 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 weigh 計量する
2 allowable weight limit 制限重量
3 allowed weight of each sample 各試料について採集が許される重量
4 area weighting 面積に応じた重み付け
5 area-weighted level difference 面積で重み付けされたレベルの差
6 artificial lightweight 人工軽量骨材
7 average molecular weight 平均分子量
8 A-weighted A特性 〜
9 A-weighting A特性 〜
10 basis weight sensor 坪量計
11 body weight 体重
12 common index but differentiated weighting 共通の指標、異なるウェイトづけ
13 constant weight 恒量
14 control by immutable weight of wastewater 水質の総量規制
15 counter weight 釣合重り
16 counterweight fill 押さえ盛土
17 C-weighted C特性 〜
18 dead weight 自重
19 dead weight 静重量
20 double weighted majority 二重加重多数決方式
21 dry weight 乾重量
22 dry weight DW 乾燥重量
23 dry weight biomass 乾燥重量バイオマス
24 ear weight 穂重
25 equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level LAeq 等価騒音レベル
26 equivalent inertia weight EIW 等価慣性重量
27 frequency weighting 周波数重み特性
28 freshweight biomass 新鮮重量バイオマス
29 gross vehicle weight 車両総重量
30 husking ratio; weight rate of gross brown rice to dried paddy rice すり落し歩合
31 incidence of low molecular weight protein in the urine 低分子量蛋白陽性率
32 light weight aggregate 軽量骨材
33 light weight concrete 軽量コンクリート
34 live weight 生体重
35 low molecular weight 低分子量
36 low molecular weight albuminuria 低分子量蛋白尿
37 molecular weight 分子量
38 motor vehicle weight tax 自動車重量税
39 payment per unit weight system 従量制
40 per kg body weight 体重1kg当たりに換算
41 preparation rate; weight rate of whole wheat (barley) to dried wheat panicles 調製歩合
42 rate of unprocessed dried paddy rice in weight to unprocessed fresh paddy rice 乾燥歩合(イネの場合)
43 terminal body weight 最終体重
44 time weighting 時間重み特性
45 time-weighted average 時間加重平均
46 total weight (number) of potatoes per unit area 総いも重(個数)
47 unit volume weight 単位体積重量
48 vehicle weight 車両重量
49 weighing capacity 秤量〔秤の〕
50 weighing of vibration sensation 振動感覚補正
51 weight 重量
52 weight 重り
53 weight (number) of damaged potatoes per unit area 被害いも重(個数)
54 weight (number) of fully grown potatoes per unit area 上いも重(個数)
55 weight (number) of poorly grown potatoes per unit area くずいも重(個数)
56 weight (number) rate of fully grown potatoes to total potatoes 上いも重(個数)歩合
57 weight loss 体重減少
58 weight of 100 perfectly ripened grains of pulses 上粒百粒重
59 weight of brown rice per unit area 玄米重
60 weight of dried panicles per unit area 乾燥穂重
61 weight of evidence WOE 証拠の重み付け
62 weight of fresh panicles per unit area 生穂重
63 weight of fully (perfectly) ripened wheat (barley) per unit area 上麦重
64 weight of gross brown rice per unit area 粗玄米重
65 weight of imperfectly ripened wheat (barley) per unit area くず麦重
66 weight of poorly ripened rice per unit area くず米重
67 weight of prepared dried wheat (barley) panicles per unit area 乾燥全麦重
68 weight of produced cocoon 収繭量
69 weight of the criterion 判断基準の重み
70 weight of unit volume 単位体積重量
71 weight of unprocessed dried paddy rice per unit area 未調製乾燥もみ重
72 weight of unprocessed fresh paddy rice per unit area 未調製生もみ重
73 weight per unit volume 単位容積重量
74 weight rate of brown rice to gross brown rice 玄米重歩合
75 weight rate of dressed carcass to livestock 枝肉歩留り
76 weight rate of dried wheat (barley) panicles to fresh wheat (barley) panicles 乾燥歩合(麦の場合)
77 weight rate of every grade rice grains screened through a sieve to total rice grains 段別粒重歩合
78 weight rate of fully ripened wheat (barley) to total dried whole wheat (barley) 上麦重歩合
79 weight rate of perfectly ripened grains (pods) to total grains (pods) 上粒(上さや)重歩合
80 weight rate of poorly ripened rice to gross brown rice くず米重歩合
81 weight yield of brown rice to 1,000 paddy grains 千もみ当たり収量
82 weighted average 加重平均
83 weighted equivalent to commonly perceived noise levels WECPNL 加重等価平均感覚騒音レベル
84 weighted harmonic average 加重調和平均
85 weighted Kappa statistics 重み付きカッパ統計量
86 weighted sound power level 重み付け音響パワーレベル
87 weighting 計量
88 weighting character of auditory sensation 聴感補正特性
89 weighting factor 重み係数
90 wet weight 湿重量
91 1,000 grain weight of fully ripened wheat (barley) 上麦千粒重
92 1,000 grain weight of gross brown rice 粗玄米千粒重
93 1,000 grain weight of imperfectly ripened wheat (barley) くず麦千粒量
94 40 mg/kg body weight 40 mg/kg