 各種公共事業に係る環境保全対策について
24 Environmental Guidelines for EIA study of Dam Construction Projects ダム建設計画に係る環境インパクト調査に関するガイドライン
25 environmental lending standard 環境審査基準(融資に係る)
26 environmental measurement verification operator 環境に係る計量証明事業者
27 Environmental Quality Standard for Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音に係る環境基準について
28 environmental quality standard for long-term assessment of suspended particulate matter 長期的評価に基づく浮遊粒子状物質に係る環境基準
29 Environmental Quality Standard for Nitrogen Dioxide 二酸化窒素に係る環境基準
30 Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (1998, Environment Agency Notification) 騒音に係る環境基準について(平成10年環境庁告示)
31 environmental quality standard for short-term assessment of sulfur dioxide 短期的評価に基づく二酸化硫黄に係る環境基準
32 environmental quality standard for soil (Environmental Quality Standard for Soil Contamination) 土壌環境基準(土壌の汚染に係る環境基準)
33 Environmental Quality Standard for Soil Contamination environmental quality standard for soil 土壌の汚染に係る環境基準 土壌環境基準
34 Environmental Quality Standard for Sulfur Dioxide 二酸化硫黄に係る環境基準
35 Environmental Quality Standards for Aircraft Noise 航空騒音に係る環境基準
36 Environmental Quality Standards for Ambient Air 大気の汚染に係る環境基準について
37 Environmental Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide 一酸化炭素に係る環境基準
38 Environmental Quality Standards for Groundwater 地下水の水質汚濁に係る環境基準
39 Environmental Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide 二酸化窒素に係る環境基準について
40 Environmental Quality Standards for Noise 騒音に係る環境基準
41 Environmental Quality Standards for Shinkansen Superexpress Railway Noise 新幹線鉄道騒音に係る環境基準について
42 Environmental Quality Standards for Shinkansen Superexpress Railway Noise 新幹線鉄道騒音に係る環境基準
43 Environmental Quality Standards for Water 水質汚濁に係る環境基準 水質環境基準
44 Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution 水質汚濁に係る環境基準
45 Environmental Quality Standards Regarding Air Pollution 大気汚染に係る環境基準
46 environmental survey of Dioxins ダイオキシン類に係る環境調査
47 EQS for car noise 自動車騒音に係る環境基準
48 EU directive for the introduction of bio fuel for vehicle use 自動車用バイオ燃料導入に係るEU指令
49 Execution plan for clerical works and projects of government and local authorities based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法に基づく国・地方公共団体の事務・事業に係る実行計画
50 fees for the inspection services 検査事務に係る手数料
51 Future Direction of Measures to Reduce the Environmental Load of Waste 廃棄物に係る環境負荷低減対策の在り方について
52 guidebook concerning the Light Pollution Prevention System 光害防止制度に係るガイドブック
53 Guideline Concerning Submission of Information Regarding Safety of Chemical Substances 化学物質の安全性に係る情報提供に関する指針
54 Guidelines for Countermeasures against Misconduct in Research Activities by Competitive Research Fund 競争的資金等に係る研究活動における不正行為への対応指針
55 Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Bioremediation Relating to Groundwater Pollution (draft) 地下水汚染に係るバイオレメディエーション環境影響評価指針(試案)
56 Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Quality Control of the Environmental Measurement of Dioxins ダイオキシン類の環境測定に係る精度管理指針
57 Guidelines for Survey and Measures for Soil Contamination Caused by Heavy Metals, etc. 重金属等に係る土壌汚染調査・対策指針
58 Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution 土壌・地下水汚染に係る調査・対策指針
59 Guidelines for the Industrial Sector to Take Measures to Curb the Emissions of HFCs and Other Greenhouse Gases 産業界によるHFC等の排出抑制に係る指針
60 Implementation Guideline for the Environmental Assessment concerning the New Basic Plan for the Development of Mutsu-Ogawara Area 新むつ小川原開発基本計画に係る環境影響評価実施要綱
61 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990 OPRC Convention 1990年の油による汚染に係る準備、対応及び協力に関する国際条約 OPRC条約;湯田区事故対策協力条約
62 Invasive Alien Species Act 特定外来生物による生態系等に係る被害の防止に関する法律 外来生物法
63 judgment standard of the industry waste which contains metal and so on 金属等を含む産業廃棄物に係る判定基準 有害な産業廃棄物の判定基準
64 Law concerning Prevention of Mine Pollution 鉱害の防止に係る法律
65 Law concerning Special Government Financial Measures for Pollution Control Projects Pollution Control Financial Law 公害の防止に関する事業に係る国の財政上の特別措置に関する法律 公害財特法
66 Law Concerning Special Measures for Relief of Pollution-related Patients 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法
67 Law concerning the Relief of Pollution-related Health Damage Relief Law 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法 救済法
68 Law for Ensuring the Implementation of Recovery and Destruction of Fluorocarbons concerning Specified Products Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Law; Law concerning the Recovery and Destruction of Fluorocarbons 特定製品に係るフロン類の回収及び破壊の実施の確保等に関する法律 フロン回収破壊法
69 Law for the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging Containers and Packaging Recycling Law 容器包装に係る分別収集及び再商品化の促進等に関する法律 容器包装リサイクル法
70 Law for the Punishment of Environmental Pollution Crimes relating to Human Health 人の健康に係る公害犯罪の処罰に関する法律
71 Law to Promote the Development of Specified Facilities for the Disposal of Industrial Waste 産業廃棄物の処理に係る特定施設の整備の促進に関する法律
72 management standards for preventing the accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soil 農用地における土壌中の重金属等の蓄積防止に係る管理基準
73 Manual of Measures to Prevent Asbestos from Entering the Environment during Building Dismantling 建築物の解体等に係る石綿飛散防止対策マニュアル
74 Manual of Measures to Tackle Water Pollution related to Nitrate Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen 硝酸性窒素及び亜硝酸性窒素に係る水質汚染対策マニュアル
75 Manual on Bioassays for Dioxins ダイオキシン類に係る生物検定法マニュアル
76 measures and policies related to the material cycle, including waste and recycling measures 廃棄物・リサイクル対策などの物質循環に係る施策
77 medical data examination for acknowledgment of designated diseases under the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief 石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律に基づく指定疾病の認定に係る医学的判定
78 ministerial ordinance partially amending the enforcement regulation for the Law for the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging 容器包装に係る分別収集及び再商品化の促進等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令
79 ministerial ordinance partially amending the Ministerial Ordinance on Standards for Verification concerning Industrial Wastes containing Metals, etc. 金属等を含む産業廃棄物に係る判定基準を定める省令等の一部を改正する省令
80 Notification providing for the Registration Withholding Standards of Agricultural Chemicals concerning Prevention of Damage to Aquatic Animals and Plants 水産動植物の被害防止に係る農薬登録保留基準を設定する告示
81 opinions of the Minister of the Environment on the draft environmental impact statement for the replacement of the Sendai Thermal Power Station 仙台火力発電所リプレース計画に係る環境影響評価準備書に対する環境大臣意見
82 opinions of the Minister of the Environment on the environmental impact statement concerning the Draft New Basic Plan for the Development of Mutsu-Ogawara Area 新むつ小川原開発基本計画素案に係る環境影響評価書に対する環境大臣意見
83 Ordinance of the Prime Minister's Office on Standards for Verification concerning Industrial Wastes containing Metals, etc. 金属等を含む産業廃棄物に係る判定基準を定める総理府令
84 organizational matters 会議運営に係る事項
85 Plan for the Conservation of Water Quality of Lakes and Marshes at the Kamafusa Dam Reservoir 釜房ダム貯水池に係る湖沼水質保全計画
86 preferred effluent control measures for the preservation of aquatic life 水生生物の保全に係る排出規制等の在り方について
87 Provisional Guidelines for Prevention of Water Pollution by Agricultural Chemicals Used at Golf Courses ゴルフ場で使用される農薬による水質汚濁の防止に係る暫定指導指針
88 Provisional Guidelines for Surveys and Measures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Caused by Organic Chlorine Compounds, etc. 有機塩素系化合物等に係る土壌・地下水汚染調査・対策暫定指針
89 public consultations regarding procedures to submit objections concerning Japan Bank for International Cooperation Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations 新環境ガイドラインに基づく異議申立て手続きに係るパブリック・コンサルテーション
90 public reporting on the state of re-employment of former Ministry officials 再就職状況の公表(退職した職員に係る)
91 Reference Materials concerning the Basic Policies of Total Reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus 化学的酸素要求量、窒素含有量及びりん含有量に係る総量削減基本方針に関する参考資料
92 Registration Withholding Standards of Agricultural Chemicals concerning Prevention of Water Pollution 水質汚濁に係る農薬登録保留基準
93 regulation on dust from waste incinerator 廃棄物焼却炉に係るばいじん規制
94 Regulatory Review Committee of Chemical Substances Related to the Protection of the Ecosystem 生態系保全等に係る化学物質審査規制検討会
95 Report on BAT levels concerning by-product HCB in TCPA and Solvent Red 135 TCPA及びソルベントレッド135中の副生HCBに係るBATレベルに関する報告書
96 Report on BAT levels concerning by-product hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in TCPA Derivatives other than Solvent Red 135 and phthalocyanine derivatives TCPA由来その他顔料及びフタロシアニン系顔料中の副生HCBに係るBATレベルに関する報告書
97 Report on BAT Levels for Reduction of Unintentional Contaminant HCB in TCPA and Solvent Red 135 TCPA及びソルベントレッド135中の副生HCBに係るBAT削減レベルに関する報告書
98 Report on the Collection of Contributions from Business Operators as Appropriations for the Payment of Relief Benefit 石綿による健康被害の救済に係る事業主負担に関する考え方について
99 Result of the Medical Data Examination for Acknowledgment of Designated Diseases under the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief 石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律に基づく指定疾病の認定に係る医学的判定の結果
100 results of the review relating to the state of compliance with the Air Pollution Control Law by the paper industry 製紙業に対する大気汚染防止法遵守状況に係る点検結果
101 social capital development programs that utilize private finance initiatives (PFI) to develop municipal solid waste treatment facilities 一般廃棄物処理施設に係る民間資金活用型社会資本整備事業
102 special environmental conservation-related research 環境保全に係る特別研究
103 Specific Effluent Standard Which Affects Trihalomethane Generation Ability トリハロメタン生成能に係る特定排水基準
104 strategic approach related to freshwater management 淡水管理に係る戦略的アプローチ
105 Subcommittee for Reviewing Measures to Arrest Global Warming 地球温暖化防止対策の検討に係る小委員会
106 technical guideline in the handling 取扱に係る技術上の指針
107 Technology and Economic Assessment Panel of the Montreal Protocol TEAP モントリオール議定書に係る技術・経済評価パネル
108 terms of reference related to work with pandemic influenza preparedness biological materials パンデミックインフルエンザ事前対策用生物材料に係る作業に関する取り決め事項
109 testing station for continuously monitoring the atmospheric environment 大気環境の常時監視に係る試験局
110 The Formulation and Improvement or Elimination of Ministerial Ordinances and Notifications concerning the Manufacturing Control and Quality Control (GMP/QMS) of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices associated with the Implementation of the Law to Partially Revise Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and Bleeding and Blood Donor Supply Services Control Law 薬事法及び採血及び供血あっせん業取締法の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う医薬品、医療機器等の製造管理及び品質管理(GMP/QMS)に係る省令及び告示の制定及び改廃について
111 Virus checking, etc. in Applications for Partial Changes in Approved Items for Quality and Safety Assurance of Drugs or Medical Devices Manufactured Using Human or Animal-derived Components as Raw Materials (Evaluation and Licensing Div., PMSB, Notification No. 1552 dated November 26, 2001) ヒト又は動物由来成分を原料として製造される医薬品、医療用具等の品質及び安全性確保のための一部変更承認申請に係るウイルス確認等の取扱いについて(医薬審発第1552号)
112 Water and Greenery Network for the conservation of ecosystems Ecosystem Conservation Network 生態系の保全に係る水と緑のネットワーク 生態系保全ネットワーク