 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 that 当該
2 activities that are or may be conducted within the Area 本地区内で実施する活動、または実施することのできる活動
3 activities that are subject to an EIA EIAの対象となる活動
4 affluence that is healthy and beautiful 健やかで美しい豊かさ
5 agriculture that is not currently viable 現在立ちゆかない農業
6 allocations should be at a minimum ensure flows through ecosystems at levels that maintain their integrity 用水供給に際しては、生態系の統合性を維持できる河川水位は最低でも確保すべきである
7 Announcement that Prescribes Details of Safety Regulations for Road Vehicles 道路運送車両の保安基準の細目を定める告示
8 area that has special environmental significance for native wildlife 在来野生生物にとって環境上特に重要な地域
9 area that is lower than sea level 海抜ゼロメートル地域
10 association or foundation that (which) is not a juridical person 法人でない社団又は財団
11 be necessary that … in order to するため…する必要がある
12 businesses who provides goods and services and educational institutions that develop human resources 商品・サービス・人をつくる事業者・教育機関
13 circumstances that afford special credibility 特に信用すべき情況
14 clear management policies that reflect its management principles, industry, business, scope and business environment 業種、業態、規模、経営環境に応じた明確な経営方針
15 consider that … (〜を)考慮する
16 country that plays host to the Kyoto Conference on Climate Change 京都会議の議長国
17 decisions that are subject to appeal 異議申立の対象となる決定
18 dose that makes the poison 薬は毒なり
19 duty to ensure that information on catches is available 漁獲物に関する情報を確実に提出する義務
20 ecosystems that are threatened or in need of protection 脅威にさらされている生態系又は保護の必要がある生態系
21 Emergency Survey to Select Species of Animals and Plants that Need Protection 緊急に保護を要する動植物の種の選定調査
22 express one's conviction that ... (〜を)確信したことを表明する
23 facilities that manufacture component parts 構成部品を製造する施設
24 government agencies and civil groups that bring together members of the community コミュニティをつくる行政、民間団体
25 guideline for resourcing products that use biological and genetic materials from wild sources and indigenous communities 野生及び原住民社会に由来する生物素材及び遺伝素材を用いた製品の調達に関するガイドライン
26 Guiding Principles for the Prevention, Introduction and Mitigation of Impacts of Alien Species that Threaten Ecosystems, Habitats or Species 生態系、生息地及び種を脅かす外来種の影響の予防、導入、影響緩和のための指針原則 外来種対策指針原則
27 harvesting and other removal of animals that occur naturally in the wild 野生で自然に生息する動物の採取その他除去
28 Improving Rivers that Fish Can Easily Ascend Program 魚がのぼりやすい川づくり  
29 in at least one newspaper that is widely read locally 地域で広く読まれている新聞一紙以上に
30 industry that consumes large amount of energy エネルギー多消費業種
31 influenza virus that cannot be readily identified 容易に同定することのできないインフルエンザウイルス
32 it is suggested that 〜ことが推奨される
33 it is suggested that ... 〜という意見が出された
34 it should be emphasized that 強調しておかなければならないことは
35 listing of species that are threatened or in need of national protection 脅威にさらされている種又は国の保護の必要がある種のリストへの記載
36 management based on a theory that man is by nature evil 性悪説的管理
37 management based on a theory that man is by nature good 性善説的管理
38 manner that involves the least degree of pain and suffering 苦痛を最小限にするような方法
39 market that fully recognizes the value of the environment 環境の価値を積極的に評価する市場
40 measure that may be necessary to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Management Plan can continue to be met 管理計画の目的の達成が継続されることを確保するために必要な措置
41 measuring point that are closed over winter 冬季閉鎖地点
42 Model Project for Creating Rivers That Fish Can Easily Ascend 魚がのぼりやすい川づくり推進モデル事業
43 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Montreal Protocol オゾン層を破壊する物質に関するモントリオール議定書 モントリオール議定書
44 organism that does not belong to a species or population that occurs naturally in an area 地域に自然に生息又は生育する種又は個体群に属さない生物
45 person that loses gear or cuts it adrift 漁具を紛失した者又は切って流した者
46 plant height compared to that of normal year or former year 草丈の長短
47 principle that waste-discharging enterprise shall bear a responsibility for waste disposal 排出事業者処理責任の原則
48 Procedural guide ? Initial responses to applications that are non-compliant or complex 手続の手引−非準拠又は複雑な申請に対する初期対応
49 prohibition against activities that may undermine management measures 管理措置を損なうおそれのある活動の禁止
50 prohibition on harvesting in areas that are affected by pollution 汚染の影響を受ける海域での採取の禁止
51 project that provide practical experience 実践型プロジェクト
52 propulsion plant for ships that has a low environmental load SMGT 環境低負荷型舶用推進プラント スーパーマリンガスタービン
53 Protecting Biodiversity so that Nature's Blessings can be Enjoyed and Passed on 生物多様性の保全による自然の恵みの享受と継承
54 quantitative measure of activity that results in a GHG emission or removal GHGの排出量又は吸収量をもたらす活動の定量的な測定値
55 quantity of the resources that has been agreed can be removed from the area その地域から採取(除去)できることで合意した資源量
56 regulations on reporting of the salvage of gear that has drifted away, been lost or been abandoned 流され、紛失し又は放棄された漁具の回収の報告に関する規則
57 right to the stretch of water required by the gear or that will be encircled by it 漁具が必要とする水域又はそれに囲まれる水域に対する権利
58 social capital development programs that utilize private finance initiatives (PFI) to develop municipal solid waste treatment facilities 一般廃棄物処理施設に係る民間資金活用型社会資本整備事業
59 society free of practices that cause global warming、low carbon society 脱温暖化社会
60 society that can help arrest global warming 脱温暖化の社会
61 society that is in harmony with nature 自然と共生する社会
62 socio-economic system that causes no global warming 脱温暖化型の社会経済システム
63 species that are known only to servive in captivity or in cultivation 飼育・栽培下でのみ存続している種
64 stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system 気候系に対して危険な人為的干渉を及ぼすこととならない水準において大気中の温室効果ガスの濃度を安定化させること
65 standard as to whether to withhold registration of those agricultural chemicals that are toxic to aquatic plants and animals 水産動植物に対する毒性にかかる農薬登録保留基準
66 the condition that … lacks the capacity to appreciate … liability 責任を弁識する能力を欠く状態
67 to "build a city that can coexist with the stork" コウノトリと共生するまちづくり
68 to introduce energy sources that produce little or no carbon dioxide emissions 二酸化炭素排出の少ない又は排出のないエネルギー源の導入をする
69 tooth that seemingly has no hope of survival 保存できないようにみえる歯
70 tourism that contains educational and descriptive elements 教育的・解説的要素を含んだ観光
71 vehicle that comply with the emission control standards 排出ガス規制適合車
72 vehicles that conform to 1998 motor vehicle exhaust gas controls 平成10年自動車排出ガス規制適合車
73 venous industry (business sector that deals with waste produced through human activities) 静脈産業
74 Wa-no-kuni - an eco-society that is in harmony with the earth 地球と共生する『環の国』
75 water that originates from any form of atmospheric precipitation 大気中から降下した水
76 wetland types that are under-represented これまであまり登録されていない湿地タイプ